
Donna Mayerson

Headshot of Dr. Donna Mayerson

Dr. Donna Mayerson

Clinical Director, Ohio Innocence Project

Dr. Donna Mayerson is a positive psychologist who provides an array of services and supports to OIP’s lawyers, staff, students, and freed clients. Her work includes facilitating organizational discussions, providing staff and students with mental health services related to secondary and vicarious trauma, and providing freed clients with mental health services, education, and support related to post-traumatic stress disorder and other injuries caused by wrongful imprisonment. Dr. Mayerson is also a vital member of OIP’s post-release support committee, and a frequent lecturer for legal and mental health professionals on secondary trauma and mental health.

Dr. Mayerson earned her undergraduate degree in sociology at Miami University, a masters degree in special education at the University of Cincinnati, and masters and doctorate degrees in counseling psychology at the University of Utah.  

In addition to her work with OIP, Dr. Mayerson is the director of practice for the VIA Institute, and works through a charitable family foundation with nonprofits in the Cincinnati area.