
Christopher Smith

Christopher Smith

Christopher Smith spent 12 years in prison for a crime that he and the Ohio Innocence Project contend that he did not commit.

Christopher was convicted in 2008 of armed robbery and sentenced to 18 years in prison. His attorney, Michele Berry Godsey, represented Christopher at trial and throughout his appeals. When those efforts failed, she turned to the federal courts in an effort to secure habeas relief, working with OIP. A federal court judge ruled in 2020 that Christopher was entitled to a new trial after full disclosure of the DNA testing that was completed on evidence used to convict Christopher. That order came in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and resulted in Christopher’s immediate release. The government appealed the judge’s decision, and in late 2021, a federal appeals court reversed the judge’s ruling.

Christopher ultimately entered into a plea bargain in early 2022 that ensured he would remain free. 

In his freedom, Christopher lives in the Cincinnati are. He continues to pursue his musical career as he works in sales, and spends time with his wonderful wife, Haley, and their family.

Learn more about Christopher’s case via UC News.

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