
Louis D. Bilionis

Headshot of Louis D. Bilionis

Louis D. Bilionis

Dean Emeritus and Droege Professor of Law, College of Law

519 College of Law Building


Areas of Interest: Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Procedure, Legal Education, Professionalism


Dean Emeritus Louis D. Bilionis served as Dean of the University of Cincinnati College of Law from 2005 to 2015. He is a nationally recognized scholar in the areas of constitutional law and criminal law and procedure, with his work published in leading law journals such as the Michigan Law Review, Texas Law Review, Georgetown Law Journal, University of California-Los Angeles Law Review, Emory Law Journal, North Carolina Law Review, and Law and Contemporary Problems. He also is a leader in efforts to strengthen legal education and its support of the professional identity formation of law students.  His publications in the field include Law Student Professional Development and Formation: Bridging Law School, Student, and Employer Goals (Cambridge University Press 2022) (with Neil W. Hamilton), and he is a Fellow with the Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions at the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota School of Law.  He regularly teaches Constitutional Law I, Criminal Procedure I, and a seminar on advanced problems in constitutional law and theory.

Dean Bilionis graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude in 1982. Upon graduation from law school, he clerked for the Honorable Francis D. Murnaghan, Jr., of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. He was a Morehead Scholar at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, where he was elected Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Tar Heel and graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a double major in Economics and English.

Before joining academia, Dean Bilionis was in private practice with the firm of Ropes & Gray in Boston, representing major national and multinational corporations in litigation. His interest in constitutional law and commitment to the cause of equal justice led Dean Bilionis back to North Carolina, where he served in the Office of the Appellate Defender as an assistant appellate defender representing indigent criminal defendants, with an emphasis on capital punishment appeals.

Dean Bilionis joined the law faculty at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in 1988, focusing his research and teaching on diverse issues in constitutional law and criminal law, including the transformation of judicial review in the Supreme Court, the Constitution's relationship to substantive criminal law, the Eighth Amendment and capital punishment, and state constitutional law. In 1999, he was appointed UNC's first Samuel Ashe Distinguished Professor of Constitutional Law.

Active in civic and professional organizations, Dean Bilionis has served on the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union and chaired the committee of the American Bar Association, Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar charged with programming for the deans of accredited law schools. He served on the Board of Directors of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, where he was vice chair for community engagement, and serves on the board of Linton Chamber Music.


AB, University of North Carolina
JD, Harvard Law School


  • Learning Constitutional Law (West Publishing) (with Mark C. Alexander, A. Christopher Bryant, and Thomas B. McAffee) (forthcoming 2023)
  • Law Student Professional Development and Formation: Bridging Law School, Student, and Employer Goals (Cambridge University Press 2022) (with Neil W. Hamilton)
  • Problems in Evidence (4th ed., West Group 2000) (with Kenneth S. Broun and Robert P. Mosteller) (with accompanying Teacher’s Manual)
  • Revised ABA Standards 303(b) and (c) and the Formation of a Lawyer's Professional Identity, Part 3: Cross-Cultural Competency, Equal Access, and the Elimination of Bias, Discrimination, and Racism, Professional Development Quarterly (with Neil W. Hamilton) (2022), at·       
  • Revised ABA Standards 303(b) and (c) and the Formation of a Lawyer's Professional Identity, Part 2: Action Steps to Benefit Students, Law Schools, and the Legal Profession, Professional Development Quarterly (with Neil W. Hamilton) (2022), at
