
Admitted LLM Students

The University of Cincinnati College of Law welcomes students and international attorneys from all countries to join our LLM Master of Laws in the US Legal System program. The 4th oldest continuously run in the US.  To date, we have welcomed students from 28 countries.  This year's class includes students from Italy, Nepal, Japan, Colombia, India, France, Kenya, Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Russia, Greece and Brazil.  

At Cincinnati Law we are committed to a vision in which “[w]e strive to create a learning environment that inspires the pursuit of justice, cultivates diverse and innovative ideas about law in society, fosters collaborative relationships, and imparts the knowledge, values, and competencies needed to excel in a changing world.” Now more than ever we are obliged to educate students to enter a world where people are interconnected — beyond borders, across oceans, and with little regard for language barriers.

Experience and exposure to people and places outside of our own neighborhood is critical.  This is why our LLM program is so valuable and important.  We are cultivating citizens of the world!  Welcome to Cincinnati Law.  We are #CitizensoftheWorld and #YouAreWelcomeHere!


Seat Deposit & Confirming your Enrollment at UC

To confirm your enrollment and submit your seat deposit, visit your Online Applicant Portal and locate the link to do so via credit card. You should have received an email shortly after applying with log-in instructions titled "Your Cincinnati Law Online Status Portal." Confirming your enrollment will create your official UC email address and start the process of creating your I-20 and other crucial items, so please do this right away. Please contact us at with questions.

Admitted Student Events

No admitted student events scheduled at this time.



Task List

A list of summer to-do items for the College of Law is located in your Admitted Students Portal in Slate. Details for logging in should be sent to you via email. Once you have confirmed your enrollment, you will be directed to log into Catalyst, the University-wide platform where you will find University-related to-do items. You will also receive an email with instructions for logging into iBearcats Global, the international student platform where you will find immigration-related to-do items. Please be sure to complete ALL THREE task lists.

Helpful Guidance

Forms to Complete

We ask that all admitted LLM students please complete and submit the student photo release form and the student services form.

UC International and iBearcats Global Tasks

Getting your visa and other steps related to being an international student.are managed by the office of UC International (UCI). They (not we) are the experts and are here to guide you through the student immigration process. Please contact UCI at with questions related to visas and immigration. 

Please visit the UCI website for everything you need to know about obtaining your I-20, pre-arrival to-dos, immigration check-in, mandatory health screenings, and COVID-related international-arrival quarantine policies.

Important note: The College of Law has mandatory orientation weeks, so the most accurate arrival dates are the ones sent from the LLM office, not the ones listed on the UCI website.


You will be able to purchase a parking pass after you are formally registered for fall classes in early-July. Law students typically purchase passes for Stratford, Clifton, or CCM garages. Many students also locate free street parking near campus.

Computer Specifications for Law school:

The only operating systems supported at this time are Microsoft Windows and macOS. The versions supported are dictated by those companies and are subject to change with time. The supported versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system can be found here. The supported versions of macOS are typically the three latest major releases although Apple does not make this information public.

  • Windows*
    • Processor: 8th generation Intel i5 or AMD Ryzen 3 with 2.0Ghz clock speed and quad-core (recommended)
    • Memory (RAM): 8GB (minimum), 16GB (recommended)
    • Hard Drive: 256GB (minimum), 512GB (recommended)
  • Mac
    • Processor: 8th generation Intel i5 with 2.0Ghz clock speed and quad-core (recommended)**
    • Memory (RAM): 8GB (minimum), 16GB (recommended)
    • Hard Drive: 256GB (minimum), 512GB (recommended)
    • We recommend MacBook Pro over MacBook Air

Unsupported Devices

While recent Windows Surface Pro tablets are supported, tablets running iOS (iPads), Android, or Windows RT are not supported for exams and are not appropriate laptop computers. Additionally, computers running Windows 10 S, Chrome OS, and Linux are not supported and will not work with the exam software. If you have any further questions regarding recommendations and support, please contact the UC Law IT department here.