
Marx Markings

Robert S. Marx Law Library Reading Room

This Week in the Law Library ... March 10, 2025

This week in the Law Library we're teaching advanced legal research previewing Ohio Supreme Court oral arguments, spotlighting corporate law resources, and celebrating Women's History Month.

This Week's Research Sessions

Monday, March 10, 2025

Advanced Legal Research: Transactional
Instructional & Reference Services Librarian Laura Dixon-Caldwell
Room 135
9:00am – 9:55am

Advanced Legal Research: Ohio
Associate Director Susan Boland
Room 135
10:05am – 10:55am

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Advanced Legal Research: Fiction and Fact
Research Instructional Services Librarian Shannon Kemen
Room 107
10:05am – 11:00am

Featured Study Aids

CALI Corporate Law Lessons

This Subject Area Index lists all CALI lessons covering Corporations. If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian.

Corporations Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this hornbook clarifies corporation’s law, while paying attention to correcting common misconceptions held among students about the subject. This text includes thoughtful expositions on corporate rights, purpose and social responsibility and extended historical and comparative law discussions. There are also expanded and restructured discussions of policy and doctrine in areas ranging from mergers and acquisitions and securities regulation to corporate governance and the duties of directors and controlling shareholders. These enable the reader to both view corporate law in its broad policy framework at one end, while understanding the nuances of Delaware and U.S. Supreme Court decisions at the other.

Examples & Explanations: Corporations

Available via the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study guide provides thematic coverage of the law of business organizations, beginning with agency and partnership law and focusing on corporations. New to the Ninth Edition: Updates based on recent corporate statute revisions, including to the Delaware General Corporation Law and the Model Business Corporation Act (revised, 2016). New expanded materials on law of agency, with new examples and explanations focused on sole-proprietorship and agency law concepts tested on bar exams. New expanded materials on partnership law, with summaries of cases used in leading casebooks and new examples and explanations on partnership law concepts tested on bar exams. Expanded materials on comparisons of LLCs and corporations, including on the growth of LLCs, inspection rights, fiduciary duties, and oppression. New materials on "purpose of the corporation," including the recent Business Roundtable statement on corporate purpose and hybrid-purpose benefit corporations. New illustrations of flow-through tax treatment, based on recent changes to the Internal Revenue Code and tax rates for individuals and corporations. New descriptions of dual-class voting structures, with illustrations of companies such as Google/Alphabet that have adopted such structures. Updated description of shareholder activism and recent developments in use of shareholder proposal rule, including emergence of ESG investing and Blackrock's letters to CEOs. Updates on regulation of securities offerings, including new exemptions for financial crowdfunding and mini-registrations under Regulation A+. Revised text on new cases claiming lapses in board oversight, including Delaware Supreme Court's decision in Marchand v. Barnhill. Revised materials on Supreme Court decisions (including Lorenzo and In re Trulia) affecting the procedure and elements applicable to securities fraud class actions. Revised text and examples on tipping liability in insider-trading cases, after Supreme Court's decision in US v. Salman   New materials on recent Delaware M&A cases, including Kahn v. M&F Worldwide Corp. and Corwin v. KKR Financial Holdings, LLC.

Understanding Corporate Law

Available via the LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this text highlights significant business, economic, and policy issues are highlighted in connection with a thorough analysis of the important cases and statutory provisions used in the study of corporations. It includes the major theoretical approaches used in current corporate law literature. In each chapter, the authors identify important policies and discuss the relationship of the law as it has developed to those policies. Statutory issues are addressed under both the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware and the Revised Model Business Corporation Act. In addition, significant sections from the Principles of Corporate Governance of the American Law Institute are covered. The corporate scandals of 2001 and 2002, the enactment of the federal Sarbanes-Oxley (2002), Dodd-Frank (2010), JOBs (2012) Acts, and the financial crisis of 2008 are also covered. The rise of institutional shareholder ownership and its effect on legal developments is highlighted.

Featured Guide

Exam Study Guide: Business Associations and Corporations

This guide covers study aids for business associations and corporations law.  