  • Revised ABA Standards 303(b) and (c) and the Formation of a Lawyer's Professional Identity, Part 1: Understanding the New Requirements, Professional Development Quarterly (with Neil W. Hamilton) (2022), at
  • Law School Leadership and Leadership Development for Developing Lawyers, 58 Santa Clara L.Rev. 601 (2018)
  • Bringing Purposefulness to the American Law School’s Support of Professional Identity Formation, 14 U. St. Thomas L.J. 480 (2018)
  • Professional Formation and the Political Economy of the American Law School, 83 Tennessee Law Review 895 (2016)
  • Commemorating Seventy-Five Years of the University of Cincinnati Law Review, 75 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1 (2006) (with Michael E. Solimine)
  • Criminal Justice After the Conservative Reformation, 94 Georgetown Law Journal 1347 (2006)
  • Conservative Reformation, Popularization, and the Lessons of Reading Criminal Justice as Constitutional Law, 52 UCLA Law Review 979 (2005)
  • Grand Centrism and the Centrist Judicial Personam, 83 North Carolina Law Review 1353 (2005)
  • The New Scrutiny, 51 Emory Law Journal 481 (2002)
  • The Unusualness of Capital Punishment, 26 Ohio Northern University Law Review 601 (2000)
  • Book Review, 62 Journal of Politics 938 (2000) (reviewing Lloyd Steffen, Executing Justice: The Moral Meaning of the Death Penalty (1998))
  • Inadequacy of Counsel and Legal Process, published remarks in Unjust in the Much: The Death Penalty in North Carolina 58 (Calvin Kytle & Daniel H. Pollitt, eds., Chestnut Tree 1999)
  • Eighth Amendment Meanings from the ABA’s Moratorium Resolution, 61 Law & Contemporary Problems 29 (Autumn 1998)
  • Process, the Constitution, and Substantive Criminal Law, 96 Michigan Law Review 1269 (1998)
  • Lawyers, Arbitrariness, and the Eighth Amendment, 75 Texas Law Review 1301 (1997) (with Richard A. Rosen)
  • The Warren Court and State Constitutional Law, in The Warren Court: A Retrospective 313 (Bernard Schwartz, ed., Oxford 1996) (with James G. Exum, Jr.)
  • Liberty, the "Law of the Land," and Abortion in North Carolina, 71 North Carolina Law Review 1839 (1993)
  • Legitimating Death, 91 Michigan Law Review 1643 (1993) (reprinted in 2 Capital Punishment 201 (Margery B. Koosed, ed., Garland 1996))
  • On the Significance of Constitutional Spirit, 70 North Carolina Law Review 1803 (1992)
  • Moral Appropriateness, Capital Punishment, and the Lockett Doctrine, 82 Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 283 (1991)
  • “Fundamentals for Developing a Program to Support the Professional Identity Formation of Law Students,” presentation at Conference for Associate Deans, Texas A&M University School of Law, Ft. Worth, TX (October 7, 2022) (panelist)
  • “Professional Identity Formation of Law Students: What It Is and How to Support It,” DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, IL (September 29, 2-22) (faculty and staff workshop; remotely)
  • “Becoming a Complete Professional,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (August 15, 2022) (orientation program)
  • “Purposeful Support of Professional Identity Formation in the Doctrinal Classroom,” presentation at Holloran Center Workshop on Professional Identity Formation, Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions, University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota (May 24, 2022)
  • “Enterprise-Wide Professional Formation and Development,” presentation at Holloran Center Workshop on Professional Identity Formation, Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions, University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota (May 23, 2022) (with Barbara Glesner Fines)
  • “SCOTUS Reform,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (September 8. 2021) (American Constitution Society program) (panelist)
  • “Becoming a Complete Professional,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (August 17, 2021) (orientation program)
  • “Teaching Reflections from the Pandemic,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (July 7, 2021) (faculty workshop with Meghan Morris)
  • “Becoming a Complete Professional,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (August 19, 2020) (orientation program)
  • “Following the Impeachment Inquiry,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (October 17, 2019) (American Constitution Society program with A. Christopher Bryant)
  • “Professional Identity Formation 101,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (October 14, 2019) (presentation for POWER, consortium of law school career and professional development professionals)
