
JD Class Profile

Fall 2023 Entering Class Profile*
Entering Class Size 128
Male 42%
Female 55%
Non-Binary 3%
Age Range 20-50
Average Age 24
Minority Students 18%
LGBTQ+ 25%
In-State 46%
Total States Represented 24, Including AL, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MI, MO, MS, NC, NM, NV, OH, OK, PA, TN, TX, VA, WI, WV
Total Majors Represented 37
Top Majors Represented Political Science (22), Psychology (12), History (9), History (9), Criminal Justice (7), Philosophy (7), Biology (5), among others.
Total UG Colleges Represented 67
Top UG Colleges Represented University of Cincinnati (23), Ohio State (13), Miami (6), Xavier (5), University of Kentucky (4), University of Dayton (3)
Academic Statistics*
Source of Statistic
25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile
LSAT 154
GPA 3.53
*As of 8/1/23

About the Class

The incoming class of 2023 is highly accomplished. For the sixth year in a row, women outpace men in terms of representation; the class is comprised of 55% women, 42% men, and 3% non-binary. They range in age from 20-50, with an average age of 24. 25% percent identify as minority and 19% identify as members of the LGBTQIA community.

There are 67 undergraduate institutions represented in the 1L class, with the largest contingent coming from the University of Cincinnati. Twenty-four states are represented, including Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia, among others.

The class has a median LSAT of 158 and GPA of 3.80. 

Learn More About Cincinnati Law's JD Program

With a JD from Cincinnati Law, you'll graduate prepared and ready to launch your career as a litigator, defender, negotiator, advocate, counselor, or decision-maker. You will join an illustrious network of alumni with successful careers from business and government to management, consulting, media, politics, and education. Interested in learning more about the JD program? Request information today!