
William J. Butler Papers Box 10

  • Correspondence from Michael Kirby and Adama Dieng to members of the ICJ - March 17, 1995
  • Executive Committee update - March 4, 1995
  • Fax correspondence from Adama Dieng to WJB - December 29, 1993
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng and Michael Kirby to members of the ICJ - February 23, 1994
  • Executive committee update - January 17, 1994
  • ICJ press release entitled ICJ Finds Mexican Troops Guilty of Serious Human Rights Violations in Chiapas - February 22, 1994
  • Preliminary report of the ICJ “mission to Mexico” - February 1-10, 1994
  • ICJ press release entitled ICJ Welcomes the election of Mohammed Bedjaoui as President of the International Court of Justice - February 11, 1994
  • ICJ press release entitled Jurists Set Principles on the Media and Judiciary - January 20, 1994
  • ICJ press release entitled Madrid: Jurists Convene a Seminar on the Media and the Judiciary - January 18, 1994
  • ICJ press release entitled ICJ Sends Mission to Mexico - February 1, 1994
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng and Michael Kirby to members of the ICJ - October 11, 1994
  • Revised draft agenda from the executive committee meeting - September 10, 1994
  • Executive committee update - September 9-10, 1994
  • Revised draft agenda from the meeting of the executive committee - May 1, 1993
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng and Michael Kirby to members of the ICJ - June 7, 1993
  • Executive committee update - May 1, 1993
  • Fax correspondence from Nana Moeljadi to WJB - May 25, 1993
  • Replies to a questionnaire on “the relationship between the ICJ and its national sections and affiliated organizations”
  • Copy of receipts from travel arrangements to Geneva
  • Invitation to the ICJ to the opening ceremony of the “Triennial Meeting of the ICJ” - January 21, 1992
  • Handwritten notes by WJB
  • Brochure from the meeting of the ICJ in Geneva - January 21-23, 1992
  • Program for the meeting of the ICJ - January 21-23, 1992
  • Handwritten notes by WJB
  • Name badge for WJB
  • Two copies of the Secretary-General's Report Adama Dieng - January 21-23, 1992
  • Booklet entitled The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
  • Statute of the ICJ
  • Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - November 11, 1991
  • Proposals by the nomination committee - January 23, 1992
  • Article entitled The Rule of Law and the Role of the ICJ
  • Correspondence from WJB to Margo Picken - January 30, 1992
  • Draft of a form letter from WJB to members of the ICJ
  • List of the officers of the ICJ - January 23, 1992
  • Supplement to proposals by the nomination committee
  • Article entitled Relations between the ICJ and National Sections and Affiliated Organizations - January 23, 1992
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to members of the ICJ - January 7, 1992
  • Notes from a “meeting of the task force on relations between the ICJ and National Sections and Affiliated Organizations”
  • Two copies of the “Statute of the ICJ”
  • Correspondence from Andres Aguilar M. to WJB - June 24, 1991
  • Correspondence from Joaquin Ruiz-Gimenez Cortes to WJB - July 1, 1991
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - June 19, 1991
  • Correspondence from Joaquin Ruiz Gimenz Cortes to WJB - July 1, 1991
  • Correspondence from Gunnar Berg to WJB - July 1, 1991
  • Correspondence from Andres Aguilar M. to WJB - June 24, 1991
  • Correspondence from Gunnar Berg to WJB - July 1, 1991
  • Correspondence from Andres Aguilar M. to WJB - June 24, 1991
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - June 19, 1991
  • Two copies of a correspondence from Dorab Patel to WJB - August 11, 1991
  • Two copies of the draft of the minutes of the executive committee - January 19, 1991
  • Two copies of a correspondence from P. J. G. Kapteyn to members of the ICJ - November 6, 1991
  • Two copies of a form letter to ICJ members from WJB
  • Statute of the ICJ
  • Correspondence from John G. McCarthy, Jr. to WJB - November, 1991
  • Article from Institutional Investor concerning Richard Ferry - October, 1991
  • Two copies of a correspondence from Dato Param Cumaraswamy to WJB - December 12, 1991
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Adama Dieng - January 8, 1992
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - January 8, 1992
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to Niall MacDermot - January 9, 1992
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to members of the ICJ - December 13, 1991
  • Resume for Donald T. Fox