  • “The Academy’s Original Sin,” Universities Studying Slavery 2019 Fall Symposium, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH (October 10, 2019) (panelist at institutional plenary session)
  • “Becoming a Complete Professional,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (August 12, 2019) (orientation program)
  • “Leading Change in Legal Education,” presentation at “Helping Each Student Internalize the Core Values and Ideals of the Profession,” Professional Formation Workshop, Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions, University of St. Thomas School of Law, Chaska, Minnesota (June 30, 2019)
  • “Getting a Leadership Course or Program Started,” presentation at “Leadership Development for Lawyers: Increasing Our Impact,” University of Tennessee College of Law, Knoxville, TN (April 4, 2019)
  • “Completing the Picture: Supporting the Professional Identity Formation of Law Students,” presentation and retreat facilitation at Santa Clara University School of Law Retreat, Santa Clara, CA (September 28, 2018)
  • “The Composition of the Supreme Court,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (August 28, 2018) (Federalist Society program with Robert Alt)
  • “Supporting Student Professional Identity Formation Across the Law School -- In and Out of the Classroom,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (July 25, 2018) (faculty and staff workshop) (with Mina Jones Jefferson)
  • “Professional Identity Formation and the Culture of the American Law School,” presentation at “Helping Each Student Internalize the Core Values and Ideals of the Profession,” Professional Formation Workshop, Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions, University of St. Thomas School of Law, Chaska, Minnesota (June 23, 2018)
  • “Purposeful Support of Professional Identity Formation in the First-Year Classroom,” presentation at “Helping Each Student Begin the Transition from Student to Lawyer – Socialization into the Legal Profession in the First Year of Law School,” University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota (May 22, 2018) (program convened by Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions)
  • “Law School Leadership and Leadership Development for Developing Lawyers,” presentation at symposium “Advancing Leadership in the Legal Profession,” Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, CA (March 23, 2018) (co-sponsored by Association of American Law Schools and Santa Clara Law Review)
  • “The Professional Development Ecosystem from Law School to Law Firm: Connecting the Dots to Foster Self-Directed Learning Throughout the Attorney Lifecycle,” panel presentation at NALP (National Association for Law Placement) 2017 Professional Development Institute, Washington, DC (December 1, 2017) (with Kristen Uhl Hulse, Mina Jones Jefferson, and Neil W. Hamilton)
  • “Supporting the Law Student’s Professional Identity Formation in the World of Learning Outcomes and Assessment,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (October 5, 2017) (faculty and staff workshop)
  • “Fulfilling the Promise of Legal Education: Professional Identity Formation in the American Law School,” presentation at “Helping Each Student Internalize the Core Values and Ideals of the Profession,” Professional Formation Workshop, Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions, University of St. Thomas School of Law, Chaska, Minnesota (June 25, 2017)
  • “What the Support of Professional Identity Formation Sounds Like and Looks Like,” University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota (June 23, 2017) (faculty and staff workshop)
  • “Supporting Professional Identity Formation Across and Throughout the Law School,” Symposium on First Year Professional Development Initiatives, University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota (May 23, 2017) (program convened by Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions for 40 participating law schools)
  • “Priming the Pump: Producing Work Ready Graduates for Lawyer Size Professional Development,” panel presentation at NALP (National Association for Law Placement) 2017 National Annual Education Conference, San Francisco, CA (April 19, 2017) (with Kristen Uhl Hulse, Mina Jones Jefferson, and Neil W. Hamilton)
