

The CPD prides itself on its professional environment, and therefore, has established practices consistent with a culture of professionalism. To promote fair and ethical practices for the entire job search process, the CPD adheres to and has implemented the following policies:

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Center for Professional Development does not support recruiting activities that involve discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental handicap, or veteran status or gender identity and expression.

In conjunction with the University's non-discrimination policy and the Association of American Law Schools policy against discrimination, the CPD communicates its non-discrimination policy and obtains assurances of compliance from each employer to whom we furnish assistance for interviewing and other employer-related functions.

For the rule in its entirety, please see University Rule 3361:10-13.

Honor Code

Each law student is expected to set forth truthful information in all documents relating to the College of Law, including resumes, cover letters, transcripts, and employment applications. It is a violation of the Honor Code to knowingly alter grade reports or transcripts or to misrepresent academic performance on resumes, job applications, or bar admissions policies. Any resume or cover letter that is submitted through the CPD is subject to random checks for accurate information. 

American Bar Association

The College of Law subscribes to the American Bar Association Standard 304 (f) which provides that a student may not work in excess of twenty hours per week in any semester in which the student is enrolled in more than twelve class hours.

National Association for Law Placement

The College of Law is a member of the National Association for Law Placement (NALP). All Cincinnati Law students are expected to abide by the recruiting and timing standards and guidelines set forth by NALP. As such, every student should read and review the Guidelines and know his or her responsibilities under the Guidelines as a student seeking summer or permanent employment. NALP employer members also abide by these guidelines to promote fair and ethical practices for the interviewing and decision making process.

The complete text of NALP's Principles and Standard's for Recruiting is set forth on the NALP web site. Students should pay particular attention to Part III, Principles for Candidates, as well as Part V, General Standards for the Timing of Offers and Decisions.

Ohio Board of Commissioners on Character & Fitness

The Board of Commissioners on Character & Fitness is responsible for ensuring that each applicant for admission to the practice of law possesses the requisite character, fitness, and moral qualifications for admission. The Center for Professional Development (CPD) expects students to conduct themselves consistent with these essential eligibility requirements.

View the Definitions of Essential Eligibility Requirements for the Practice of Law in their entirety.

Interview Policy

It is the policy of the Center for Professional Development (CPD) that students will attend all interviews offered and scheduled with employers whose opportunities are publicized by our office. Submitting a resume to any opportunity publicized by the CPD indicates an understanding of this policy and a willingness to abide by it. Failure to attend scheduled interviews will jeopardize your ability to access the CPD Symplicity system or to participate in future CPD interviews and resume collections. A student wishing to decline an interview, prior to scheduling, must speak directly with a Center for Professional Development staff member immediately upon receiving notice of selection for the interview.

Two Business Days is Strongly Suggested for all Cancellations

Should you need to cancel an interview, please notify a staff member in the Center for Professional Development at least two business days prior to the interview. When canceling an interview with less than 48 hours notice, you must personally speak to a member of the office to explain the circumstances of your cancellation.

No-shows and Late Cancellations Require a Letter of Explanation

If you do not show up for an interview or cancel with less than 48 hours notice, you will be blocked from the Symplicity system and ineligible to participate in on-campus interviews or resume collections. To have your privileges reinstated, you must write a letter of explanation to the employer in business letter format explaining why you missed your scheduled interview or were forced to cancel at the last minute. You must bring the letter, along with an unsealed addressed envelope, to the CPD for a staff member to review and mail. Once an acceptable letter has been submitted to the CPD, your interviewing privileges may be reinstated. Reinstatement is at the discretion of the Director of the Center for Professional Development.

Things to Remember When Scheduling an Interview

  • You are scheduling a business appointment.
  • You are making a commitment to an employer to be present for his or her interview.
  • Missed interviews frustrate employers who often incur considerable expense to talk to you.
  • Missed interviews damage the credibility of the College of Law.
  • Missed interviews damage your future employment opportunities.

Attendance Policy

It is the policy of the Center for Professional Development (CPD) that students will attend all programs promoted by the office for which a reservation is required. Programs include presentations, job fairs, information fairs, and any other activity the CPD hosts or pays registration fees for on a student’s behalf. Your reservation creates a professional obligation that should be honored. Should a student determine he or she will not be able to attend a program that required a reservation and/or registration fee, he or she should notify a CPD staff member within 48 hours prior to the scheduled program. Registration fees must be reimbursed to the College of Law. Failure to attend will jeopardize your ability to use Symplicity, and repeated failure to honor professional appointments may be communicated to the Registrar for your file.