  • Correspondence from Bineta Diop to participants in the ICJ Triennial Meeting - January 21-23, 1992
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to members of the ICJ - March 13, 1992
  • Draft minutes of the meeting of the ICJ in Geneva - January 22, 1992
  • Fax correspondence from Silke Burzio to WJB - December 17, 1991
  • Photographs from the “Cartigny Meeting”
  • Correspondence from Michael Kirby to WJB - March 23, 1992
  • Correspondence from Michael Kirby to Donald T. Fox - March 23, 1992
  • Executive Committee update - January 25, 1993
  • Report of the Secretary-General
  • Executive Committee update - November 1, 1992
  • Correspondence from Michael Kirby to WJB - July 1, 1992
  • ICJ review entitled Human Rights: Agenda for the Future
  • Correspondence from George N. Lindsay to WJB - January 2, 1992
  • Fax correspondence from George Lindsay to Florolp Hotel - December 31, 1991
  • Fax correspondence from Hotel Florolp to George Lindsay - January 1, 1992
  • Two copies of the ICJ statute
  • Two copies of a form letter to ICJ members from WJB
  • Correspondence from Leah Levin to WJB - December 20, 1991
  • Correspondence from Foran to Leah Levin - December 3, 1991
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to WJB - November 25, 1991
  • Reply form from the ICJ
  • Draft ICJ plan of action, policies and future directions
  • Meeting of the ICJ - January 21-23, 1992
  • Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - January 7, 1992
  • Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng January 7, 1992 attached to a correspondence to the members of the ICJ from Adama Dieng - December 13, 1991
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to members of the ICJ - June 20, 1991
  • Correspondence from WJB to Param Cumaraswamy - September 26, 1991
  • Two copies of a packet from Adama Dieng to members of the ICJ - November 25, 1991
  • Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - January 7, 1992
  • Reply form for the ICJ
  • Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - December 4, 1991
  • Fax correspondence from WJB to Lenart Groll - December 3, 1991
  • Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - December 3, 1991
  • Reply form for the ICJ
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to members of the ICJ - April 8, 1991
  • Reply form for the ICJ
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to members of the ICJ - June 20, 1991
  • Draft program for the ICJ meeting - January 21-23, 1992
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB April 6, 1978
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB January 26, 1979
  • A proposal to the Twentieth Century Fund for support for two inter-related studies on “Human Rights under States of Emergency and Administrative Detention”
  • Agency for International Development policy paper entitled A Strategy for a More Effective Bilateral Development Assistance Program March 1978
  • Telex from WJB to ICJ February 1, 1979
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Murray Rossant April 6, 1978
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB April 6, 1978
  • Copy of the front pages of a journal published by the ICJ For the Rule of Law: The Review, No. 13 December 1974
  • Appendix B, C, D and E of a report from the ICJ
  • Note from Niall MacDermot to WJB
  • Copy of the “International Development and Food Assistance Act of 1977”
  • Correspondence from Douglas J. Bennet, Jr. to Honorable Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. February 1, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Malcolm Richardson June 1, 1979
  • Correspondence from WJB to Malcolm Richardson June 1, 1979
  • Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot June 1, 1979
  • Correspondence from WJB to Joel Colton July 20, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Joel Colton July 19, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Joel Colton May 8, 1979
  • Two copies of a correspondence from WJB to Dr. Joel Colton concerning funding for the AAICJ July 19, 1978
  • Draft of a correspondence from WJB concerning funding for the AAICJ
  • Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot July 25, 1977
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Eli Whitney Debevoise November 16, 1977
  • Correspondence from WJB to William S. Moody August 8, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to William S. Moody December 12, 1977
  • Correspondence from WJB to William S. Moody March 27, 1978
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB March 30, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to William S. Moody March 14, 1978