Featured Database

Bloomberg Law Corporate Practice Center

Bloomberg Law's Corporate Practice Center is a comprehensive resource for corporate law practitioners. The Corporate Practice Center includes access to the following: news; case law; relevant state and federal statutes and administrative law materials; treatises, analysis, and practitioner tools, including Chart Builders and BNA Portfolios.

Featured Podcast

Corporate Law Lab

This podcast is hosted by Neil Taylor, the Director of the Corporate Law Center, who brings decades of international corporate law expertise. Having connected with corporate lawyers from various countries, Neil shares their stories and experiences on this podcast. Tune in to hear from professionals around the globe and gain insights into what it’s like to be a lawyer in the corporate world.

Featured Treatise

Cox and Hazen's Treatise on the Law of Corporations

Cox and Hazen's Treatise on the Law of Corporations features authoritative and complete content on corporations and covers all areas of corporate law, as well as the origins of various doctrines and their contemporary manifestations in current statutes and caselaw. Topics include: The Model Business Corporation Act and major non-Model Act jurisdictions; the incorporation process; directors and officers; capital structure; mergers and acquisitions; dissolutions; and more.  

Featured Website

United States Securities and Exchange Commission

The federal securities laws empower the Securities and Exchange Commission with broad authority over all aspects of the securities industry. The SEC’s mission is to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation. Among the resources you can find on the SEC website is EDGAR (the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system), an online database where you can access information filed with the agency, such as company reports.  

2025 Robert S. Marx Law Library Corporate Law Display featuring texts on business organizations and corporate law.

March Is Women’s History Month

Three women holding picket signs that say Can Until You Can't

This month is Women’s History Month and the Law Library will be celebrating all month with our display, candy, and blog postings. Women’s History Month had its origins as a national celebration in 1981 when Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982 as “Women’s History Week.” Throughout the next five years, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions designating a week in March as “Women’s History Week.” In 1987 after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project, Congress passed Pub. L. 100-9 which designated the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month.” Between 1988 and 1994, Congress passed additional resolutions requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year as Women’s History Month. Since 1995, Presidents have issued a series of annual proclamations designating the month of March as “Women’s History Month.”

2025 Women's History Month Proclamation

The 2025 Women's History Month theme is “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations.” According to the National Women’s History Alliance, "the 2025 theme celebrates the powerful influence of women who have dedicated their lives to education, mentorship, and leadership."

UC Events Celebrating Women’s History Month  

As of March 3, 2025, UC has unpublished and scrubbed its website of most pages mentioning women's history month. You can view previous versions of UC websites celebrating Women's History Month through the Wayback Machine.

UCBA Women's History Month Display

Throughout the year, the UC Blue Ash Library exhibits a variety of library displays focused on different themes and events using books and media available in the UCBA Library. This year's Women's History Month selections highlight the 2025 theme for Women's History Month - "Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations." Looking for something not listed? Talk to a librarian to get help finding the books you need.

UC Clermont's Frederick A. Marcotte Library Women's History Month Digital Display

UC Clermont Library curates monthly physical library material displays that pertain to timely issues. For these physical displays we lay out books, DVDs, and periodicals relating to a particular topic. We have created this digital display so that you can explore what is on our physical display shelves as well as request materials from each display.

Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2025

Feminist Discussion
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Steger Women's Center Lounge (on the 8th floor)
Join the UC Women's Center and UC Feminists for discussions on March 11th.

Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2025

Feminist Hangout
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Steger Women's Center Lounge (on the 8th floor)
Join the UC Women's Center to connect over coffee, donuts, and meaningful conversations. This event is an opportunity to discuss current issues, share perspectives, and build community with fellow feminists. 

5 More Resources to Help You Celebrate Women's History Month

Documentaries – Women & Society

Available through the UC Libraries’ Kanopy subscription, view films on women and society.

Films on Demand, Women’s History Month

Available through the UC Libraries’ Films on Demand subscription, view a curated list of films on women and history.

Library of Congress, Women’s History

Videos from the Library of Congress on the subject of women’s history.

National Archives, Select Films on Women’s Rights

Records in the National Archives document the great contributions that women have made to our nation. Learn about the history of women in the United States by exploring their stories through film.

