A Legal Education Worthy of You
Graduate with less debt and the financial freedom to launch your unlimited future.
Law School is one of the most important investments you’ll ever make. And the University of Cincinnati College of Law offers one of the most valuable ROI’s in higher ed. How? Through an unparalleled commitment to experience-based learning and career preparation. It’s part of our DNA. That's why we guarantee every student meaningful field placements that will help you think like a lawyer and practice like a professional.
We find value in the numbers that matter most to you. Whether that’s in our low 8:1 student-to-faculty ratio, the 42 wrongfully convicted citizens exonerated by our Ohio Innocence Project, the more than $1 million in free legal services our Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic has provided to local start-ups, or our consistent "most affordable law school" ranking, we're making a big impact. Your next starts now.
Cincinnati Law is proud to boast one of the lowest debt-upon-graduation rates in the nation. For the Class of 2021, the average debt at graduation was $63,608. This is a stark difference from the national average for public and private law schools, which recently stood at nearly $145,500 according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Not only have our students graduated with less debt, but our tuition has also been frozen for the last seven years.
Residency | Cost |
Ohio Resident Tuition | $24,010 |
Non-Resident & LLM Tuition | $29,010 |
Kentucky Metro Rate* | $24,610 |
Indiana Reciprocity | $24,010 |
Kentucky Metro Rate*
UC offers a unique tuition discount available to Cincinnati Law students who are either from the state of Kentucky, or who choose to move to northern Kentucky (15 min. drive across the river) to live during law school. This rate is available through the University's Kentucky Metropolitan Rate (KMR) - no previous domicile in Kentucky is required.
Under the KMR, students who reside in the state of Kentucky during law school pay the Ohio in-state tuition rate plus a $600 annual surcharge. Students can qualify for this immediately for their first semester, provided they gain a Kentucky drivers license, obtain a place to live (own or rent), and submit an application at prior to the start of classes in August. LLM applicants not eligible.
The College of Law offers more than 3 million scholarship dollars each year. These range from a few thousand dollars to the full cost of tuition. 100% of Cincinnati Law students have retained their full scholarship for all three years. By offering scholarships to students, we’re able to provide a high-quality law school education to those who would otherwise not be able to afford it.
- Nine-time Best Value Law School - preLaw Magazine
- Our graduates leave with debt levels nearly $80,000 less than the national average for public and private law schools
- 100% of scholarships renewed
- Average Scholarship Award: $17,000
- Over 95% of Cincinnati Law students received scholarships
A new home for the College of Law
Reflecting mission, the College of Law’s new home will be a place “to educate and inspire.”
It's personal
With our 8:1 student to faculty ratio, you’ll learn and work with the best. Our faculty are leaders in their fields and are eager to provide a truly personal experience.
It's important
Our mission is to educate and inspire leaders to elevate justice and advance the role of law in society.
It gets results
We cultivate complete professionals, resilient problem-solvers, and ethical leaders.
Your Next Starts Now.
Cincinnati Law students graduate prepared to lead and ready for next. Empowered by carefully curated experiences in and out of the classroom, our students serve as active and effective advocates in boardrooms, courtrooms, and throughout their communities. These opportunities enhance the law school experience, sharpen their understanding of the practice of law, and push them to think like a lawyer and work like a professional – launching their unlimited future.
Let's get to work.
We could tell you that we’re the 4th-oldest law school in the country, or that 100% of our students are guaranteed practical experience while in law school. But we think you get the picture—and law school is about more than numbers. It’s about you. Your passion for justice, your dedication to using the law to make the world a better place, your desire to define what’s next. And at Cincinnati Law, Next Lives Here.