Procedures for the Administration of College of Law Exams for Spring 2020
The College will administer two groups of exams this semester: (1) take-home exams; and (2) scheduled, in-class exams. COVID-19 will not impact the administration of take-home exams. The Registrar's Office will administer take-home exams as it has in the past semesters.
Scheduled, in-class exams have now become Scheduled Online Exams (SOEs). Following is an overview of the procedures for administering SOEs to students this semester:
1. SOEs will be administered using the TWEN platform on the scheduled exam date as set forth in the spring 2020 exam schedule. TWEN will allow students to download/print exam questions. Students will upload their essay exam answers in Microsoft Word. Students will submit their answers to multiple-choice questions using a digital scantron on TWEN. SOEs will be password protected and made available only to students enrolled in the course.
2. SOEs will be available for students to download on TWEN from 12:01 am EST until 11:59 pm EST on the scheduled exam date. Faculty will specify in the exam instructions the maximum total time students have to spend on the exam. For SOEs, faculty are encouraged to set the maximum amount of time for their exams as they would have had the exam been administered in-class.
Students will be allowed to allocate their time working on the exam on the scheduled exam date as they wish, provided they spend no more than the maximum time set by the professor. For example, if the maximum amount of time allocated for a Constitutional Law II exam is 3 hours, students may spend up to 3 hours (not necessarily consecutively) during the 24-hour period on the scheduled exam date to complete the exam. Thus, a student could work on the exam from 6:00 am to 8:00 am and then from 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
Although students may download/print exams at any time on the scheduled exam date, the exam must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm. It is the student’s responsibility to leave ample time to complete the exam. No extra time will be granted because a student downloads an exam late in the time period.
3. All SOEs will be open-book; however, students are not permitted to collaborate with any other person while completing an exam unless the professor expressly permits such collaboration.
4. Students will complete an honor code acknowledgement sheet, affirming that they
a. will not spend more than the allotted time to complete their exam answer;
b. understand that all exam questions are confidential. They will destroy all copies of the exam questions, including hard copies and digital copies. They will not share copies of the exam questions with anyone; and
c. will complete the exam following the professor’s instructions and all student obligations under the honor code.
5. Students will upload their essay exam answers in Microsoft Word to TWEN using their anonymous exam number. Students will submit their answers anonymously to multiple choice questions using a digital scantron on TWEN. Students will receive their anonymous exam numbers from the Registrar’s Office prior to the start of the exam period.
6. The Registrar’s Office will batch the anonymous exam answers and provide them to the course professor.