
William J. Butler Papers Box 23

  1. Box-Folder #23-1 - Documents on Islamic Law
    1. Folder # 484 - Documents on Islamic Law
      1. Book concerning “Conferences on Moslem Doctrine and Human Rights in Islam”
      2. Agenda for a “Seminar on Human Rights in Islam” - December 9-14, 1980
      3. Report by Dr Syed Ali Ashraf entitled Committee II: Education: Islamic Concepts and Modern Society
      4. Report by Abubaker A. Bagader entitled Muslim Minorities and Human Rights
      5. Report by Dr Sadek El Said entitled The Right to Work and the Right to Life in Islam
      6. Report by Dr Abdullahi Ahmed El Naiem entitled Human Rights in Islam: A. New Approach, the Need for Evolution of Islamic Sharia Law
      7. Report by Ihsan Kayali entitled Security of the Person, Rights of the Accused and the Role of Advocates in Islam
      8. Report by Dr Salah Eddin El Nahi entitled Human Rights in Islam: Judicial Safeguards
      9. Report by Maarouf Daoualibi entitled The Status of Women
      10. Report by Mumtaz Soysal entitled Freedom of Opinion, Expression and Association
      11. Report by Dr Abdelaziz Benabdallah entitled Islam and Human Rights
      12. Report by M. Cherif Bassiouni entitled The Sources of Islamic Law, and the Protection of Human Rights in the Islamic Criminal Justice System
      13. Report by Shahzanan Shakarchi entitled Status of Women in Islam
      14. Report by Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi entitled Economics of Human Rights: An Islamic Perspective
      15. Address by A. K. Brohi entitled Nature of Islamic Law and the Concept of Human Rights
      16. Excerpt of an address by A. K. Brohi entitled Nature of Islamic Law and the Concept of Human Rights
      17. Article by Dr Otham Maler entitled Right to Individual Security under Islam
      18. Article by Abdul Karim Zaydan entitled Equality Reform: The Law's Treatment of Minorities
  2. Box-Folder #23-2 - South Africa Elections April, 1994
    1. Folder # 485 - Independent Electoral Commission
      1. Note concerning Gay McDougall - January 14, 1994
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Ellen Kornegay - March 4, 1994
      3. Application form for accreditation as an observer organisation filled out by WJB , Bert Lockwood, Jr. , Peter Solbert and Joseph Tomain
      4. Statute of the ICJ
      5. Correspondence from WJB to A. Leon Higginbotham - June 3, 1994
      6. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - March 10, 1994
      7. Visa application for the Republic of South Africa
      8. Fax correspondence from WJB to Bert Lockwood, Jr. - March 24, 1994
      9. Three indemnity forms from the Independent Electoral Commission signed by WJB , Peter Solbert and Joseph Tomain
      10. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Ellen Kornegay March 4, 1994 attached to the application form for accreditation as an observer organisation
      11. Article from the Independent Electoral Commission's International Liason Office
      12. Code of conduct for observers from the Independent Electoral Commission
      13. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - April 7, 1994
      14. Sample ballots from the Independent Electoral Commission
      15. Note from Dr. Ellen Kornegay
      16. Two copies of documents entitled Accreditation procedures and guidlines for Election Observers from non-governmental organisations based outside South Africa
      17. Voter education status report
      18. Independent Electorale Commission voter education unit questionnaire
      19. Information about the International Liason Office of the Independent Electoral Commission


    2. Folder # 486 - South Africa Miscellaneous
      1. Handwritten notes by WJB
      2. Map of Johannesburg
      3. Business card for Leticia A. Martinez
      4. Fax correspondence from Ibrahim Gassama to all South African Elections Observers - March 7, 1994
      5. Southern Africa Project report entitled Focus on the Violence in Natal - March 25, 1994
      6. Southern Africa Project report, Issue 9 - March 25, 1994
      7. Southern Africa Project report, Issue 4 - January 14, 1994
      8. Southern Africa Project report, Issue 5 - January 28, 1994
      9. Southern Africa Project report, Issue 3 - December 31, 1993
      10. HRC statement on the “Amnesty Issue” - December 7, 1993
      11. Electoral code of conduct
      12. List of trainers for the orientation of international observers
      13. Fax correspondence from WJB to Arthur Chaskalson - April 11, 1994
      14. Agenda for the foreign observer briefing/training
      15. Fax correspondence from Ibrahim Gassama to WJB - April 11, 1994
      16. Fax correspondence from Dr. Ellen Kornegay to WJB - March 17, 1994