  • Grant proposal from the AAICJ to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund
  • Supplementary data to a grant proposal from the AAICJ to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund
  • Telex from WJB to Niall MacDermot December 9, 1977
  • Correspondence from William S. Moody to WJB December 5, 1977 attached to a card discussing publicity and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation attached to a copy of the grant agreement with the Max and Anna Levinson Foundation signed by the AAICJ
  • Correspondence from William S. Moody to WJB December 5, 1977 attached to a copy of the check for the AAICJ
  • Telex from WJB August 8, 1978
  • Unsigned correspondence to William S. Moody November 2, 1977
  • Correspondence from Kenneth W. Chard to Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs October 28, 1977
  • Two copies of a correspondence from Niall MacDermot to William S. Moody September 21, 1977
  • Telex from WJB for the ICJ July 25, 1977
  • Correspondence from James N. Hyde to WJB February 23, 1977
  • Grant proposal to The Max and Anna Levinson Foundation from ICJ March 28, 1977
  • Grant proposal to The Rockefeller Brothers Fund from AAICJ
  • Correspondence from WJB to Bruce Bushey January 25, 1979
  • Correspondence from WJB to William S. Moody January 25, 1979
  • Correspondence from WJB to Stephen A. Oxman January 25, 1979
  • Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise January 17, 1979
  • Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to WJB January 23, 1979 with attached business card from Jerry L. Inman attached to a correspondence from E. Lee Fairley to Eli Whitney Debevoise March 8, 1974 attached to a copy of a correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to E. Lee Fairley April 5, 1974 attached to a grant proposal from the AAICJ December 6, 1974
  • Five copies of a correspondence and grant proposal from WJB and Eli Whitney Debevoise for the AAICJ to Jerry Inman January 24, 1979
  • Grant agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the AAICJ
  • Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Honorable William K. Hitchcock September 14, 1977
  • Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to WJB January 17, 1979
  • Correspondence from Joseph G. Banyas to Eli Whitney Debevoise January 6, 1978 attached to a correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Joseph G. Banyas January 11, 1978 attached to a correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Joseph G. Banyas January 12, 1978 attached to a correspondence from Joseph G. Banyas to Eli Whitney Debevoise January 20, 1978 attached to a correspondence from Joseph G. Banyas to Eli Whitney Debevoise April 20, 1978
  • Draft of a grant proposal for the AAICJ to Jerry Inman
  • Two copies of a correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Joel Colton November 20, 1979
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB November 20, 1979
  • Note on a proposed seminar on “Islam and Human Rights ”October 31, 1979
  • Public voucher for purchases and services other than personal from the Department of State Agency for International Development to the ICJ August 13, 1979 attached to a financial report for “Grant No. AID/otr-G-1763 ”
  • Grant agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the AAICJ
  • Guidelines for the Administration of Grant Agreements awarded by the International Communication Agency
  • Handwritten notes by WJB concerning the “AID Grant”
  • Correspondence from WJB to L. E. Stanfield August 27, 1979
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Marilyn Zak March 19, 1980
  • Report and account from Niall MacDermot to the AAICJ
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Patricia Fagen December 11, 1979
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB January 11, 1979
  • Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot January 15, 1979
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Bruce Bushey February 1, 1979
  • Correspondence from WJB to Jonathan Silverstone February 26, 1979
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Agency for International Development March 19, 1980
  • Two copies of a request for advance or reimbursement to the Agency for International Development from the AAICJ October 1, 1979
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB January 4, 1980
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB January 3, 1980
  • Progress report on “Research Project on Human Rights under States of Emergency and Administrative Detention”