  • “Fulfilling the Promise of Legal Education: Professional Formation in the American Law School,” Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, CA (April 18, 2017) (faculty and staff workshop; with Neil W. Hamilton)
  • “The Political Economy of Legal Education, Professional Formation Across the Law School, and the Central Importance of Career and Professional Development Staff,” presentation at “Symposium: The Next Steps of a Professional Formation Social Movement,” University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota (cosponsored by the Center for the Study of the Legal Profession (Georgetown University Law Center), the Parris Institute for Professional Formation (Pepperdine University School of Law), the Center for Ethical Formation and Legal Education Reform (Regent University School of Law), the Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions (University of St. Thomas School of Law), the University of St. Thomas Law Journal, and the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Professionalism (February 17, 2017)
  • “Introducing Leadership Development into the Law School Curriculum,” Association of American Law Schools 2017 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (January 5, 2017) (discussant)
  • “Fulfilling the Promise of Legal Education: Professional Formation in the American Law School,” “New Frontiers in Legal Education” Speaker Series, Georgia State University College of Law, Atlanta, GA (November 7, 2016)
  • “Professional Formation in the American Law School: Fostering a Change in Culture,” Baylor Law School, Waco, TX (October 31, 2016) (faculty workshop; with Neil W. Hamilton)
  • “Privacy, Technology, and Police Investigations,” Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Law School, Chongqing, China (October 14, 2016)
  • “Racial Injustice and Police Practices: A Crisis of Legitimacy,” Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Law School, Chongqing, China (October 13, 2016)
  • “Capital Punishment in America: At a New Crossroads,” Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Law School, Chongqing, China (October 12, 2016)
  • “Wrongful Convictions of the Innocent: Why They Happen and How to Reduce Their Likelihood,” Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Law School, Chongqing, China (October 11, 2016)
  • “Race in the Supreme Court’s October Term 2015,” presentation at Supreme Court Colloquium, Center for Race, Gender, and Social Justice, UC College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (September 7, 2016)
  • “The Supreme Court’s October Term 2015: What Almost Happened But Didn’t, What Did Happen, and What It Means for the Court’s Future,” presentation at The Lawyer’s Club of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH (August 18, 2016) (with A. Christopher Bryant)
  • “Fostering Change in the Law School Culture,” presentation at “Helping Each Student Internalize the Core Values and Ideals of the Profession,” Professional Formation Workshop, Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions, University of St. Thomas School of Law, Chaska, Minnesota (July 23, 2016)
  • “Fostering Change in the Law School Culture,” presentation at “Helping Each Student Internalize the Core Values and Ideals of the Profession,” Professional Formation Workshop, Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions, University of St. Thomas School of Law, Chaska, Minnesota (July 12, 2016)
  • “Professional Formation and the Political Economy of the American Law School,” presentation at “Leading the Future: 2016 Symposium on Professional Leadership Education,” University of Tennessee College of Law, Institute for Professional Leadership, and Tennessee Law Review, Knoxville, TN (April 1, 2016)
  • “Legal Education’s Challenge: Student Professional Formation toward Meaningful Employment,” University of Tennessee College of Law, Knoxville, TN (March 31, 2016) (faculty workshop; with Neil W. Hamilton)
  • “The Role of the Dean in the Development Process,” University of Findlay, Findlay, OH (October 30, 2015)
  • “The Evolution of the Death Penalty in the United States,” Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Law School, Chongqing, China (June 16, 2015)
  • Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights, 35th Anniversary Commemoration Dinner, UC College of Law (April 11, 2015) (emcee and remarks)
  • “The Standards and Practice of Judicial Review in Contemporary American Constitutional Law,” Renmin University School of Law, Beijing, China (December 15, 2014)