      17. Fax correspondence from WJB to Dr. Ellen Kornegay - April 15, 1994
      18. Fax correspondence from WJB to Dr. Ellen Kornegay - April 15, 1994
      19. Fax correspondence from Alice Delman to Dr. Ellen Kornegay - March 30, 1991
      20. Fax correspondence from WJB to Patricia - March 17, 1994
      21. Two copies of a correspondence from A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. to WJB - March 27, 1994
      22. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Ellen Kornegay - March 25, 1994
      23. Two copies of voting station observation form
      24. Two copies of an incident report for observers
      25. Names and addresses of the IEC observer regional co-ordinators
      26. Correspondence from WJB to Princeton N. Lyman - April 4, 1994
      27. Article entitled “Emergency Health Services Plan for Foreign NGO Observers”by Dr. Ellen Kornegay - April 13, 1994
      28. Room allocation for breakaway sessions
      29. Observers' checklist on “women's electoral involvement”
      30. IEC manual for the training of observers
      31. IEC handbook for observers
      32. Incident report for observers
      33. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Ellen Kornegay - April 28, 1994
      34. Voting station observation forms from WJB
      35. Note to the ICJ from WJB
      36. IEC handbook for observers
      37. Correspondence from Dr. Ellen Kornegay to members of the international community
      38. IEC international liaison registration form
      39. Fax correspondence from Lucia N. Mtshali to WJB - April 4, 1994
      40. Incident report for observers
      41. Counting station observation form
      42. Complaint form
      43. Agenda for foreign observer briefing - training
      44. Campaign activities form


    3. Folder # 487 - Constitution, Laws and Legal Reports
      1. Sticker from the IEC
      2. Excerpt from an article entitled The United Nations' Response to Requests for Assistance in Electoral Matters by Jon M. Ebersole in Virginia Journal of International Law Vol. 33, No. 1 - Fall, 1992
      3. Statement by R. J. Goldstone during proceedings on election violence - August 11, 1993
      4. Report of the inquiry into the “police reponse to, and investigation of, events in Boipatong”July 20, 1992 by P. A. J. Waddington
      5. Executive summary of the report of the inquiry into the “police reponse to, and investigation of, events in Boipatong”July 20, 1992 by P. A. J. Waddington
      6. Address by R. J. Goldstone to the “1993 annual general meeting of the Law Society of the Cape of Good Hope” - October 4, 1993
      7. Statement by R. J. Goldstone - July 13, 1993
      8. Statement by R. J. Goldstone - October 12, 1993
      9. Statement by R. J. Goldstone - December 6, 1993
      10. Statement by R. J. Goldstone - September 29, 1992
      11. Electoral bill of the Republic of South Africa
      12. Two copies of the Government Gazette Vol. 343, No. 15466
  3. Box-Folder #23-3 - South African Elections 1994
    1. Folder # 488 - South African Trip Report - Expenses
      1. Photographs from the trip to South Africa
      2. Miscellaneous receipts from travel to South Africa
      3. Handwritten notes by WJB
      4. List of expenses from the “South Africa trip ”
      5. Fax correspondence from WJB to Mary Ellen McAndrews - June 13, 1994.
      6. Note to Bob Dudick from Alice Delman - May 18, 1994.
      7. Fax correspondence from Alice Delman to Mary Ellen McAndrews - June 13, 1994.
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Peter O. A Solbert - October 13, 1994.
      9. Correspondence from WJB to Catherine Kong - June 15, 1994.
      10. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Nancy Ent - June 13, 1994.
      11. Invoice for WJB from Charlotte Staub - June 8, 1994.
      12. Correspondence from WJB to Peter O. A Solbert - May 27, 1994.
      13. Note from Alice Delman from Catherine Kong - December 1, 1994.
      14. Article entitled Thomas G. Karis entitled “A Small Miracle” Continues: South Africa, 1994-99


    2. Folder # 489 - Correspondence
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Peter O. A Solbert - June 21, 1994.
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Richard Lyster - April 10, 1996.
      3. Correspondence from Richard Lyster to WJB - January 31, 1996.
      4. Brochure entitled Truth and Reconciliation Commission published by Justice in Transition on behalf of the Ministry of Justice
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph P. Tomain - November 10, 1994.
      6. Miscellaneous newspaper articles concerning the “South African Elections ”
      7. Correspondence from WJB to Richard Butler - October 6, 1994.
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Robert Alexander - September 27, 1994.