  • Curriculum Vitae of Patricia Weiss Fagen
  • Correspondence from L. E. Stanfield to WJB August 13, 1979 with attached grant proposal for the AAICJ
  • Six copies of an assurance of compliance with the Agency for International Development Regulation under “Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964” signed by WJB August 27, 1979
  • Grant proposal by the AAICJ for financial support for a study on “Human Rights under States of Emergency and Administrative Detention” January 1, 1979 to December 31, 1980
  • Correspondence from Jonathan Silverstone to WJB February 6, 1979
  • Memorandum concerning ICJ “States of Exception Project ”February 2, 1979
  • Correspondence from Jonathan Silverstone to WJB April 20, 1979
  • Copies of documents from the Department of State concerning “AID Grant, Human Rights Initiatives” January 4, 1978
  • Correspondence from Jonathan Silverstone to WJB December 28, 1978
  • Note from WJB to Niall MacDermot attached to memorandum from Charles Runyon to Jesse Clear December 10, 1979
  • Correspondence from L. E. Stanfield to WJB August 13, 1979 attached to a program description
  • ICJ “Study on States of Emergency and States of Exception”
  • Note on ICJ status to Bruce Bushey from WJB
  • Correspondence from WJB to Bruce Bushey May 15, 1978
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Bruce Bushey May 12, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Bruce Bushey April 24, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Bruce Bushey April 11, 1978
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB April 11, 1978
  • A request for grant payment from the AAICJ to the Ford Foundation
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Bruce Bushey April 20, 1978 with attached financial statement for the ICJ for the year 1977
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB April 20, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Willard J. Hertz February 8, 1977
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB February 8, 1977
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Robert Drysdale July 7, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot May 16, 1978
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB September 1, 1976 attached to a correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Heaps September 1976
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps December 21, 1976
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps December 21, 1976
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps December 21, 1976
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps September 23, 1976
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB September 1, 1976 attached to a correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Heaps September 1976
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Heaps October 7, 1976
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Heaps December 17, 1975
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Heaps January 27, 1976
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Heaps January 20, 1976
  • Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot February 6, 1976
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Heaps April 15, 1975
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Eli Whitney Debevoise April 15, 1975
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB April 22, 1976
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Heaps April 22, 1976
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Bell May 10, 1976
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB May 10, 1976
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB July 14, 1976
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps September 23, 1976
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps September 23, 1976
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps September 24, 1976
  • Two copies of a correspondence from WJB to the Ford Foundation September 29, 1976
  • Two copies of a correspondence from WJB to the Ford Foundation September 29, 1976
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps September 29, 1976
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Martin June 23, 1976
  • Correspondence from Bruce Bushey to Niall MacDermot April 6, 1978
  • Bulletin of a speech by the United States Secretary of State entitled Human Rights and the Western Hemisphere June 8, 1976
  • Essay from the International League for Human Rights entitled Repression of Human Rights in Yugoslavia July 6, 1977 attached to A Report on Human Rights in Yugoslavia
