
Fall 2016 Course Offerings

Courses for Fall 2016
Course Name Course Description
Individual Research Project(1) Under the direct supervision of a member of the faculty, upper level students engage in original research and prepare for credit a substantial work product. The research project is selected jointly by the student and faculty member. Customarily, the final product will be a research paper, and, in that case, the paper must be 10-15 pages long. The student must both register for the course and present a completed contract by the last day of the drop/add period. Contracts must be turned in on time or students will be dropped from the class. You are limited to five total credits of individual writing per academic year. Credits cannot be adjusted after the add/drop period.
Individual Research Project(2) Under the direct supervision of a member of the faculty, upper level students engage in original research and prepare for credit a substantial work product. The research project is selected jointly by the student and faculty member. Customarily, the final product will be a research paper, and, in that case, the paper must be 20-30 pages long for two credits. The student must both register for the course and present a completed contract by the last day of the drop/add period. Contracts must be turned in on time or students will be dropped from the class. You are limited to five total credits of individual writing per academic year. Credits cannot be adjusted after the add/drop period.
Individual Research Project(3) Under the direct supervision of a member of the faculty, upper level students engage in original research and prepare for credit a substantial work product. The research project is selected jointly by the student and faculty member. Customarily, the final product will be a research paper, and, in that case, the paper must be 35-50 pages long for three credits. The student must both register for the course and present a completed contract by the last day of the drop/add period. Contracts must be turned in on time or students will be dropped from the class. You are limited to five total credits of individual writing per academic year. Credits cannot be adjusted after the add/drop period.
Civil Procedure I This course covers various aspects of civil litigation from the filing of a complaint up to the discovery process. Jurisdiction over the person, venue, and federal subject matter jurisdiction are explored. Coverage is also given to the decision in Erie RR v. Tompkins and its progeny, concerning the applicability of state law in federal courts. The remainder of the course is devoted to service of process, joinder of parties, counterclaims and amendments.
Constitutional Law I This is an introductory course covering judicial review, federalism, separation of powers, and equal protection.
Contracts This course covers basic concepts and doctrines in contract law, including the legal grounds for enforcement of promises, the role of consent in contract formation, contract remedies, and interpretation. Attention is given to both the common law of contracts and to Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Lawyering I: LR&W This course covers skills basic to competent legal research and writing. The students write objective memoranda of law based on hypothetical problems composed by the instructors. The course emphasizes issue recognition, case and statutory interpretation, legal analysis, and the use of plain English.
Torts Torts examines the three basic theories of civil (non-criminal) liability for injuries to persons and property. International torts, negligence and strict liability. These subjects are considered together with causation problems, defenses to liability (such as consent, self-defense, comparative negligence and assumption of risk), and affirmative duties.
Negotiations In this course students learn the "science and art" of negotiation. Students are introduced to significant literature and theory in negotiation and have the opportunity to practice negotiating through a sequenced series of negotiation simulations. This course will involve feedback on recorded negotiation performance; initially ungraded and solely for student benefit. The final grade will be based on a combination of written analysis in the form of analytical journal entries as well as your analysis of recorded negotiation performance.
Client Counseling In this course, students consider the lawyer-client relationship in the context of realistic scenarios, examining the basic strategies and skills a lawyer must master in the lawyer-client relationship. Students will practice and demonstrate the skills of effective client communication and practice management. The instruction and simulations will be set in the business transaction context.
Intro to Intellectual Property This broadest and most basic course gives roughly equal time to the three primary federal doctrines in the area, copyright, trademark, and patent, and gives students a brief introduction to related state law doctrines such as rights of publicity and trade secrets. This course provides students with the basics of each doctrine as well as an understanding of the ways in which they interact with each other.
Business Associations Business Associations. This course covers major topics in the law of agency, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies and corporations, as well selected aspects of the federal securities laws. This course will replace both Corporations I and Agency, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations. Any student who has taken Corporations I in the past may not take Business Associations. If you have taken Agency, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations in the past, you may take Business Associations.