      9. Correspondence from WJB to Anthony Kennedy - September 27, 1994.
      10. Correspondence from WJB to Thomas A. Masterson - September 23, 1994.
      11. Correspondence from WJB to Timothy Wyman - July 28, 1994.
      12. Correspondence from WJB to Mark Quarterman - June 21, 1994.
      13. Correspondence from Adama Dieng to WJB - June 1, 1994.
      14. Correspondence from WJB to Peter O. A Solbert - November 8, 1994.
      15. Correspondence from Edward St John to WJB - August 17, 1994.
      16. Correspondence from WJB to Edward St John - September 16, 1994.
      17. Article entitled Campaign for a Nuclear-Free World, 1994-1995
      18. Correspondence from Harold Heilsnis to Edward St John - June 6, 1994.
      19. Correspondence from Edward St John to Harold Heilsnsis - July 11, 1994.
      20. Article by Edward St John entitled Campaign for a Nuclear-Free World being an open letter to The Hon. Dr. William Perry - May, 1994.
      21. Correspondence from WJB to John P. Cronin - October 12, 1994.
      22. Correspondence from WJB to Peter Bridges - September 13, 1994.
      23. Correspondence from Shirley Moulder to WJB - July 14, 1994.
      24. Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - June 30, 1994.
      25. Newspaper article concerning Arthur Chaskalson
      26. Correspondence from Peter to WJB - June 12, 1994.
      27. Note from Alice Delman to WJB - June, 7, 1994.
      28. Fax correspondence from Shirley Moulder to WJB, June 6, 1994, attached to a memorandum
      29. Correspondence from Michael Kirby to WJB, June 9, 1994, attached to an article entitled Images of the Inauguration
      30. Correspondence from WJB to Bert Lockwood - May 18, 1994.
      31. Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - May 18, 1994.
      32. Correspondence from WJB to Leon Higginbotham, Jr - May 18, 1994.
      33. Correspondence from WJB to Peter O. A Solbert - May 18, 1994.
      34. Correspondence from WJB to A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr - May 17, 1994.
      35. Correspondence from WJB to Peter O. A Solbert - May 17, 1994.
      36. Correspondence from WJB to Jose Angel Gurria Trevino - May 5, 1994.
      37. Correspondence from WJB to A. Leon Higginbotham - April 5, 1994.
      38. Correspondence from WJB to Mark Quarterman - April 4, 1994.
      39. Correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 25, 1994.
      40. Correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 30, 1994.
      41. Correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 25, 1994.
      42. Correspondence from WJB to John Murphy - March 10, 1994.
      43. Fax correspondence from WJB to Shirley Moulder - June 15, 1994.
      44. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - June 15, 1994.
      45. Correspondence from WJB to Peter O. A Solbert - May 27, 1994.
      46. Fax correspondence from Bert Lockwood to WJB - May 23, 1994.
      47. Note from Nancy Ent - March 10, 1994.
      48. Fax correspondence from WJB to Lucia N. Mtshali - April 4, 1994.
      49. Correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 25, 1994.
      50. Fax correspondence from WJB to Peter Solbert - April 16, 1994.
      51. Correspondence from WJB to Peter O. A Solbert - March 2, 1994.
      52. Correspondence from WJB to Arthur Chaskalson - April 11, 1994.
      53. Copies of a memorandum from WJB to members of the “trip to South Africa ”March 1, 1994, attached to an information sheet for observers of the elections
      54. Copies of a memorandum from WJB to members of the “trip to South Africa ”March 2, 1994, attached to an information sheet on the code of conduct for the observers
      55. Fax correspondence from Nancy Ent to WJB - February 23, 1994.
      56. Correspondence from Peter Solbert to WJB - February 10, 1994.
      57. Correspondence from Joseph Tomain to WJB - March 8, 1994.
      58. Fax correspondence from Adama Dieng to Robert Wells - March 10, 1994.
      59. Correspondence from WJB to Stephen Grundlingh - March 10, 1994.
      60. Correspondence from WJB to Bert Lockwood - March 11, 1994.
      61. Fax correspondence from Alice Delman to Leticia A. Martinez - March 25, 1994.
      62. Fax correspondence from Alice Delman to Bert Lockwood - March 25, 1994.
      63. Fax correspondence from Mark Quarterman to WJB - March 19, 1994.
      64. Note to WJB
      65. Fax correspondence from Joseph Tomain to WJB - March 17, 1994.
      66. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Peter O. A Solbert - March 17, 1994.
      67. Fax correspondence from WJB to Bert Lockwood - March 10, 1994.
      68. Correspondence from Joseph Tomain to WJB - March 3, 1994.
      69. Two copies of a correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 4, 1994.
      70. Correspondence from WJB to Mark Quarterman - March 9, 1994.
      71. Fax correspondence from WJB to Mark Quarterman - March 14, 1994.
      72. Correspondence from Ellen Kornegay to WJB - March 17, 1994.
      73. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Peter O. A Solbert - March 17, 1994.