  • “Free Market Conceptions of Freedom in American Constitutional Law,” Renmin University School of Law, Beijing, China (December 12, 2014)
  • “Political Strife and Polarization in the United States and Challenges to Constitutional Structure,”  Renmin University School of Law, Beijing, China (December 11, 2014)
  • “Advances in Technology and the Fourth Amendment,” Renmin University School of Law, Beijing, China (December 10, 2014)
  • “The Death Penalty and Constitutional Development in the United States,” Renmin University School of Law, Beijing, China (December 9, 2014)
  • “The American Constitution in a Changing America,” UC College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (September 17, 2014) (in celebration of Constitution Day) (speaker)
  • “The United States Constitution and the Government Shutdown of 2013,” Renmin University School of Law, Beijing, China (November 18, 2013)
  • “Changes in the Legal Profession and Their Impact on Legal Education,” Southwest University of Political Science and Law, School of International Law, Chongqing, China (April 17, 2013)
  • “Building Structures for Leadership Education,” Fifth Annual Leadership Education Roundtable: Teaching Leadership Competencies in Law School and in the Profession: Why It Matters, Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, CA (March 22, 2013)
  • “Elections and the Constitution,” UC College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (September 17, 2012) (in celebration of Constitution Day) (moderator)
  • “Diversity and the Law,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (August 15, 2012) (panel moderator)
  • “The Philanthropic Forecast,” plenary panel presentation at “Return to Our Roots: Fundraising Fundamentals and Best Practices in Law School Development, American Bar Association Law School Development Conference XI, Jackson Hole, WY (May 30, 2012)
  • American Bar Association New Deans Workshop, Jackson Hole. WY (May 27-29, 2012)
  • “Gentrification: Is This a Good Word for a Bad Thing, a Bad Word for a Good Thing, or is It Both?,” Adath Israel Congregation Critical Issues Forum, Adath Israel Congregation Synagogue, Cincinnati, OH (April 23, 2012) (moderator)
  • “Diversity Dialogue,” presentation at Fourth Annual University of Cincinnati Diversity Conference, Cincinnati, OH (April 18, 2012)
  • “Cultivating Leaders: What Role Should Law Schools Play in Preparing Effective Lawyer-Leaders?,” presentation at Conference on Law and Leadership, Elon University School of Law and Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC (April 14, 2012)
  • “Partnering Among In-House Counsel, Outside Counsel, and Law Schools to Improve Training for Law Students and Lawyers,” presentation at ACC Value Challenge Program, Association of Corporate Counsel (Southwest Ohio Chapter) and Frost Brown Todd LLC, Cincinnati, OH (February 9, 2012)
  • American Bar Association New Deans Workshop, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (June 5-7, 2011)
  • Admission to the Bar Ceremony, Ohio Supreme Court, The Ohio Theater, Columbus, OH (May 9, 2011) (address)
  • “Becoming a Professional: Teaching Lawyer Professionalism in the 21st Century,” presentation at Thirtieth Annual Twelfth Appellate District Judicial Conference and Appellate Seminar, Manor House, Mason, OH (April 29, 2011)
  • “A Fireside Chat on Diversity,” presentation at “Diversity & Inclusion: Accelerating the Transformation,” Third Annual University of Cincinnati Diversity Conference, Cincinnati, OH (April 20, 2011)
  • “Illustrated Truth: Expressions of Wrongful Conviction,” at “An International Exploration of Wrongful Conviction,” 2011 Innocence Network Conference, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati, OH (April 7, 2011) (opening remarks)
  • “The Constitutionality of ‘Obamacare’s’ Healthcare Mandate,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (March 14, 2011) (panel moderator)
  • “Professionalism in Focus: The Third Apprenticeship,” presentation at KMK Legal Update Seminar, Keating, Muething & Klekamp PLL, Cincinnati, OH (December 1, 2010)
  • “New Developments and Challenges in American Legal Education,” School of Law, Renmin University, Beijing, China (October 13, 2010) (lecture)
  • “Diversity and the Law,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (August 18, 2010) (panel moderator)