Lawyering I: LR&W This course covers skills basic to competent legal research and writing. The students write objective memoranda of law based on hypothetical problems composed by the instructors. The course emphasizes issue recognition, case and statutory interpretation, legal analysis, and the use of plain English.
Lawyering I: LR&W This course covers skills basic to competent legal research and writing. The students write objective memoranda of law based on hypothetical problems composed by the instructors. The course emphasizes issue recognition, case and statutory interpretation, legal analysis, and the use of plain English.
Lawyering I: LR&W This course covers skills basic to competent legal research and writing. The students write objective memoranda of law based on hypothetical problems composed by the instructors. The course emphasizes issue recognition, case and statutory interpretation, legal analysis, and the use of plain English.
Lawyering I: LR&W This course covers skills basic to competent legal research and writing. The students write objective memoranda of law based on hypothetical problems composed by the instructors. The course emphasizes issue recognition, case and statutory interpretation, legal analysis, and the use of plain English.
Constitutional Law I This is an introductory course covering judicial review, federalism, separation of powers, and equal protection.
Contracts This course covers basic concepts and doctrines in contract law, including the legal grounds for enforcement of promises, the role of consent in contract formation, contract remedies, and interpretation. Attention is given to both the common law of contracts and to Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Constitutional Law I This is an introductory course covering judicial review, federalism, separation of powers, and equal protection.
Evidence The goal of this course is for students to know and be able to apply (1) the Federal Rules of Evidence governing relevance, unfair prejudice, character evidence, impeachment, hearsay, and opinion testimony; (2) the rules as they intersect with a few constitutional provisions, such as the Sixth Amendment confrontation right; and (3) some housekeeping rules, such as Rules 102-105, 201, 611, and the Best Evidence rule.
Entrepren&CommDev Clinic Open to 3Lâ s only. Enrollment is limited to 8-10 students selected by the instructor. No later than the first day of class, students must have a â legal intern certificateâ from the Office of Bar Admissions of the Supreme Court of Ohio. In this course, students will staff the Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic (ECDC), obtaining â hands onâ experience representing local businesses and entrepreneurs on transactional legal issues critical to their success, including assistance and counseling on entity selection and formation; regulatory compliance and licensing; trademark/copyright protection; lease review and negotiation; contract preparation/review/negotiation; tax - exempt applications; and other legal issues confronting small businesses, both for-profit and nonprofit. Students also will learn how a small law office operates, including procedures for client intake, file maintenance, project tracking, timekeeping, and scheduling. In addition to attending the weekly class, students will be expected to spend approximately10-12 hours per week on their clinic work, with a minimum of 4 of those hours spent working in the clinic offices, located at the law school and the Hamilton County Business Center. The ECDC will represent primarily clients of limited financial means who cannot afford the services of the private bar and will not represent clients in litigation
Entrepren&CommDev FP Entrepreneurship & Community Development Clinic Field Placement. Students will also be concurrently enrolled in BCL7038.
Judicial Extern The classroom component of this course covers an analysis of the methods of selecting judges, speech and money-raising aspects of judicial campaigns, the federal confirmation process, and issues of judicial bias and recusal and behavior on and off the bench. The work performed in the judicial extern field placement is essentially the same as that performed by a law clerk to a judge. It usually involves preparing memoranda on cases, reviewing case files, drafting opinions and orders, and attending court and conferences. The precise tasks performed, however, depend upon the type of court and the style of the judge. SPECIAL NOTES: Concurrent enrollment in Judicial Extern Class and Field placement required. See special memo regarding Judicial Extern Program on website. Complete separate Judicial Extern Preference Form and include transcript and resume. Materials must be submitted to the Registrar by designated due date. Students may not enroll concurrently in Extern programs. May only take Judicial Externship once. Usually offered every semester.
Judicial Extern FP Concurrent enrollment in Judicial Extern Class is required.
