
Library Faculty & Staff


Department Contact Telephone Number
Hours of Operation & Other General Information Circulation Desk 513-556-0163
Acquisitions   Lisa Wernke 513-556-0156
Archives & Preservation Rhonda Wiseman 513-556- 0165
Circulation Lisa Wernke 513-556-3016
Collections & Resources Lisa Wernke 513-556- 0156
InterLibrary Loan Lisa Wernke 513-556- 0156
Library Services for Patrons with Disabilities Ron Jones 513- 556-0158
Instruction & Research Services Susan Boland 513-556- 4407
Reserves Lisa Wernke 513-556- 0156

Library Faculty & Staff Directory

Law Library, Information Technology, & Facilities

Headshot of Michael Whiteman

Michael Whiteman

Associate Dean of Library Services, | Director, Robert S Marx Law Library, College of Law



Headshot of Susan Boland

Susan Boland

Senior Librarian, Associate Director, College of Law Library, College of Law



Susan Boland is the Associate Director for the University of Cincinnati Robert. S. Marx Law Library. She teaches legal research and offers reference and research support services to all law library users.

Headshot of Laura Dixon-Caldwell

Laura Dixon-Caldwell

Instructional & Reference Services Librarian, College of Law Library



Laura Dixon-Caldwell serves as Instructional & Reference Services Librarian at the University of Cincinnati Robert S. Marx Law Library. She provides reference and research assistance to all library patrons and also teaches legal research.

Headshot of Justin Ellis

Justin Ellis

Circulation Manager, College of Law Library



Justin Ellis manages circulation operations at the College of Law Library. Justin has a B.A. in Global Studies from the University of Washington and has worked for the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County and the Seattle Public Library.

Headshot of Ron Jones

Ron Jones

Electronic Resources Instructional Services Librarian, College of Law Library



Ron Jones teaches legal research to first year law students as well as Advanced Legal Research. In addition, he offers reference and research support services to all law library users.

Headshot of Shannon Kemen

Shannon Kemen

Associate Senior Librarian, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services, College of Law Library, College of Law Library



Shannon Kemen teaches legal research to first year law students and LLM students as well as Technology in Law Practice. In addition, she offers reference and research support services to all law library users.

Headshot of Ashley Russell

Ashley Russell

Instructional & Reference Services Law Librarian, College of Law Library



Ashley Russell serves as Instructional & Reference Services Librarian at the University of Cincinnati Robert S. Marx Law Library. She provides reference and research assistance to all library patrons and also teaches legal research.

Headshot of Lisa Wernke

Lisa Wernke

Associate Senior Librarian, Collections and Access, College of Law Library, College of Law Library



Lisa Wernke is responsible for ordering and maintaining the law library’s collections. She also manages the interlibrary loan, document delivery, and circulation operations for the law library.

Headshot of Rhonda Wiseman

Rhonda Wiseman

Library Associate, College of Law Library



Rhonda Wiseman provides support to technical services and circulation operations within the law library in addition to managing the College of Law archival collection.

Library Emeritus Faculty

Headshot of Kenneth J. Hirsh

Kenneth J. Hirsh

Senior Librarian Emeritus, College of Law Library

Headshot of Akram Sadeghi Pari

Akram Sadeghi Pari

Associate Senior Librarian Emeritus, College of Law Library