
Robert McClendon

Robert McClendon served 18 years in prison for the rape of a 10 year old girl. Despite his repeated denial of the crime and demands for DNA testing, it was not until the Columbus Dispatch profiled Robert’s case – and those of 29 other Ohioans – that DNA testing was performed. That testing established that Robert was not the man who had raped the child. Robert was exonerated in 2008.

Robert McClendon

In his freedom, Robert is a devoted educational ambassador for OIP, frequently speaking at community groups and high school, college, and law students around the state. He is particularly proud of his work in prison, which included mentoring young men and helping 16 of them earn GEDs.

Robert is now one of the most highly ranked players in Ohio’s official cornhole league.

You can learn more about the incredible journalism that helped Robert and other men gain freedom through DNA testing by reading the series via the Columbus Dispatch.  

You can learn more about Robert’s case at the National Registry of Exonerations.

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