Marjorie Corman Aaron, Professor of Practice | Director, Center for Practice
- Podcast, Civility and Solutions: Decision Tree Analysis, The Supreme Court of Ohio, May 7, 2021
- The Haunting Specter of Fiss’ Against Settlement (2020)
- Reflections on Untethered Philosophy, Settlements, and NDAs, Alt. High Cost Litig. (2020)
- Ruminations, Confessions, and Redemption for an Un-Neutral Person Who Mediates, Alt. High Cost Litig. (2020)
- Risk & Rigor: A Lawyer's Guide to Decision Tree Analysis for Assessing Cases and Advising Clients (DRI Press 2019)
- Decision Trees: A Quick Primer to Inspire Further Exploration, Appendix, in Litigation Interest and Risk Assessment (H. Heavin et al. eds., 2019)
Lynn Bai, Professor of Law
- The Regulation of Equity Index Futures, Transactions: Tenn. J. Bus. L. (2020)
Aaron Christopher Bryant, Rufus King Professor of Constitutional Law
- Conflicts of Interest and Election Cybersecurity: How Bipartisan Congressional Oversight Can Inform the Public, Address Election System Vulnerabilities, and Increase Voter Confidence in Election Integrity, 66 Wayne L. Rev. _ (2020) (with Kimberly Breedon)
- Counting the Votes: Electronic Voting Irregularities, Election Integrity, and Public Corruption, 49 U. Mem. L. Rev. 979 (2019) (with Kimberly Breedon)
- Hoosier Bridesmaids, 52 Ind. L. Rev. 1 (2019) (with Margo Lambert; lead article for symposium)
Nate Ela, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Law
- The Promise of Property: Legal Optimism and Collective Efficacy in Chicago’s Urban Agriculture District, Soc. Probs. (2020)
- Lands in Trust for Urban Farming: Toward a Scalable Model, in On Common Ground: International Perspectives on the Community Land Trust (John Emmeus Davis et al. eds., 2020) (with Greg Rosenberg)
- Use-Based Welfare: Property Experiments in Chicago, 1895-1935, 43 Soc. Sci. Hist. 319 (2019)
Mark Godsey, Daniel P. and Judith L. Carmichael Professor of Law | Director, Lois and Richard Rosenthal Institute for Justice/Ohio Innocence Project
- Blind Injustice: A Former Prosecutor Exposes the Psychology and Politics of Wrongful Convictions (University Press 2017) (reprint: Chinese 2021)
James Hart, Senior Librarian Emeritus and Susan Boland, Associate Director | Associate Senior Librarian
- Researching International Human Rights, International Human Rights Research Guide (GlobaLex, NYU School of Law, January/February 2021)
Emily Houh, Gustavus Henry Wald Professor of the Law and Contracts| Co-director, Nathaniel R. Jones Center for Race, Gender, and Social Justice
- Handbook of Race and Law in the United States (Devon Carbado et al. eds., forthcoming 2021)
Kristin Kalsem, Charles Hartsock Professor of Law | Co-director, Nathaniel R. Jones Center for Race, Gender, and Social Justice
- Race in Bankruptcy, in Handbook of Race and Law in the United States (Devon Carbado et al. eds., forthcoming 2021)
- Gender, Social Justice, and Judging, in Oxford Handbook of Feminism and Law in the United States (forthcoming 2021)
- Judicial Education, Private Violence, and Community Action: A Case Study in Legal Participatory Action Research, 22 J. Gender, Race, & Just. 43 (2019)
Elizabeth Malloy, Andrew Katsanis Professor of Law
- Disability Discrimination, in Employment Law (Mark Rothstein ed., 2019)
Stephanie McMahon, Professor of Law
- Classifying Tax Guidance According to End Users, 73 Tax Law. 245 (2020)
Janet Moore, Professor of Law
- Participatory Defense as an Abolitionist Strategy (book chapter co-authored with Raj Jayadev and Marla Sandys, Ph.D.), in Transforming Criminal Justice: An Evidence-Based Agenda for Reform (Jon B. Gould & Pamela Metzger, eds., forthcoming NYU Press 2021)
- New Developments in Public Defense Research: An Introduction, 31 Crim. Just. Pol’y Rev. 791 (2020) (with Andrew L.B. Davies)
- Attorney-Client Communication in Public Defense: A Qualitative Examination, 31 Crim. Just. Pol. Rev 908 (2020) (with Vicki L. Plano Clark et al.)
- Reviving Escobedo, 50 Loyola U. Chi. L. Rev. (2019)
Michael Solimine, Donald P. Klekamp Professor of Law
- Lawyers, Clients and Ethics in Class Actions, in Society, Ethnics and the Law: A Reader (David Mackey & Kathryn Elvey eds., 2020)
- State Standing and National Injunctions, 94 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1955 (2019) (with Brad Mank)
- The Political Economy of Judicial Federalism, U. Chi. L. Rev. Online (Dec. 7, 2019) (response to Diego Zambrano, Federal Court Expansion and State Court Decay, 86 U. Chi. L. Rev. 2101 (2019))
- Michael Solimine, Are Interlocutory Qualified Immunity Appeals Lawful?, 94 Notre Dame L. Rev. Online (2019)
- The Renaissance of Permissive Interlocutory Appeals and the Demise of the Collateral Order Doctrine, 53 Akron L. Rev. 607 (2019)
Joseph P. Tomain, Dean Emeritus and Wilbert and Helen Ziegler Professor of Law
- Paris Climate Agreement, in Global Energy Transition Treatise (forthcoming)
- Financial Risk and Utility Bankruptcy, in Global Energy Transition Treatise (forthcoming)
- Regulatory Law & Policy (4th ed. 2020) (with Shapiro)
- A Treatise for Energy Law, in Perspectives on Energy Law: Denmark and Beyond (Beatriz Martinez Romera et al. eds., 2019) (with Heffron et al.).
Michael Whiteman, Associate Dean of Law Library Services | Director, Robert S. Marx Law Library
- Appointment, Editorial Board, Law Library Journal
- Upskirting, BitCoin, and Crime, Oh My: Judicial Resistance to Applying Old Laws to New Crimes – What is a Legislature to Do? 95 Ind. L.J. Supp. 66 (2020)
- Creator, Law School Innovators: 5 Insights for Effectively Teaching Legal Research During the Pandemic webinar, ThomsonReuters, May 5, 2020