  • Telex from WJB for the ICJ April 10, 1978
  • Narrative account by the ICJ of the use of the Ford Foundation grant January 1 - December 31, 1977 by Niall MacDermot
  • Correspondence from Bruce Bushey to WJB May 2, 1978 attached to an excerpt from a notification letter to WJB January 27, 1977
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Bruce Bushey July 21, 1978
  • Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Niall MacDermot July 7, 1978
  • Request of grant payment for the AAICJ from the Ford Foundation
  • Telex from WJB for the ICJ December 29, 1976
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB January 24, 1977
  • Copy of the front page of the Ford Foundation Letter, Vol. 7., No. 5 October 1, 1976
  • Annual Report of the AAICJ December 31, 1975
  • Correspondence from Fred W. Friendly to WJB April 6, 1978 attached to a list of contacts
  • Human Rights Case Study III by Professor Trubek on “Human Rights, Foreign Policy and the Media ”1978
  • Excerpt from an Interagency Committee Report entitled Profile of Seguranca
  • Human Rights Case Study II by Professor Dershowitz on “Human Rights, Foreign Policy and the Media” 1978
  • Human Rights Case Study I by Professor Schmidt on “Human Rights, Foreign Policy and the Media” 1978
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Heaps September 2, 1976
  • Description of the organization and activities of the ICJ April 15, 1975
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Niall MacDermot February 11, 1976
  • Five copies of a correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot February 6, 1976
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Niall MacDermot December 10, 1975
  • Correspondence from Arthur Anderson & Co. SA to ICJ February 18, 1976 attached to a statement of assets and liabilities for the ICJ December 31, 1975
  • Correspondence from Fred W. Friendly to WJB August 14, 1978
  • Correspondence from Marilyn Craigie to ICJ May 22, 1978
  • Correspondence from Bruce Bushey to WJB May 15, 1978
  • Correspondence from Margaret A. Drain to WJB March 17, 1978 attached to a list of participants in the “Human Rights, Foreign Policy and the Media Conference” held on April 15, 1978
  • Note by WJB concerning “sending a lawyer to Warsaw”
  • Article from The New York Times May 8, 1984
  • Correspondence from Tina Dolgopol to WJB February 28, 1984
  • Notes by WJB on Poland
  • Article from The New York Times April 15, 1984 entitled Legally Speaking, Polish Government Is Big on Appearances by John Kifner
  • Correspondence from Stephen Klitzman March 1984
  • Bulletin from the American Bar Association concerning Network of Concerned Correspondents: Information Items 1-7 March 1984
  • Correspondence from Wallace D. Riley to Honorable George P. Shultz concerning “Assassinations, Arrests and Harassment of Brazilian Lawyers” March 14, 1984
  • Two copies of a correspondence from Wallace D. Riley to Honorable George P. Shultz concerning “KOR and Solidarity Trials in Poland” March 14, 1984
  • Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot March 30, 1984
  • Newspaper article in The New York Times by John Kifner entitled Solidarity Lawyer Says Arrested Colleague Was Trapped by Police
  • Newspaper article in The New York Times by John Kifner entitled Former Legal Adviser to Solidarity Facing a Trial
  • Correspondence from Stephen Klitzman to WJB March 29, 1984
  • Note on Maciej Bednarkiewicz
  • Notes on “Arrest and Harrassment of Polish Lawyers”
  • Correspondence from Andre M. Surena to WJB April 2, 1984
  • Three copies of a correspondence from Davis R. Robinson to Professor Edward Gordon February 10, 1984
  • Correspondence from Andre M. Surena to WJB April 2, 1984
  • Two copies of a statement by Honorable Kenneth W. Dam November 2, 1983
  • Fax correspondence from Michael Kirby to WJB - October 13, 1994
  • Fax correspondence from George N. Lindsay to Michael Kirby - June 14, 1995
  • Fax correspondence from George N. Lindsay to WJB - June 14, 1995
  • Fax correspondence from WJB to Fali S. Nariman - October 12, 1995
  • Fax correspondence from WJB to Fali S. Nariman - March 14, 1996
  • Form letter from WJB concerning Andre Newburg with attached copies of his resume - July 6, 1995
  • List of ICJ officers and members
  • Correspondence from George N. Lindsay to Michael Kirby - October 11, 1994
  • Correspondence from Michael Kirby to George N. Lindsay - October 7, 1994
  • Correspondence from George N. Lindsay to WJB - October 5, 1994
  • Correspondence from George N. Lindsay to Michael Kirby - October 3, 1994