Remedies This course covers all forms of ultimate relief in civil actions: damages, restitution, and equitable relief. The first portion deals with the damage remedies in tort, contract, real property, and personal property litigation. The second unit analyzes the alternative remedy of restitution, in law and equity. The course concludes with those cases governing specific relief in equity, specific performance in contract, and injunctions in tort.
Criminal Procedure I This introductory course deals with the constitutional aspects of various police practices, focusing primarily on the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments to the US Constitution. The course specifically addresses the right to counsel; arrest, search and seizure; wiretapping, electronic eavesdropping and the use of secret agents; police interrogation and confession; and the scope and administration of the exclusionary rules.
White Collar Crime This course examines the special problems of proving a guilty mind and a guilty act in the context of business and government activities. Specific emphasis will be placed on corporate criminal liability, personal liability in organizational settings, conspiracy, mail fraud, false statements, perjury and false declarations, obstruction of justice, bribery of public officials, and RICO: The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.
Civil Procedure I This course covers various aspects of civil litigation from the filing of a complaint up to the discovery process. Jurisdiction over the person, venue, and federal subject matter jurisdiction are explored. Coverage is also given to the decision in Erie RR v. Tompkins and its progeny, concerning the applicability of state law in federal courts. The remainder of the course is devoted to service of process, joinder of parties, counterclaims and amendments.
Pretrial Practice This course will focus solely on the litigation skills that an attorney must master in order to steer a civil case from the beginning of a dispute to the point immediately preceding a trial. Topics may include: development of the legal theory/theories in a case (causes of action and defenses); pleadings, including state and federal filing rules, proper parties, service considerations, electronic filing, and waiver of service of summons; development of discovery strategies; discovery, including interrogatories, requests for production of documents, requests for admissions, and motions to compel; depositions, taking and defending; experts, including retainer issues, drafting expert reports, and taking/defending expert depositions; pre-trial motion practice; trial-witness preparation; jury instructions and pre-trial statements; and court-ordered mediation and settlement.
Human Rights Seminar One of the strategies for the advancement of human rights is to have a city commit to becoming â A Human Rights City.â This is a research seminar where each member will undertake an assigned topic. We will want to explore whether this has been an effective strategy, as opposed to window dressing, both in other countries, and within the United States. One of the arguments that has been an obstacle to the United States ratification of human rights treaties is that under our federal system, the contents of much of the human rights treaties deals with matters allocated to states rather than the national government. While it is clear that this â federalismâ argument was employed by many who feared that the international human rights commitments would undermine racial segregation, it is accurate that the human rights treaties were different in kind in that they largely focused on obligations to change law within the United States, and yes that a good deal of that law would be at the state level. It is also true that under the Constitution the President & the U.S. Senate are given the responsibility for ratifying treaties, and States have not been brought into the process. The Seminar will explore whether through the portal of the â Cityâ we can take up the challenge of complying with international human rights obligations. We will tackle the hard questions in our exploration of a strategy to create more just communities.
Torts Torts examines the three basic theories of civil (non-criminal) liability for injuries to persons and property. International torts, negligence and strict liability. These subjects are considered together with causation problems, defenses to liability (such as consent, self-defense, comparative negligence and assumption of risk), and affirmative duties.
Legal Drafting This class provides a comprehensive introduction to drafting legal documents in the transactional context, with a heavy emphasis on contracts and internal documents. Students will learn the basic concepts that guide contract drafting and how mastery of these concepts aid in managing risk in legal transactions. Students will complete a number of short drafting exercises and two (possibly three) graded drafting assignments.
Corp Trans: TermSht/Closing This course will take students through a single transaction, beginning with the initial term sheet, continuing through the negotiation and execution of a purchase agreement, and ending with closing and post-closing obligations. By the end of the course, students will acquire a detailed understanding of deal structures and timelines, the ebb and flow of transactions, and the major components of a negotiated agreement. Students will work in teams representing one party to the transaction throughout the entire course. Course work includes required reading, in-class and outside-class drafting assignments, client counseling, and contract negotiation.