  • “Diversity: A View from the Top,” panel at “Recruiting and Retaining the New Generation,” Diversity Recruitment Training Institute, Duke Energy Center, Cincinnati, OH (July 16, 2010) (panel presentation)
  • “Achieving Diversity: A Journey,” presentation at “Diversity & Inclusion: Leadership Imperatives for Excellence,” Second Annual University of Cincinnati Diversity Conference, Cincinnati, OH (April 14, 2010)
  • “Innocence and Guilt in Our Judicial System: What Is Justice?,” Adath Israel Congregation Critical Issues Forum, Adath Israel Congregation Synagogue, Cincinnati, OH (October 26, 2009) (moderator)
  • “The Supreme Court and the Constitution: How to Watch and What to Watch for,” Harvard Club of Cincinnati and Harvard Law School Association of Cincinnati, University Club, Cincinnati, OH (October 13, 2009) (luncheon lecture)
  • “Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption,” Cincinnati Museum Center, University of Cincinnati College of Law, and YWCA of Greater Cincinnati, Union Terminal,Cincinnati, OH (September 17, 2009) (welcome, introduction, and moderator)
  • “Health Insurance Reform – What’s In It For You?,” Public Forum on Health Insurance Reform with Sen. Sherrod Brown, Tangeman University Center, Cincinnati, OH (September 1, 2009) welcome, introduction, and moderator)
  • “Diversity and the Law,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (August 19, 2009) (panel moderator)
  • Inaugural University of Cincinnati Diversity Conference, Tangeman University Center, Cincinnati, OH (April 15, 2009) (welcome and introduction)
  • "Religion and Politics: The Role of Religious Leaders," Adath Israel Congregation Critical Issues Forum, Adath Israel Congregation Synagogue, Cincinnati, OH (October 27, 2008) (moderator)
  • “The Presidency and the Federal Courts: Historical Reflections,” panel at “The Presidency and the Courts,” The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies (Cincinnati Lawyers Chapter) and Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University, Cincinnati, OH (October 6, 2008) (panel presentation)
  • “Diversity and the Law,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (August 20, 2008) (panel moderator)
  • "Violence in Our Community: Causes, Consciousness and Courses of Action," Adath Israel Congregation Critical Issues Forum, Adath Israel Congregation Synagogue, Cincinnati, OH ( May 14, 2008) (moderator)
  • “Ethical Ramifications of Conflicts of Interest,” panel at “Ethics, Professionalism, and Substance Abuse: Conflicts of Interest” seminar, Dinsmore & Shohl, Cincinnati, OH (December 7, 2007) (panel presentation)
  • “First Amendment Freedom of Association Protection for Fraternities and Sororities,” 11th National Fraternal Law Conference, Cincinnati, OH (November 17, 2007) (presentation)
  • “Diversity and the Law,” University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (August 15, 2007) (panel moderator)
  • American Bar Association New Deans Workshop, Omni Interlocken, Broomfield, Colorado (May 29, 2007)
  • Glenn M. Weaver Institute of Law and Psychiatry, “Law, Ethics, Psychiatry and the Human Genome,” UC College of Law, Werner Recital Hall (April 19, 2007) (welcome, introduction, and moderator)
  • “Five Leading Developments in Contemporary American Constitutional Law Scholarship,” School of Law, Shandong University, Jinan, China (March 7, 2007) (lecture)
  • “The Separation of Powers and the Expansion of Presidential Power in the Global War on Terrorism,” presentation, ACLU of Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio (September 26, 2006)
  • Healthcare Roundtable, cosponsored by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Harris K. Weston Institution for Law and Public Policy of the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati, Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati, Health Policy Institute of Ohio, United Way of Greater Cincinnati, Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights, Cincinnati, OH (June 9, 2006) (program moderator and facilitator)
  • Commencement Address, Cincinnati Academy of Leadership for Lawyers, Cincinnati, OH (May 17, 2006)
  • Admission to the Bar Ceremony, Ohio Supreme Court, The Ohio Theater, Columbus, OH (May 8, 2006) (address)
  • “Conversations on the Constitution,” Cincinnati Bar Association Community Service Committee 2006 Law Day program, Cincinnati, OH (May 2, 2006) (moderator)
