
The Complete Professional

Today’s law student must learn to think like a lawyer and work like a professional - The Complete Professional helps you connect the two.  

The Complete Professional is unique to Cincinnati Law and embodies the competencies or characteristics that are expected of graduates in the workplace. It is a framework that follows students throughout their three years and guides their interactions.  Each of the five characteristics are required to excel in the workplace and contribute to a student’s professional identity.  By engaging in these behaviors students increase their success both now and later.

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The Complete Professional

Engagement is the level to which an individual devotes his or her energy and skills toward both personal and shared objectives. It is more than mere attendance or accomplishments;engagement exceeds the passive absorption of knowledge and requires deliberate process and reflection. Fundamentally, engagement is a personal choice derived from commitment, occurring when one takes ownership of his or her work and decisions.

Engaged Students...

  • Prepare consistently and thoroughly for classes and meetings, ask thoughtful questions, and plan ahead using weekly calendars and daily schedules.
  • Seek opportunities to connect with mentors and colleagues through professional and peer organizations and build professional experiences each year of law school to create a compelling story for potential employers.
  • Proactively check relevant resources, including Symplicity, TWEN, and University email.
  • Arrive early, meet deadlines, and willingly contribute their skills and abilities toward the betterment of the enterprise.
  • Honor both mandatory and voluntary time commitments with sincerity, enthusiasm, and professional conduct.

Respect is acting in a way that demonstrates an awareness of others’ rights, beliefs, diversity,and human dignity. Demonstrating respect is a critical part of cultivating and maintaining personal and professional relationships. The College of Law community is committed to modeling the civility required and expected in a professional atmosphere.

Respectful Students...

  • Conduct themselves professionally and in a manner that will generate a level of esteem for the law and the profession.
  • Actively listen. They consider what others have to say before expressing their viewpoint.
  • Treat members of the College of Law community as they would colleagues and supervisors - with courtesy, politeness, and kindness.
  • Recognize that a series of small actions over time may erode respect.

To be responsive is to communicate in a timely and effective manner. In particular, all correspondence should be clear in meaning, appropriate for the audience, and communicated professionally. A responsive student is diligent and reliable in fulfilling obligations as they relate to the various modes of communication utilized at the College, including but not limited to Email, Symplicity, TWEN, and Blackboard.

Responsive Students...

  • Promptly reply to email messages in an appropriate tone. Emails should include a descriptive subject line and the sender’s contact information.
  • Use the communication mode most appropriate given the circumstances, noting when a phone call or in-person meeting is more suitable.
  • Utilize University of Cincinnati email to communicate with faculty and administration.

Resilience is the capacity to endure stress and overcome obstacles. A resilient student has the ability to adapt, balance risk, and persist through adversity. Resilience is found in a variety of behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed throughout law school and one’s career.

Resilient Students...

  • Build a community with peers, faculty, and administration.
  • Manage strong feelings and impulses, particularly following disappointment or personal failure.
  • Develop and refine problem-solving and communication skills.
  • Seek help and resources when appropriate.
  • Take care of their physical and mental health. This includes managing stress in healthy ways and avoiding harmful coping strategies such as substance abuse.

Substance matters. Integrity is consistently displaying strong moral character. Students at the College of Law must act with both personal and professional integrity. The ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct state that a lawyer must be guided by more than just the Rules of Professional Conduct; attorneys must be guided by personal conscience. To be trusted to handle the affairs of others and give counsel, law students must act with honesty, fairness, and strong moral principles as they work to enhance justice for all people.

Students with Integrity

  • Learn and follow the College of Law Honor Code and the University Student Code of Conduct as well as incorporate the Rules of Professional Conduct into daily interactions.
  • Demonstrate consistency between word and deed, and remain steadfast even in the face of negative consequences.
  • Consider other points of view, ideas, and criticisms, while critically reflecting on their own actions and ideals.
  • Build their reputation by presenting themselves professionally, both in person and online.
  • Take responsibility for decisions and actions and credit others when appropriate.