Federal Income Tax This course is structured around the two dominant themes of the taxation of individuals under the Internal Revenue Code: what is income, and what is deductible; and when must the taxpayer recognize income, and when can the taxpayer deduct a particular expense. Also the course examines miscellaneous topics such as capital gains and losses, identifying the proper taxpayer, and others.
American Legal History This course provides students with a broad view of how and why the institutions and principles of American law developed into their present forms. The focus is on the relationship between the law and general social, economic, and political trends. The course also seeks to cultivate an understanding of important movements in American legal history. Evaluation will be by final examination.
2L DV&CP Clinic FP 2L Domestic Violence & Civil Protection Order Field Placement. You must also enroll concurrently in the 2L DV&CPO Class (IRTS 7039).
2L DV&CP Clinic As part of collaboration with the Legal Aid Society of Cincinnati, students act as advocates for victims of domestic violence. Second-year students, who cannot be licensed as legal interns in Ohio, participate in interviewing, case preparation, and other aspects of clinic work. Students might participate as domestic violence advocates in other ways as well. For example, students conducted research and assisted in writing an amicus brief filed with the United States Supreme Court in Abbott v. Abbott, involving custody rights. In addition, when the YWCA shelter was threatened with loss of funding, two clinic students testified before the Cincinnati City Council, which voted to restore funding.
Civil Rights Litigation Civil Rights Litigation
LR&W for LLMs Legal Research & Writing for LLM Students
Education Law This course examines legal issues encountered at all levels of education. The course will focus on such problems as academic freedom, curriculum control, censorship, mandatory education, church â state issues, faculty and student rights, tort and civil liability of educational institutions, and educational opportunity, including rights of the handicapped.
Legal Ethics In this course students consider the lawyer-client relationship in the context of realistic scenarios, evaluating the complete choices an ethical lawyer must make to establish an effective lawyer-client relationship. Following an examination of the ABA Model Rules and the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct, students consider the ethical components of the lawyer-client relationship, with an emphasis on competency, confidentiality, and conflicts of interest. The course also includes substantial instruction in the history, goals, structure, values, and responsibilities of the legal profession and its members.
Federal Courts This course addresses issues of federalism and separation of powers raised by statutes and doctrines which establish and limit federal court jurisdiction. Among the matters addressed are standing, legislative courts, congressional power over federal jurisdiction, the Eleventh Amendment, and the abstention doctrines. Also considered are the role state courts play in the formation and application of doctrines.
Law, Literature & Philosophy Traditionally, lawyers have played central roles in the organization of society and the administration of justice. They also further the interests of their clients through persuasive argumentation. Using a number of "great books," this course will examine forms of argument and forms of legal authority.
Patent Law This course examines the federal statutory system of protection for useful, novel, and non-obvious inventions and those developments that enrich the technological arts. Although not a requisite, students with a science background will find it helpful to them in this course and this field.
Legal Analys BAR EXAM This course serves the dual purpose of equipping students to succeed on the written portions of bar examinations and preparing for legal practice by developing and honing skills relevant to legal analysis, professional and effective written communication, principled advocacy, and management of legal work. Students will receive instruction, practice, critical peer review, and coaching in these skills that will be valuable in taking a bar examination in Ohio or any other jurisdiction. Students will practice these skills using model and previously-administered essays and Multistate Performance Tests (MPTs). Students will also engage in self-assessment exercises addressing learning styles and time/work management issues. Although students will have an opportunity to review some core legal concepts, the focus of this course will be on practicing and developing the professional skills necessary to pass a bar examination and enter the legal profession. This course is not intended to substitute for a bar preparation course taken after Hooding that can help students review core concepts learned throughout law school and learn legal concepts not studied in law school and specific to the jurisdiction in which students wish to practice. Instead, this course will build a strong foundation in the skills necessary to be successful on a bar exam.
Appellate Practice & Procedure This covers the role and function of appellate courts: preserving issues for appeal; appealability; appeal strategy; the record on appeal; briefs and oral argument; operating procedures of appellate courts; motion practice; extraordinary writs; and related matters. Each student prepares a critique of an actual case pending in an appellate court.
