Finding Historical Statutes
Sometimes in your research you may need to look at the prior statute. The Law Library has several resources to help you with this.
Federal Statutes
Lexis has the United States Code back to 1993. They also have a comparative tool where you can compare the current version to a prior version.
Westlaw has the United States Code back to 1990.
HeinOnline has United States Code coverage in full back to 1925-1926. They also have access to the Early Federal Laws collection that has selected older codes.
Ohio Statutes
Lexis has coverage of the Ohio Revised Code back to 1996.
Westlaw’s coverage of the Ohio Revised Code goes back to 1994.
HeinOnline has Ohio Revised Code through their State Session Laws library going back to 1792.
Posted February 23, 2024 by Laura Dixon-Caldwell