
William J. Butler Papers Box 32

  1. Box-Folder #32 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Colloquiums
    1. Folder # 620 - Agenda - Madrid, Spain - 2007
      1. Precis

      2. Legal Empowerment - A Way Out of Poverty. June 2006 - Issue 1

      3. Legal Empowerment - A Way Out of Poverty. December 2006 - Issue 2


    2. Folder # 621 -Report- Madrid, Spain - 2007
      1. The Responsibility to Protect: Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty.

    3. Folder # 622 -Miscellaneous- Madrid, Spain - 2007
      1. Checklist for Spanish Foreign Ministry Meeting (2)

      2. Copies of an invitation to WJB on behalf of D. Ramon de la Cruz

      3. Legal Empowerment - April 2007 (2)

      4. Global Leadership for Climate Action - Madrid, May 22nd and 23rd

      5. Biography: Deputy Chief of Mission - Hugo Llorens

      6. Biography: Ambassador to Spain and Andorra - Eduardo Aguirre, Jr.

      7. “A Responsibility to Protect: The World’s View”, Gareth Evans and Andrew Stroehlein in open Democracy.

      8. Opening statement to the 30th Annual Colloquium in Madrid, Spain.

      9. Position Paper on the Complaint Procedure, International Service for Human Rights - March 2007

      10. ICJ: Establishing a Complaint Procedure in the Human Rights Council - Moving beyond the “1503 Procedure”

    4. Folder # 623- Correspondence - Madrid, Spain - 2007
      1. Correspondence from Miguel Angel Moratinos to WJB - January 17, 2006

      2. Email correspondence from Fernando Fernandez-Arias to WJB, cc: Jeronimo Arroyo Paulet - October 25, 2006

      3. Email correspondence from AAICJ to WJB - December 1, 2006

      4. Correspondence from Fernando Fernandez-Arias to WJB - December 4, 2006

      5. Email correspondence from AAICJ to WJB, cont. Fernando Fernandez-Arias - December 5, 2006

      6. Correspondence from Miguel Angel Moratinos to WJB - January 31, 2007

      7. Email correspondence from Fernando Fernandez-Arias to AAICJ - February 1, 2007

      8. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to AAICJ c/o WJB - February 6, 2007

      9. Correspondence from Caroline Miller to WJB - March 6, 2007

      10. Correspondence from WJB to Prof. Stephan P. Marks - March 7, 2007

      11. Email correspondence from Jeronimo Arroyo Paulet to AAICJ - March 7, 2007

      12. Email correspondence from Dubravka Simonvic to AAICJ - March 8, 2007

      13. Email correspondence from Fernando Fernandez-Arias to AAICJ; cc: Jeronimo Arroyo Paulet - March 9, 2007

      14. Email correspondence from Fernando Fernandez-Arias to AAICJ; cc: Jeronimo Arroyo Paulet - March 12, 2007

      15. Email correspondence from NUEVOC to AAICJ - March 13, 2007

      16. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to AAICJ - March 15, 2007

      17. Email correspondence from Wille Petter to AAICJ c/o WJB - March 20, 2007

      18. Email correspondence from DMV-MRA to AAICJ c/o WJB - March 23, 2007

      19. Email correspondence from Bosse Hedberg to AAICJ c/o WJB - March 27, 2007

      20. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to WJB - April 2, 2007

      21. Email correspondence from Jeffrey Kovar to AAICJ - April 3, 2007

      22. Email correspondence from Jeffrey Kovar to AAICJ - April 3, 2007

      23. Email correspondence from Fernando Fernandez-Arias to AAICJ; cc: Jeronimo Arroyo Paulet - April 3, 2007

      24. Email correspondence from Lakatos Istvan to AAICJ - April 4, 2007

      25. Email correspondence from Vesna Kos to AAICJ - April 5, 2007

      26. Email correspondence from Michel Doucin to WJB - April 5, 2007

      27. Email correspondence from LP Sekretariat to AAICJ - April 6, 2007

      28. Email correspondence from Jeffrey Kovar to AAICJ - April 12, 2007

      29. Email correspondence from Fernando Fernandez-Arias Minuesa to AAICJ - April 13, 2007

      30. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to AAICJ - April 15, 2007