Media Law This seminar will explore current issues in the law as it relates to media. Students will examine such topics as libel, discovery of editorial materials and privileges, privacy and news-gathering torts, and access to information, including issues arising under the Freedom of Information Act. Throughout the course, hypothetical "problems" will be used to illustrate the points being discussed.
Legal Extern The classroom component of the Legal Extern Program emphasizes practical lawyering skills, law office economics, and ethical issues. In their field placements, legal externs work under the supervision of attorneys in local, state, and federal public agencies, for legal aid and other non-profit organizations, and in some other organizations in the private sector. To apply for an externship, return the completed form with a resume and a transcript to the College of Law Registrar by the due date set for the term.
Legal Extern FP Concurrent enrollment in LITG 7016 is required.
Neuroscience & Law What are adolescents, psychopaths, and white-collar fraud artists thinking? Why does emotional trauma for victims of abuse last so long? Why is eyewitness memory so poor? Do violent video games lead to violent children? Lawyers and courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, are already integrating neuroscience research into their arguments and opinions on questions such as these. This Neuroscience and the Law course will introduce the exciting new field of â neurolawâ by covering issues such as the neuroscience of criminal culpability, brain-based lie detection, emotions, decision making, and much more. How the legal system can and should respond to new insights on topics such as adolescent brain development, addiction, psychopathy, Alzheimerâ s, the effects of combat on soldiersâ brains, and concussions from sports injuries will be discussed and analyzed. (Note that all scientific material in the class will be presented in an accessible manner; no previous science back ground is required or assumed.) Graduate students from other colleges at UC may join the class. Special Note: Taking this course satisfies only one of the graduation requirements (seminar or writing). If you take this course and have not yet satisfied the seminar requirement, you will be deemed to have met the seminar requirement. However, if you take this course and you have already met the seminar requirement, you will be deemed to have met the writing requirement. Two, separate courses are required to satisfy both the seminar and writing requirements. No one course satisfies them both.
Intro to Law & Psychiatry This course introduces the student to the issues arising from the interaction of mentally ill or incapacitated individuals with the American civil and criminal justice system. It also considers the practice and structure of the mental health profession. This class is required for Weaver Fellows.
Advertising Law This class explores copyright, trademark, right of publicity, and other intellectual property issues, as well as defamation and product disparagement issues surrounding the creative world of advertising. Topics will include logos; products and their packaging; the use of images in advertising; celebrity sponsorships; false advertising, comparative advertising; contests and lotteries; internet advertising; government regulation of "unfair" trade practices; children's advertising; and the relationship between First Amendment concerns and commercial speech.
Mental Health Law I:CvlComtmnt In this class, we will focus on the legal aspects of publicly-financed mental health care and the traditional and current governmental responses to mental disability. This course is open to Weaver Fellows; other interested students should contact the College of Law Registrar.
Trial Practice The development of litigative techniques is stressed through student participation in simulated trial situations. Each aspect of the trial is studied and emphasis is placed upon strategy and fact management.
Legal Ethics In this course students consider the lawyer-client relationship in the context of realistic scenarios, evaluating the complete choices an ethical lawyer must make to establish an effective lawyer-client relationship. Following an examination of the ABA Model Rules and the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct, students consider the ethical components of the lawyer-client relationship, with an emphasis on competency, confidentiality, and conflicts of interest. The course also includes substantial instruction in the history, goals, structure, values, and responsibilities of the legal profession and its members.