  • “The Reformation of American Constitutional Law,” presentation at Harvard Law School Association of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH (November 17, 2005)
  • “The Supreme Court and the Constitution: Recent Cases and Developments,” presentation at University of Cincinnati Law Alumni Association Fall 2005 CLE Opportunities, Cincinnati, OH (October 28, 2005)
  • “The U.S. Supreme Court: A Faculty Conversation for Constitution Day,” UC College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (September 22, 2005) (moderator)
  • Federal Bar Association, Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Chapter (Annual Meeting), Cincinnati, OH (September 14, 2005) (address)
  • University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH (June 28, 2005) (address upon appointment)
  • “The Supreme Court and the Constitution: Recent Cases and Developments,” presentation at UNC School of Law Fifteenth Annual Festival of Legal Learning, Chapel Hill, NC (February 2005)
  • “Grand Centrism and the Centrist Judicial Personam,” presentation at “Locating the Constitutional Center,” North Carolina Law Review Symposium, UNC School of Law, Chapel Hill, NC (October 2004) (also symposium chair)
  • “The 2004 Presidential Election and the Future of the Supreme Court,” presentation at “First Monday 2004: Just One Vote,” Alliance for Justice, UNC School of Law, Chapel Hill, NC (October 2004)
  • “Constitutional Rights for the LGBT Community After Lawrence v. Texas,” keynote presentation at “After Lawrence: LGBT Legal Issues in North Carolina,” North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Attorneys, Durham, NC (March 2004)
  • “The Role of the Federal Court,” presentation at “A Matter of Justice: Judicial Election and Selection,” UNC School of Law, Chapel Hill, NC (joint program of American Association of University Women North Carolina and Democracy North Carolina) (February 19, 2004)
  • “The Supreme Court and the Constitution: Recent Cases and Developments,” presentation at UNC School of Law Thirteenth Annual Festival of Legal Learning, Chapel Hill, NC (February 2003)
  • “Emerging Issues in Search and Seizure Law,” presentation at North Carolina Association of Public Defenders Conference, Wrightsville Beach, NC (May 2002)
  • “Securing Safety and Freedom,” presentation at “Security Challenges After September 11th: National and International Perspectives,” Duke University, Durham, NC (joint program of Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy; Kenan Institute for Ethics; Global Capital Markets Center; Duke Law School Center on Law, Ethics and National Security; Duke Law School Program in Public Law; and the Triangle Institute for Security Studies) (April 2002)
  • “The Supreme Court and the Constitution: Recent Cases and Developments,” presentation at UNC School of Law Twelfth Annual Festival of Legal Learning, Chapel Hill, NC (February 2002)
  • “The Supreme Court and the Constitution: Recent Cases and Developments,” presentation at UNC School of Law Eleventh Annual Festival of Legal Learning, Chapel Hill, NC (February 2001)
  • “A Town Meeting: Should the Death Penalty Survive the Moratorium Movement?”, moderator, North Carolina Central University School of Law Legal Professionalism Lecture Series, Durham, NC (November 2000)
  • “Constitutional Developments During the Supreme Court’s 1999 Term,” presentation at Ninth Annual “Public Law and the Public’s Lawyers” Program (Joint Program of the UNC Institute of Government, the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office, and the North Carolina General Assembly Legislative Research Staff), Raleigh, NC (September 2000)
  • •“The Unusualness of Capital Punishment,” presentation at “The Ultimate Penalty: A Multifarious Look at Capital Punishment,” 23rd Annual Law Review Symposium, Ohio Northern University, Claude W. Pettit College of Law, Ada, Ohio (March 2000)
  • “The Supreme Court and the Constitution: Recent Cases and Developments,” presentation at UNC School of Law Tenth Annual Festival of Legal Learning, Chapel Hill, NC (February 2000)
  • “Why Innocence Isn’t Enough,” panel participation, National Lawyers Guild forum, UNC School of Law, Chapel Hill, NC (November 1999)
  • UNC Law and Philosophy Workshop: “Epistemology and the Law of Evidence,” workshop participant, National Humanities Center, Durham, NC (October 1999)
  • “The Supreme Court and the Constitution: Recent Cases and Developments,” presentation at UNC School of Law Ninth Annual Festival of Legal Learning (February 1999)