      31. Email correspondence from Brandusa Predescu to AAICJ - April 17, 2007

      32. Email correspondence from Fernando Fernandez-Arias Minuesa to AAICJ - April 24, 2007

      33. Email correspondence from Eamonn MacAodha to AAICJ - April 24, 2011

      34. Email correspondence from AAICJ to Fernando Fernandez-Arias Minuesa - April 24, 2007

      35. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to AAICJ; cc: Thomas Greminger & Maurer Peter - April 26, 2007

      36. Email correspondence from Fernando Fernandez-Arias Minuesa to AAICJ - April 27, 2007

      37. Email correspondence from Wille Petter to AAICJ - April 27, 2007

      38. Email correspondence from Hasan Gogus to AAICJ - April 27, 2007

      39. Email correspondence from Igor Grexa to AAICJ - April 27, 2007

      40. Correspondence from WJB to Ambassador Eduardo Aguirre, Jr. - April 27, 2007

      41. Email correspondence from Nancy Ent, Urban Morgan Institute to Nuevo Club; cc: WJB - April 30, 2007

      42. Fax correspondence from Alice Delman c/o WJB to Ambassador Eduardo Aguirre - April 30, 2007

      43. Email correspondence from Matjaz Kovacic to AAICJ - April 30, 2007

      44. Email correspondence from Peter Rothen to WJB - May 2, 2007

      45. Email correspondence from Martin Huth to WJB - May 3, 2007

      46. Email correspondence from Mary Robinson to WJB - May 8, 2007

      47. Email correspondence from Hiroshi Minami to WJB - May 8, 2007

      48. Email correspondence from Jeffrey Kovar to AAICJ - May 9, 2007

      49. Email correspondence from Minna-Liina Lind to AAICJ - May 9, 2007

      50. Email correspondence from Anders Ronquist to WJB - May 10, 2007

      51. Email correspondence from Bert Theuermann to AAICJ - May 10, 2007

      52. Email correspondence from Igor Grexa to AAICJ - May 10, 2007

      53. Email correspondence from Mariana Hancock to WJB - May 11, 2007

      54. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to WJB/AAICJ - May 11, 2007

      55. Email correspondence from Jeffrey Kovar to AAICJ - May 14, 2007

      56. Email correspondence from Kathleen Fitzpatrick to AAICJ - May 15, 2007

      57. Email correspondence from Dalia Kraulyte to AAICJ - May 15, 2007

      58. Email correspondence from Andy Newburg to WJB - May 27, 2007

      59. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to WJB/AAICJ - May 30, 2007

      60. Correspondence from WJB to Ambassador Silvia Escobar - July 18, 2007

      61. Correspondence from WJB to Hon. Fernando Fernandez-Arias - October 17, 2007

    5. Folder # 624 -Agenda- Vilnius, Lithuania - 2006
      1. Précis

      2. CD - Guide to International Human Rights Mechanisms for Internally Displaced Persons and their Advocates

      3. Agenda (4)
    6. Folder # 625 - Miscellaneous - Vilnius, Lithuania - 2006
      1. Invitation from the Ambassador to the United States to WJB - October 11, 2006

      2. Correspondence from Antanas Valionis on behalf of the Republic of Lithuania to WJB welcoming the AAICJ to hold the 29th Colloquium in Vilnius, Lithuania. (2)

      3. Handwritten notes in regards to participants.

      4. Printout for Public Affairs Section - American Center, Vilnius, Lithuania

      5. ICJ: “Expert Legal Panel on Corporate Complicity in International Crimes” - Update June 2006

      6. Project on the Implementation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Draft, April 28, 2006

      7. ICJ: “The Berlin Declaration” - Adopted August 2004

      8. United Nations Economic and Social Council 56th session - June 25, 2004

      9. Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism - Human Rights Resolution 2005/80