US Legal System (LLM) US Legal System (LLM)
Int'l Litigation & Arbitration The course is designed to introduce the student to international commercial arbitration. The course will focus on preparing the student both for advising companies on negotiating effective dispute resolution provisions in cross-border commercial contracts and representing clients having a dispute before an international commercial arbitration tribunal. The course will begin by emphasizing the importance of a well-crafted dispute resolution provision in cross-border agreements and the inadequacies of leaving dispute resolution to national courts. The course will then address the differences in customs and legal traditions in Europe, Asia and Latin America and the influence of such differences on the manner in which disputes are resolved and arbitrations are conducted. The student will be introduced to the principal international arbitral institutions administrating international arbitrations and their procedural rules, and also to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (for ad hoc non-administered arbitrations) and investor/state arbitrations under bilateral investment treaties. In addition, there will be a brief introduction to the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The remainder of the course will demonstrate, using a hypothetical international business dispute, the procedures step-by-step typically used in an international commercial arbitration, including: commencement and issuance of the statements of claims and defense, the selection of arbitrators, the disclosure process, the pleadings and submissions of pre-hearing briefs and memorials, the presentation of written and oral evidence at the hearing, the issuance of the award, the role of courts in enforcing arbitral agreements and ultimately enforcement or vacatur of the award under the New York Convention and a variety of specific arbitration laws, including those in the United States, England, France, Hong Kong and China.
Freedom Center Journal:Staff The Freedom Center Journal of Law and History engages its readership on issues historically driving African-American intellectual thought while challenging its student membership to fully develop their individual talents to compete on terms of academic equality in an international society governed by law and legal institutions.
Freedom Center Journal:Staff The Freedom Center Journal of Law and History engages its readership on issues historically driving African-American intellectual thought while challenging its student membership to fully develop their individual talents to compete on terms of academic equality in an international society governed by law and legal institutions.
Freedom Center Journal Editor Editor Position: By permission of instructor.
Human Rights Quarterly: Staff Participating students engage in the selection and editing of articles for publication in the University of Cincinnati Human Rights Quarterly. Human Rights Quarterly Staff only.
Human Rights Quarterly: Editor Editor Position: By permission of Instructor. Participating students engage in the selection and editing of articles for publication in the University of Cincinnati Human Rights Quarterly. Human Rights Quarterly Staff only.
Immigra&Nat'lity LR:Staff Participating students engage in selection and preparation of articles for publication in the Review. Students also write notes and comments for publication in the Review.
Immigra&Nat'lity LR:Staff Participating students engage in selection and preparation of articles for publication in the Review. Students also write notes and comments for publication in the Review.
Immigra&Nat'l LR: EIC Editor-in-Chief; by permission of Instructor.
IP & Computer Law Jrnl The Intellectual Property and Computer Law Journal is dedicated to furthering knowledge associated with the research and practice of intellectual property law, computer law, and related fields concerning domestic and international media and telecommunications policy. The Journal will be published online. The Registrar will enroll students selected to participate in the necessary class through the registration system.
IP & Computer Law Jrnl The Intellectual Property and Computer Law Journal is dedicated to furthering knowledge associated with the research and practice of intellectual property law, computer law, and related fields concerning domestic and international media and telecommunications policy. The Journal will be published online. The Registrar will enroll students selected to participate in the necessary class through the registration system.
IP&CLJ Ed Limited to students identified by supervising faculty member.
Moot Court Competition This is the intramural competition for the Moot Court Honor Board open to all 2L students. Students wishing to participate in the competition should enroll in this class.
Moot Court Honor Board Open to 2L students in their Spring Semester; prerequisite for Moot Court Executive Editor. Prereq: To enroll you must: Have taken LITG7017 Moot Court Competition
Mt Ct Sr. Semester For 3L students in both fall and spring semesters.
Mt Ct Rendigs Prob Writer Open to the Rendigs Problem Writer and by permission of instructor only. Prereq: To enroll you must: Have taken LITG7017 Moot Court Competition
Mt Ct Exec Director Open to the Executive Director only.
Law Review 2L Participating students engage in the selection and editing of articles for publication in the University of Cincinnati Law Review. Some students also write notes and comments for publication in the Review. Students must participate in a competition and be selected to participate. The College of Law Registrar will schedule you in the appropriate course; it is your responsibility to make sure you have room in your schedule to accommodate the addition of this course.
Law Review 3L Participating students engage in the selection and editing of articles for publication in the University of Cincinnati Law Review. Some students also write notes and comments for publication in the Review. Students must participate in a competition and be selected to participate. The College of Law Registrar will schedule you in the appropriate course; it is your responsibility to make sure you have room in your schedule to accommodate the addition of this course.