      74. Fax correspondence from Joseph Tomain to WJB - March 24, 1994.
      75. Fax correspondence from WJB to Patricia - March 17, 1994.
      76. Fax correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - April 2, 1994.
      77. Fax correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 25, 1994.
      78. Receipts from the post office for WJB
      79. Handwritten note by WJB
      80. Copy of a business card for Leticia A. Martinez
      81. Fax correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 10, 1994.
      82. Fax correspondence from Alice Delman to Leticia Martinez - March 25, 1994.
      83. Fax correspondence from WJB to Leticia Martinez - March 18, 1994.
      84. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Bert Lockwood - March 25, 1994.
      85. Note from Alice Delman regarding Nancy Ent - March 23, 1994.
      86. Correspondence from Joseph Tomain to WJB - March 24, 1994.
      87. Fax correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 25, 1994.
      88. Fax correspondence from WJB to Princeton N. Lyman - April 4, 1994.
      89. Fax correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 30, 1994.
      90. Fax correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 14, 1994.
      91. Fax correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 30, 1994.
      92. Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - December 3, 1993.
      93. Article entitled Jurists’ team calls for battalions of peace-keepers to be kept in reserve attached to other miscellaneous newspaper articles
      94. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - January 12, 1994.


    3. Folder # 490 - South African Report Comments
      1. Note from Alice Delman to WJB - March 5, 1995.
      2. Correspondence from J. D van der Vyver to WJB - February 24, 1995.
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Johan van der Vyver - February 14, 1995.
      4. Correspondence from Thomas A. Masterson to WJB - November 2, 1994.
      5. Correspondence from Melo to WJB - October 11, 1994.
      6. Correspondence from Joseph Tomain to WJB - May 13, 1994.
      7. Fax correspondence from WJB to Shirley Moulder - September 23, 1994.
      8. Correspondence from Andres Aguilar Mawdsley to WJB - September 20, 1994.
      9. Correspondence from T. Bradbrooke Smith to WJB - September 14, 1994.
      10. Correspondence from Michael Kirby to WJB - August 16, 1994.
      11. Correspondence from Daniel Coburn to WJB - September 10, 1994.
      12. Correspondence from D. M Alloway to WJB - August 11, 1994.
      13. Correspondence from WJB to Antonio Maria Pereira - August 3, 1994.
      14. Correspondence from Yoichi Kitamura to WJB - August 4, 1994.
      15. Correspondence from WJB to friends - July 15, 1994.
      16. Correspondence from John S. Gibson to WJB - August 24, 1994.
      17. Correspondence from Eva Lazar to WJB - August 8, 1994.
      18. Correspondence from Desmond Fernando to WJB - August 8, 1994.
      19. Correspondence from Hussein Daifallah to WJB - August 12, 1994.
      20. Correspondence from Catherine Eu to WJB - August 10, 1994.
      21. Correspondence from Brein P. Horan to WJB - August 15, 1994.
      22. Correspondence from Franklin A. Thomas to WJB - September 28, 1994.
      23. Personal notebook of WJB


    4. Folder # 491 - New South Africa - ICJ Mission Report 1994
      1. Two floppy disks
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Register of Copyrights - May 3, 1995.
      3. Library of Congress Cataloging data sheet and information
      4. Fax correspondence from Mary Ellen McAndrews to WJB - June 15, 1994.
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Kim Dae-Jung - September 21, 1994.
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Anne Owers - October 3, 1994.
      7. Correspondence from WJB to Wayne Fredericks - September 21, 1994.
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Larry Johnson - September 21, 1994.
      9. Correspondence from WJB to Herman Brickman - September 21, 1994.
      10. Correspondence from WJB to Jose L. de Cubas - September 21, 1994.
      11. Correspondence from WJB to Donald S. Bussey - September 21, 1994.
      12. Correspondence from WJB to Trish Hunter - September 21, 1994.
      13. Fax correspondence from Boris Beer to WJB - August 22, 1994.
      14. Correspondence from WJB to Daniel Coburn - September 16, 1994.
      15. Correspondence from Daniel Coburn to WJB - September 10, 1994.
      16. Copy of a newspaper article
      17. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Catherine Kong - July 28, 1994.