      10. Article Criminal, Immunize Thyself: The Bush Administration’s Get Out of Jail Card for Torturers by John Sifton - Human Rights Watch, August 11, 2011

      11. Excerpts from the report on 2005 World Summit outcome.

      12. Human Rights First Memorandum to Members of the UN Human Rights Committee - June 7, 2006

    7. Folder # 626 - Human Rights Materials - Vilnius, Lithuania - 2006
      1. Members of the Human Rights Council List

      2. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Must Become Full Partners in The Human Rights Council - Human Rights Council 1st Session

      3. Article First Session of the Human Rights Council: A Step in the Right Direction

      4. Universal Periodic Review - Human Rights Watch

      5. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Follow-Up to the World Conference on Human Rights Effective Functioning of Human Rights Mechanisms (unedited version)

      6. Article The U.N. Human Rights Council Is Not Enough: Time for a New Approach to Human Rights by Brett D. Schaefer - Background, No. 1910, February 8, 2008

      7. United Nations General Assembly 60th Session - April 3, 2006

      8. United Nations General Assembly 59th Session - May 23, 2005

      9. The Human Rights Council and Country Situations: Frameworks and Models. A study on behalf of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs - June 7, 2006

      10. ICJ: “The Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council” - August 2006


    8. Folder # 627 - Persons with Disabilities - Vilnius, Lithuania - 2006
      1. Newsletter, British Institute of Human Rights Brief - Summer 2006

      2. Brochure - Politics and Human Rights 2006

      3. United Nations General Assembly - January 27, 2004

      4. Article (via Disability Pact Passes U.N. Panel - August 25, 2006

      5. Article Annan Hails Agreement on Treaty Protecting Rights of Persons with Disabilities

      6. Article Women and Girls with Disabilities - Human Rights Watch

      7. UN News Service - “General Assembly President Says Global Human Rights Pact for Disabled is ‘within reach’

      8. Article Two by Stein, One with Waterstone - Disability Law, May 23, 2006


    9. Folder # 628 - Research Materials - Vilnius, Lithuania - 2006
      1. Press Statement Human Rights First: Noncombatants in Lebanon and Israel Must Be Protected - July 28, 2006

      2. Letter to National Security Advisor Hadley on Requested U.S. Cluster Munitions Transfer to Israel - August 11, 2006

      3. United Nations Security Council, Resolution 1701 (2006) - August 11, 2006

      4. Article Inquiry Opened Into Israeli Use of U.S. Bombs by David S. Cloud,The New York Times - August 25, 2006

      5. ICJ Press Release: Lebanon: ICJ Expert Legal Inquiry into Possible Violations of International Humanitarian Law begins second stage of investigations

      6. ICRC Bulletin No. 12/2006 - Lebanon/Israel

      7. Article Israel/Lebanon: Hezbollah Must End Attacks on Civilians: Rocket Attacks on Civilians in Israel Are War Crimes, Human Rights Watch - August 5, 2006

      8. Article Lebanon/Israel: U.N. Rights Body Squanders Chance to Help Civilians: Failure to Condemn Abuses by All Parties Damages Credibility, Human Rights Watch - August 11, 2006

      9. Article UN Aid Chief Says it’s a ‘Disgrace’ that Hezbollah and Israel Prevent Humanitarian Access, UN News Service - August 10, 2006

      10. Article Israel/Lebanon: Deliberate Destruction or ‘Collateral Damage’? Israeli Attacks on Civilian Infrastructure - August 10, 2006

    10. Folder # 629 - Correspondence - Vilnius, Lithuania - 2006
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Alexandra Hall - November 2, 2005

