Pro-Bono Opportunities for Lawyers
Local transactional/business lawyers have a unique opportunity to provide pro bono assistance to the Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic by volunteering to be “clinic advisors,” individuals who will be called upon from time to time to assist the ECDC and its clients on legal issues in their practice areas. By doing so, clinic advisors will help students to develop as practicing lawyers, help local businesses optimize their chances for success, contribute to the economic development of Cincinnati and surrounding communities, begin to nurture relationships with potential future clients, employees, and colleagues, and, importantly, feel the intrinsic reward and self-fulfillment that comes with providing pro bono services.
A clinic advisor may serve the ECDC in many ways, including:
- As a consultant to students and the clinic director as issues arise;
- As the lead supervisor of students on selected projects;
- As an instructor, providing classroom instruction to students on selected topics; and
- As a referral source, on a pro bono or discounted fee basis, for businesses and entrepreneurs of limited financial means which the ECDC does not accept into its program.
Volunteer as a Clinic Advisor
If you are interested in becoming a clinic advisor, please contact ECDC. By participating, you will be included on the ECDC’s roster of clinic advisors and contacted, on a case by case basis, as opportunities arise. When contacted, clinic advisors may determine whether, and to what extent, they desire to be involved with respect to the requested assistance.
To sign up as a clinic advisor, please email Lori Strait at