      18. Form letter from WJB
      19. Miniature glag
      20. Sample and real ballots from the “South African Elections ”
      21. Maps of the provences of South Africa
      22. Fax correspondence from WJB to Shirley Moulder - June 28, 1994.
      23. Fax correspondence from WJB to Shirley Moulder - July 28, 1994.
      24. Fax correspondence from Mary Ellen McAndrews to WJB - June 3, 1994.
      25. Note to WJB from Alice Delman - June 10, 1994.
      26. Notes to WJB from Alice Delman - June, 1994.
      27. Fax correspondence to WJB regarding information on the Library of Congress
      28. Fax correspondence from WJB to Shirley Moulder - June 1, 1994.
      29. Fax correspondence from Shirley Moulder to WJB - May 31, 1994.
      30. Correspondence from Leon Higginbotham Jr to WJB, May 31, 1994, attached to an introduction
      31. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - May 25, 1994.
      32. Handwritten notes by WJB
      33. Copies of a fax correspondence from Bert Lockwood to WJB, May 23, 1994, attached to drafts of a report
      34. Receipt from a check


    5. Folder # 492 - South African Elections Trip April, 1994
      1. Notes by WJB
      2. Statements of Nelson Mandela during his inauguration as President of South Africa - May 10, 1994.
      3. Copies of the cover to The New South Africa: the Dawn of Democracy
      4. Registration number and information for the observers
      5. Copy of Staatskoerant Government Gazette No. 15691, Vol. 346 - April 25, 1994.
      6. Article entitled Constitutional Principles
      7. Chart with “South African Election results expressed in numbers of seats ”- 1994.
      8. Fax correspondence from WJB to Ellen Kornegay - March 30, 1994.
      9. Fax correspondence from Alice Delman to Ellen Kornegay, March 30, 1991, attached to observer forms
      10. Information and forms for publishing the book
      11. Hand draw copy of the cover of The New South Africa: The Dawn of Democracy
      12. Library of Congress forms
      13. PCN publishers manual
      14. Receipt from shipping and from a photography company
      15. Correspondence from Shirley to WJB - May 17, 1994.
      16. Correspondence from Shirley to WJB - May 14, 1994.
      17. Registration number and information for observers
      18. Certificate for WJB for being an observer, awarded - April 29, 1994.
      19. Fax correspondence from Lucia Mtshali to WJB - April 4, 1994.
      20. Article entitled Constitutional Change in South Africa
      21. Observation forms from counting stations
      22. Correspondence from WJB to Ellen Karnegay - April 28, 1994.
      23. Correspondence from Ellen Kornegay to WJB - March 31, 1994.
      24. Note from Alice Delman to WJB
      25. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - May 13, 1994.
      26. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - May 13, 1994.
      27. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - May 11, 1994.
      28. Fax correspondence from WJB to Shirley Moulder - May 13, 1994.
      29. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph Tomain - May 11, 1994.
      30. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph Tomain - May 11, 1994.
      31. Correspondence from WJB to Peter O. A Solbert - May 11, 1994.
      32. Southern Africa Project Report entitled South Africa: The Countdown to Elections - May 3, 1994.
      33. Miscellaneous receipts from travel arrangements for WJB
      34. Handwritten letter to Adama Dieng from WJB
      35. Correspondence from Stanley Geller to WJB - May 9, 1994.
      36. Copies of a memorandum regarding the Library of Congress
      37. Correspondence from WJB to Nancy Andrews - April 2, 1993.
      38. Correspondence from WJB to Nancy Andrews - April 6, 1993.
      39. Library of Congress forms
      40. Miscellaneous newspaper articles
      41. Correspondence from WJB to Shirley Moulder - May 4, 1994.
      42. Handwritten notes by WJB
      43. Biographies of Joseph Tomain , Peter O. A Solbert and Bert Lockwood
      44. ICJ press release entitled Jurists will observe South African elections - April 21, 1994.
      45. Cartoon to educate South African voters on the voting process
      46. Handwritten articles by WJB
      47. Note from Peter Solbert to WJB - April 15, 1994.
      48. Observer forms for campaign activities
      49. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - April 7, 1994.
      50. Fax correspondence from WJB to Patricia - March 17, 1994.
      51. Correspondence from WJB to Catherine, April 12, 1994, attached to a copy of a check from Peter Solbert to the AAICJ
      52. A-Z of South Africa Politics
      53. Understanding The New Constitution by Rob Amato
      54. Foreign NGO Observer Teams Deployment Kit
  4. Box-Folder #23-4 - South Africa - Supplemental Information
    1. Folder # 493 - South Africa - Supplemental Information
      1. Correspondence from Stephen Grundlingh to WJB - July 31, 1995.
      2. Correspondence from Stephen Grundlingh to WJB - September 1, 1995.
      3. Book entitled An End to Waiting: the Story of South Africa’s Elections - April 26 - May 6, 1994.