      2. Correspondence from Hidenobu Sobashima to WJB - December 2005

      3. Correspondence from WJB to Hon. Barry Lowenkron - February 1, 2006

      4. Email correspondence from Tobias Elling Rehfeld to AAICJ, cc: Kim Vinthen - May 8, 2006

      5. Email correspondence from Tobias Elling Rehfeld to AAICJ - May 10, 2006

      6. Email correspondence from Syed Meena to AAICJ c/o WJB - May 11, 2006

      7. Email correspondence from Jennifer Cohen to Ms. Fried - May 11, 2006

      8. Email correspondence from Charlotta Schlyter to AAICJ c/o Jennifer Cohen - May 11, 2006

      9. Email correspondence from Sandra Paunksniene to WJB - May 16, 2006

      10. Email correspondence from Andrea Cavallari to AAICJ c/o Jennifer Cohen - May 17, 2006

      11. Email correspondence from Charlotta Schlyter to AAICJ c/o Jennifer Cohen - May 18, 2006

      12. Email correspondence from Sandra Paunksniene to AAICJ c/o Jennifer Cohen - May 23, 2006

      13. Correspondence from WJB to Ambassador Mike Smith - June 1, 2006

      14. Correspondence from WJB to Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart - June 7, 2006

      15. Email correspondence from Sarah Prosser to WJB - June 20, 2006

      16. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to AAICJ c/o WJB - June 21, 2006

      17. Email correspondence from Lakatos Istvan to AAICJ c/o Jennifer Cohen - July 4, 2006

      18. Email correspondence from ICJ to AAICJ - July 21, 2006

      19. Correspondence from Caroline Millar to WJB - July 28, 2006

      20. Email correspondence from Veronika Stromsikova to WJB - August 2, 2006

      21. Fax correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to AAICJ c/o WJB - August 11, 2006

      22. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to AAICJ c/o WJB - August 30, 2006

      23. Email correspondence from Jurga Kasputiene to AAICJ c/o Jennifer Cohen - September 4, 2006

      24. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to AAICJ c/o WJB - September 6, 2006

      25. Email correspondence from Jurga Kasputiene to AAICJ c/o Jennifer Cohen - September 7, 2006

      26. Email correspondence from Wille Petter to AAICJ c/o WJB - September 11, 2006

      27. Email correspondence from Don Mackay to AAICJ c/o WJB - September 11, 2006

      28. Correspondence from WJB to Nicholas Howen, Esq. - September 11, 2006

      29. Correspondence from WJB to Hon. Peter Rothen - September 13, 2006

      30. Correspondence from WJB to Hon. John Bellinger, III - September 15, 2006

      31. Email correspondence from Jurga Kasputiene to AAICJ c/o Jennifer Cohen - September 19, 2006

      32. Fax correspondence from WJB to Ivan Surkos - September 20, 2006

      33. Correspondence from Peter Rothen to WJB - September 26, 2006

      34. Email correspondence from Peter Rothen to WJB - September 26, 2006

      35. Email correspondence from Jeffrey Kovar to WJB - September 29, 2006

      36. Email correspondence from Marie-Laure Bazerolle to Jennifer Cohen - October 2, 2006

      37. Email correspondence from Carlos Aranaga to AAICJ c/o Jennifer Cohen - October 2, 2006

      38. Fax correspondence from Barbara Illkova to WJB - October 3, 2006

      39. Email correspondence from Anne Goedert to WJB - October 3, 2006

      40. Email correspondence from Renata Archini to AAICJ - October 6, 2006

      41. Email correspondence from Carlos Aranaga to AAICJ, cc: Allie Almero - October 6, 2006

      42. Email correspondence from Dubravka Simonovic to AAICJ - October 9, 2006

      43. Fax correspondence from Alice Delman to WJB - October 9, 2006

      44. Email correspondence from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart to AAICJ c/o WJB - October 14, 2006

      45. Correspondence from WJB to Carlos Aranga - October 20, 2006

      46. Correspondence from WJB to Ambassador John A. Cloud - October 20, 2006

      47. Correspondence from WJB to Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart - October 20, 2006

      48. Correspondence from Guiseppe Calvetta to WJB - November 20, 2006

    11. Folder # 630 - Agenda - The Hague, Netherlands, 2009
      1. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Ken Hirsch - March 11, 2011

      2. Booklet: Colloquium on: The Role of Government Departments in the Formulation and Implementation of Human Rights Considerations in Foreign Policy. The booklet contains the history of the colloquia on Human Rights and Foreign Policy.

      3. Agenda (1)