  • “A Community Forum on the Impeachment Trial,” panel participation at UNC School of Law community forum (January 1999)
  • “The Impeachment Process,” panel participation at UNC community forum (December 1998)
  • “A Brief History of the Death Penalty in America,” presentation at “First Monday 1998: Bringing Human Rights Home,” Alliance for Justice, UNC School of Law, Chapel Hill, NC (October 1998)
  • “The Impeachment Process,” panel participation at UNC School of Law community forum (September 1998)
  • “Adequacy of Counsel and Legal Representation in Capital Cases,” presentation and panel participation at “Random Justice? A Symposium on the ABA Moratorium and Its
  • Implications for the Death Penalty in North Carolina,” North Carolinians Against the Death Penalty, Chapel Hill, NC (April 1998)
  • “Religion and Law,” presentation and panel participation at “Religion and Society in the 21st Century: A View from the Public University,”Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (April 1998)
  • “Search and Seizure Law: An Overview,” presentation at North Carolina Association of Public Defenders Conference (October 1995)
  • “Using State Constitutional Law in Criminal Cases,” presentation at UNC School of Law Criminal Evidence Seminar (April 1993)
  • “Criminal Law and the Rehnquist Court: Some Perspectives,” presentation at UNC School of Law Festival of Legal Learning (February 1993)
  • “Doing State Constitutional Law,” presentation at North Carolina Association of Public Defenders Conference (November 1991)
  • UNC School of Law Evidence Seminar (1991)
  • UNC School of Law Criminal Evidence Seminar (1991)
  • “Women and the Law: Putting Theory into Practice,” moderator, UNC School of Law (September 1990)
  • “Capital Punishment Litigation in the Age of Federal Deregulation: Decisions in the States Courts,” presentation at “Death Penalty Defense for the 90s,” North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers Death Penalty Seminar (September 1990)
  • UNC School of Law Evidence Seminar (1990)
  • UNC School of Law Criminal Evidence Seminar (1990)
  • “The Carter Case: A Practical Guide to Litigating State Constitutional Cases,” presentation at “Successful Constitutional Attacks in Criminal Cases: Developing a Body of North Carolina Constitutional Law,” North Carolina Bar Foundation (September 1989)
  • “Emerging Issues in State and Federal Courts in Capital Cases,” NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Inc., Annual Capital Punishment Conference (July 1989)
  • “Developments in the Law of Hearsay,” panel participation at UNC School of Law Criminal Evidence Seminar (April 1989)
  • “Developments in the Law of Impeachment,” panel participation at UNC School of Law Evidence Seminar (March 1989)
  • “Protecting Your Client’s Rights under the Bruton Doctrine,” presentation at Criminal Sentencing and Constitutional Law Seminar, North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers (February 1989)
  • “Mitigating Circumstances and the Eighth Amendment,” panel participation at NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Inc., Annual Capital Punishment Conference (July 1988)
  • UNC School of Law Evidence Seminar (June 1988)
  • “Developing Issues in Capital Litigation,” presentation at North Carolina Death Penalty Resource Center Capital Punishment Post-Conviction Seminar (April 1988)
  • “Hearsay and the Right of Confrontation,” presentation at UNC School of Law Criminal Evidence Seminar (April 1988)
  • “Bruton Problems: Do You Really Have One?,” presentation at North Carolina Association of Public Defenders Conference (October 1987)
  • “Guilt Phase Issues and Strategies in Capital Defense Litigation” and “Developing Issues under North Carolina Death Penalty Law,” presentations at “The Death Penalty: Trial and Post-Conviction,” North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers (April 1987)


  • University of Cincinnati Award for Faculty Excellence (2021) (Office of the Provost and Office of Research)
  • Fellow, The Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota School of Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota (2015—present)
  • University of Cincinnati Just Community Award (2008)
  • Leadership Cincinnati (Leadership Class XXX) (2006-07)
  • Fellow, Academic Leadership Development Program, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2005)