Law Review Contributing Editor By permission only.
Law Review Blog Editor The blog has student, professor and practitioner contributors. Knowledge of Bluebook and Texas Law Review Manual for Style and Usage, and ability to coordinate. The job responsibilities of the Blog Editor would include: â ¢ Actively solicit and select practitioners for blog posts â ¢ Ensure Contributing Members, Guest or Student Editors, and Student Contributors all meet posting requirements ensuring conformance with the Texas Law Review Manual for Style and Usage and that all footnote content conform with the Bluebook â ¢ Coordinating promotion and utilization of the blog including monitoring any comments/feedback. In recognition of the responsibilities of the Blog Editor, this position will receive 2 non-classroom credit hours; it would not meet the writing or seminar requirement. This position would only be open to 3L students. The UC Law Review Blog is of great importance to the future of the Law Review. With a dedicated position overseeing the blog, the maintenance and care of the blog can be guaranteed. By Permission Only
Law Review Ed/Exec Ed Participating students engage in the selection and editing of articles for publication in the University of Cincinnati Law Review. Students also write notes and comments for publication in the Review.
Contracts This course covers basic concepts and doctrines in contract law, including the legal grounds for enforcement of promises, the role of consent in contract formation, contract remedies, and interpretation. Attention is given to both the common law of contracts and to Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Contracts This course covers basic concepts and doctrines in contract law, including the legal grounds for enforcement of promises, the role of consent in contract formation, contract remedies, and interpretation. Attention is given to both the common law of contracts and to Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Critical Race Theory Critical race theory (â CRTâ ) developed in the early and mid â 1980s as a response to both the substance and style of traditional legal scholarship. Substantively, critical race scholars rejected not only the â colorblindâ approach to legal issues that renders invisible the particular and often divergent experiences of people of color vis â à â vis the law, but also liberal approaches emphasizing formal equality and individual civil rights, as well as the radical critiques of critical legal theorists and their â trashingâ of civil rights. Stylistically, critical race theorists often employed new methodologies for legal scholarship, including storytelling and postmodern analysis. CRT advocates effectively used these methods to illuminate and define the centrality of race as a foundational feature of U.S. law. Since its emergence, there have been a number of developments in CRT, as is the case with every specialized field of study. More recently, second generation CRT scholars have focused on the â anti â essentialistâ challenge presented by a diverse community of race crits along racial, ethnic, gender, sexuality, and class lines, among others. Participants in this class will examine the genesis of CRT and its subsequent development, and will explore further CRTâ s possibilities and limitations. We will address some of the following questions: Has CRT been successful, in light of its theoretical commitments, in changing the law and/or the lives of marginalized people for the better? How have non â legal scholarly disciplines influenced and impacted the development of CRT? Is there such a thing as â critical race praxis,â and if so, what does it mean and require?
Indigent Defense Clinic Through the Office of the Hamilton County Public Defender, students provide representation to indigent criminal defendants in misdemeanor cases. Each student is closely supervised by a licensed attorney and handles all aspects of the case, from the initial client interview and investigation to motions practice and trial advocacy. During the year-long program, students must commit 15 hours each week to the clinic, including participation in a weekly classroom components.
Indigent Defense Clinic FP Concurrent enrollment required in LITG 7051 as well as the full-year.
Public Int Honrs Fellow Public Interest Honors Fellowship Companion Class: This course must be taken simultaneously with the Public Interest Honors Fellowship, and it must be taken both semesters during the academic year. The class component consists of a two-day orientation blast class, subject matter specific instruction in domestic relations and estate planning issues, instruction and simulations in issues pertaining to underserved clients, and guest lectures from volunteer attorneys and court personnel. Students must complete specified written assignments and meet individually with the course instructor. Public Interest Honors Fellowship: Public Interest Honors Fellowships are open only to third year law students eligible to obtain a limited license in Ohio and require a commitment for the entire academic year. Selected students will obtain advanced practical experience (under the supervision of practicing attorneys) by representing selected underserved clients in need of domestic relations and/or estate planning services. The PIHF will interview clients, draft appropriate documents, review and execute those documents with the clients, and appear in court where necessary under the supervision of six different practicing attorneys who will rotate among the students to ensure that each student benefits from the perspective and wisdom of multiple attorneys. To apply for an externship, you need to send resume and letter of interest by July 1st to supervising faculty member.
