
Felix B. Chang

Headshot of Felix B. Chang

Felix B. Chang

Professor of Law and Co-Director, Corporate Law Center, College of Law

507 College of Law Building


Areas of Interest: Antitrust, Comparative Law, Financial Institutions, Trusts and Estates


Felix B. Chang is a Professor of Law and the Co-Director of the Corporate Law Center. Previously, he founded and directed the College’s Institute for the Global Practice of Law, which designed training programs for attorneys from around the world.

Professor Chang regularly teaches Antitrust, Business Associations, Securities Regulation, and Wills and Estates. He has received the College’s Harold C. Schott Scholarship Award and Goldman Prize for Excellence in Teaching, and his work has been recognized by the University’s Faculty Excellence Award and Trans-Disciplinary Research Leadership Program.

Professor Chang’s writings span broad aspects of markets, inheritance, and inequality. In antitrust and financial regulation, his prior scholarship examined the balance between competition and systemic risk in the derivatives markets. Along with an interdisciplinary team, he is currently developing new tools for antitrust research through topic modeling.

In the areas of wealth and racial inequality, Professor Chang has written on the redistributive potential of legal rules in trusts and estates, as well as the parallels between Roma inclusion and the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. Currently, he is working on how inheritance laws affect inequality in China and the United States.

Professor Chang earned his BA from Yale and his JD from Michigan.


BA, Yale University
JD, University of Michigan Law School

Courses Taught

  • Agency, Partnerships & Unincorporated Associations
  • Antitrust
  • Business Associations
  • Corporations
  • Introduction to the U.S. Legal System
  • Securities Regulation
  • Torts 
  • Wills, Trusts, Estates & Future Interests


  •  Trans-Disciplinary Research Leadership Program, UC, 2021-2022
  • Harold C. Schott Scholarship Award, UC College of Law, 2021
  • University Award for Faculty Excellence, UC, 2018
  • Goldman Prize for Excellence in Teaching, UC College of Law, 2014, 2019, & 2022


Books and Book Chapters

Roma Rights and Civil Rights: A Transatlantic Comparison (with S. Rucker-Chang) (Cambridge University Press, 2020)

Chinese Migrants in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe (with S. Rucker-Chang) (Routledge, 2011)

Occupational and Business Regulation in the United States, in Requirements for Starting a Business in the United States: Occupational Licensing and Regulatory Compliance (Stefan Storr, ed.) (Verlag Österreich, 2021)

Articles and Essays

Intestacy and Inequality under China’s Revised Succession Law, 72 Am. J. Comp. L. __ (with L. Ho) (forthcoming 2024) (peer reviewed)

Clearing the Way to Renminbi Domination: CIPS, Antitrust, and Currency Competition, 51 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024)

Evaluating Antitrust Remedies for Platform Monopolies: The Case of Facebook, 76 Vand. L. Rev. 773 (with S. Benzell) (2023)

Racially Collusive Boycotts: African-American Purchasing Power in the Wigs and Hair Extensions Market, 102 Boston U. L. Rev. 1277 (with A. Rakhra and J. Thompson) (2022)

Modeling the Caselaw Access Project: Lessons for Market Power and the Antitrust–Regulation Balance, 22 Nev. L.J. 685 (with E. McCabe and J. Lee) (2022)

  • Referenced in the New York Times
  • Selected for the 2020 Next Generation of Antitrust, Privacy, and Data Protection Scholars Conference at NYU

How Should Inheritance Law Remediate Inequality?, 97 Wash. L. Rev. 61 (2022)

Ethnically Segmented Markets: Korean-Owned Black Hair Stores, 97 Ind. L. J. 479 (2022)

Doctrinal Implications of Computational Antitrust, 1 Stan. J. Computational Antitrust 118 (with E. McCabe, J. Beckelhimer, Z Ren, and J. Lee) (2021)

Conditionality and Constitutional Change, 105 Cornell L. Rev. Online 1 (2019)

Asymmetries in the Generation and Transmission of Wealth, 79 Ohio St. L.J. 73 (2018)

Roma Integration “All the Way Down”: Lessons from Federalism and Civil Rights, 1 Crit. Romani Stud. 62 (2018) (invited and peer reviewed)

Second-Generation Monopolization: Parallel Exclusion in Derivatives Markets, 2016 Colum. Bus. L. Rev. 657

Financial Market Bottlenecks and the “Openness” Mandate, 23 Geo. Mason. L. Rev. 69 (2015)

The Systemic Risk Paradox: Banks and Clearinghouses under Regulation, 2014 Colum. Bus. L. Rev. 747

Death to Credit as Leverage: Using the Bank Anti-Tying Provision to Curb Financial Risk, 9 NYU J. L. & Bus. 851 (2013)

Shorter Writings and General Interest

Antitrust Needs Better Models for Estimating Social Welfare in the Digital Age, ProMarket (with S. Benzell) (Univ. of Chicago Stigler Center), Apr. 5, 2023

Roma Rights and Civil Rights, Race and the Law Prof Blog, June 12, 2020,

Machine Learning and Legal Research, Machine Lawyering Blog, Feb. 9, 2020,

Foreword: Thirtieth Annual Corporate Law Symposium: The Business Uses of Trusts, 88 U. Cin. L. Rev. 653 (2020)

Foreword: Twenty-Ninth Annual Corporate Law Symposium: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Modern Enterprise, 85 U. Cin. L. Rev. 347 (2017)

Foreword: Twenty-Eighth Annual Corporate Law Symposium: Rethinking Compliance, 84 U. Cin. L. Rev. 371 (2016)

Can Chinese Migrants Bolster the Struggling Economies of Europe?, 2 Europeana 470 (2012)

  • Reprinted in Chinese as Zhongguo Yimin Neng Fou Zhenxing Ouzhou de bu Jingqi Jingji Ti?

Get Your Canned Goods, Umbrellas, and Knock-off Pumas Here!, Foreign Policy (Dec. 2009)

After Georgia v. Ashcroft: The Primacy of Proportionality in Voting Rights Jurisprudence, Note, 11 Mich. J. Race & L. 219 (2006)

The Economic Motivations of Xinjiang Wahhabism, Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Feb. 2002)