
Patent and Trademark Clinic

What is The Patent and Trademark Clinic?

The Patent and Trademark Clinic provides legal help on intellectual property (IP) matters to local business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, and inventors who otherwise couldn't afford such services. As a UC Law student, you can work in the clinic in your second and third year. Under the supervision of experienced intellectual property attorneys, you'll work to address important IP needs for clients. Such needs may include:

  • Analysis and opinions on patentability and trademark registrability
  • Preparation of patent applications (provisional and non-provisional) and federal trademark and copyright registrations
  • Assistance in responding to USPTO office actions
  • Analysis and opinions on possible infringement 
  • Preparation, review, and negotiation of IP licenses

Business in Need?

The Patent and Trademark Clinic's services are free; however, clients are responsible for any third party expenses, such as filing and search fees. To apply, prospective clients can fill out an application. You can also call 513-556-0117 with any questions or email