Public Int Honors FP This course must be taken simultaneously with the Public Interest Honors Fellowship, and it must be taken both semesters during the academic year.
Secured Transactions This course focuses on laws governing secured transactions, specifically as set forth in Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. The topics addressed include the creation and perfection of security interests in personal property, priorities and remedies upon default in these secured transactions, and the interactions of the laws governing secured transactions with the Bankruptcy Code.
TP Team: Comp Prep Full-year commitment required. Students will prepare and enter trial competitions in the fall and spring under the supervision of attorney-coaches.
Wills & Estates This course covers the variety of ways in which people can arrange for the passage of their property at their death. Students study common law and statutory methods of dealing with property left by a decedent who did or did not leave a will; the procedures and problems of creating, construing, contesting, or revoking wills; the concerns for providing for surviving spouses and other family members; fiduciary duties in the administration of estates and some of the methods for avoiding the probate of estates.
Innocence Project:WrongConv In this course, students examine the various types of evidence that might lead to the wrongful conviction of innocent persons. They will also consider the roles police, prosecutors, and defense lawyers play in the criminal justice system, with an emphasis on discovering how errors can lead to the conviction of the innocent. SPECIAL NOTES: Field Study in the spring semester is required.
Payment Systems This problems-based course covers Articles 3, 4 and 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code. It includes what has been traditionally known as "commercial paper" and the law of negotiable instruments, now codified in Article 3, the check collection system under Articles 3 and 4, and funds transfers under Article 4A.
Technology in the Law Practice Technology is changing the practice of law in all fields and venues. This course will provide students with the theoretical and practical background to understand these changes and to positively impact their firm's or organization's responses to such challenges. Areas of special focus include case and client management; document management and electronic discovery; information literacy; presentation technologies; and ethical implications. Readings and guest speakers will address both general technological issues as well as specific legal ramifications. Students will participate through their course projects in creating materials for a field of legal education that is still early in the process of forming.
Real Estate Transactions This class will focus on practical, real life situations involved in residential and commercial real estate transactions. The emphasis of the course will be on drafting documents appropriately, in order to avoid disputes. Areas covered will include: Attorneyâ s and brokerâ s roles in the transaction; the contract of sale; due diligence during the transaction; title assurance; and financing including mortgage foreclosures and distressed sales.
Computer Crime Law Computer Crime Law
Employment Law This course focuses on the legal relationship between employer and the individual employee. It will cover the common law aspects of that relationship, particularly the employment at will doctrine. It will then examine common law, contract, and statutory modifications of the doctrine. Statutes that may be examined include whistle-blower protection, unemployment and workersâ compensation acts, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and federal discrimination statutes. The course also covers other key features of the employment relationship including privacy concerns and contracts relating to protecting certain employer interests. The course is recommended for students contemplating a labor or employment law, corporate, or general practice.
Law Continuing Full-time Administrative Use Only.
IP & Computer Law Jrnl EIC Intellectual Property & Computer Law Journal Editor-in-Chief. By permission of supervising faculty/instructor.
Business Associations Business Associations. This course covers major topics in the law of agency, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies and corporations, as well selected aspects of the federal securities laws. This course will replace both Corporations I and Agency, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations. Any student who has taken Corporations I in the past may not take Business Associations. If you have taken Agency, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations in the past, you may take Business Associations.
TP Team: Comp Prep Full-year commitment required. Students will prepare and enter trial competitions in the fall and spring under the supervision of attorney-coaches.
Intro to Law (LLM) REQUIRED for all incoming LLM students.