What to Watch: Women’s History Month 2025, PBS (Mar. 6, 2025)

Celebrate Women’s History Month this year by exploring pivotal points in American history and learning more about women who fought for progress. Watch films on a range of topics.

Ohio Supreme Court Oral Arguments

You can view the live stream of oral arguments on the Court’s website or see them after the arguments take place in the Ohio Channel archives.

Ohio Supreme Court Chamber

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Hoskins v. City of Cleveland - whether the use of a low deck lifeguard chair and non-use of an available elevated chair constitutes a physical defect within or on the grounds of buildings used in connection with governmental functions to establish an exception to political subdivision immunity under Ohio Rev. Code sec. 2744.02(B)(4). Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Doe v. City of Columbus - (1) whether the government may, under Ohio Rev. Code sec. 2505.02(B)(4), immediately appeal orders preliminarily enjoining its laws; (2) whether an order enjoining enforcement of a statute or ordinance causes irreparable harm to the sovereign interests of the government, and is immediately appealable under Ohio Rev. Code sec. 2505.02(B)(4). Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

State v. Clinkscale - whether jail-time credit reduces the required waiting period “after the expiration of all mandatory prison terms” under Ohio Rev. Code sec. 2929.20(C)(1)(a) — (d) when determining judicial release eligibility. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Disciplinary Couns. v. Norton - whether the length of suspension proposed by the Board of Professional Conduct for an attorney who brought methamphetamine into the county jail is unduly harsh compared to other lawyers sanctioned for substance abuse issues. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Camara v. Gill Dairy L.L.C. (2024-0064 & 2023-159) - whether requiring an injured employee to establish both the deliberate removal of an equipment safety guard and the employer’s intent to never replace the guard in order to trigger the presumption of intent to injure under Ohio Rev. Code sec. 2745.01(C) imposes an additional requirement not contemplated by the statute and limits an employee’s right of recovery. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

State v. Thompson - whether the maximum period of community control under Ohio’s community control statutory scheme is five years. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Ashmus v. Coughlin - (1) whether a recorded sewer easement and any sewer line located within it constitutes a defect that must be disclosed by a seller of residential real property; and (2) whether sellers of residential real property are only obligated to disclose non-observable physical conditions that could inhibit a person’s use of the property based on its current use.

Sauter v. Integrity Cycles L.L.C. - whether calculation of the one-year period under the Ohio Savings Statute, Ohio Rev. Code sec. 2305.19 should be calculated from the day following the day the event occurred or end at the close of the first anniversary of the day the event occurred. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Thursday, March 13, 2025

In the Matter of the Application of Kingwood Solar 1 L.L.C. -  (1) whether the Ohio Power Siting Board improperly changed the definition of “public interest, convenience, and necessity” in Ohio Rev. Code sec. 4906.10(A)(6) to deny the construction of a large-scale solar energy facility in Greene County; and (2) whether the Ohio Power Siting Board improperly prioritized local government opinion in making its determination that construction of the large-scale solar energy facility was not in the public interest, necessity, and convenience. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Lewis v. MedCentral Health Sys. - (1) whether Ohio Rev. Code sec. 2323.451 eliminates the requirement for John Doe service found in Ohio R. Civ. P. 15(D); and (2) whether Ohio Rev. Code sec. 2323.451 only allows addition of a newly discovered claim or defendant within 180 days after the end of the statute of limitations and does not allow the addition of claims or defendants who were known to plaintiff prior to the expirations of the statute of limitations. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Voss v. Quicken Loans L.L.C. - (1) whether a class can be certified where the General Assembly has specifically barred classwide recovery of the only relief sought by the class, even when that statute was not yet in effect at the time of certification; and (2) whether a statute can abrogate the need to prove standing merely by specifying an amount of statutory damages, and the need for individualized proof means common issues do not predominate across the statewide class. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Huntington Nat'l Bank v. Schneider - (1) whether the standard language in a “Guaranty of Payment of Debt” agreement created a guaranty relationship, not a suretyship; and (2) whether a lender has a duty to disclose information under the “doctrine of increased risk” and whether the duty would exist when the lender lacks actual knowledge of the surety’s ignorance or when the surety has the same or greater access to the information at issue. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Posted Mar. 10, 2025 by Susan Boland

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