  • Correspondence from George N. Lindsay to Michael Kirby - October 2, 1994
  • Correspondence from Michael Kirby to George N. Lindsay - September 26, 1994
  • Fax correspondence from WJB to George N. Lindsay - July 8, 1994
  • Correspondence from George N. Lindsay to Andre W. G. Newburg - August 23, 1994
  • Fax correspondence from Michael Kirby to George N. Lindsay - August 1, 1994
  • Correspondence from George N. Lindsay to Michael Kirby - September 7, 1994
  • Correspondence from Andre Newburg to George N. Lindsay - September 5, 1994
  • Correspondence from Cindy to WJB - July 30, 1994
  • Fax correspondence from Michael Kirby to George N. Lindsay - July 19, 1994
  • Correspondence from George N. Lindsay to AAICJ - September 15, 1994
  • Correspondence from Michael Kirby to George N. Lindsay - August 1, 1994
  • Correspondence from George N. Lindsay to Michael Kirby - September 7, 1994
  • Correspondence from Andre Newburg to George N. Lindsay - September 5, 1994
  • Fax correspondence from George N. Lindsay to Michael Kirby faxed to WJB - July 7, 1994
  • Fax correspondence from Michael Kirby to WJB - December 9, 1994
  • Fax correspondence from George Lindsay to WJB - December 13, 1994
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to WJB - June 1, 1994
  • Correspondence from Michael Kirby to WJB - June 27, 1994
  • Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - June 3, 1994
  • Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - January 5, 1994
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to WJB - December 23, 1993
  • Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - September 27, 1993
  • Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - January 5, 1994
  • Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - October 13, 1993
  • Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - September 27, 1993
  • Article entitled Prospective Commission Members
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to WJB - October 23, 1991
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to the secretary of the AAICJ - March 11, 1991
  • Correspondence from Dorab Patel to WJB - August 11, 1991
  • Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - April 3, 1991
  • Note from Niall MacDermot to WJB - June 19, 1991
  • Correspondence from Andres Aguilar M. to WJB - June 24, 1991
  • Correspondence from Gunar Berg to WJB - July 1, 1991
  • Correspondence from Joaquin Ruiz-Gimenez Cortes to WJB - July 1, 1991
  • Correspondence from WJB to P. J. G. Kapteyn - September 29, 1991
  • Correspondence from WJB to colleagues - November 4, 1991
  • Correspondence from WJB to George Lindsay - March 11, 1991
  • Fax correspondence from Adama Dieng to WJB - October 12, 1990
  • Correspondence from Dr C. Palley to Adama Dieng - September 4, 1990
  • Handwritten notes by WJB
  • Copy of business card from Peter Nobel
  • Note from Peter Nobel
  • Correspondence from Peter Nobel to WJB - September 20, 1990
  • Correspondence from Lennart Groll to WJB - October, 1990
  • Correspondence from Alan James Francis Simmance to WJB - September 8, 1990
  • Correspondence from Peter Nobel to WJB - February 18, 1991
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - June 12, 1990
  • Correspondence from WJB to Peter Nobel - February 28, 1991
  • Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - November 7, 1990
  • Correspondence from Peter Nobel to WJB - October 29, 1990
  • Handwritten note by WJB
  • Correspondence from Peter Nobel to Niall MacDermot - August 20, 1989
  • Correspondence from Peter Nobel to WJB - June 28, 1990
  • Curriculum Vitae for Peter Nobel - August, 1989
  • Correspondence from Peter Nobel to WJB - August 9, 1990
  • Two copies of correspondence from Peter Nobel to WJB - July 30, 1990
  • Two copies of a correspondence from Peter Nobel to WJB - June 28, 1990
  • Correspondence from WJB to Peter Nobel - May 10, 1990
  • Fax correspondence from Christian Tomuscher to WJB - July 13, 1990
  • Handwritten notes by WJB
  • Fax correspondence from Michael Kirby to WJB - September 6, 1990
  • Fax correspondence from Shepard Forman to WJB - July 5, 1990
  • Handwritten note by WJB
  • Miscellaneous receipts from WJB
  • Fax correspondence from Adama Dieng to WJB - September 26, 1990
  • Fax correspondence from Dick Oosting to Adama Dieng - September 25, 1990
  • Fax correspondence from Adama Dieng to WJB
  • Correspondence from Norman Marsh to WJB - October 25, 1990
  • Business card from Michael C. Fina
  • Correspondence from WJB to members of the executive committee
  • Correspondence from Adama Dieng to members of the executive committee - September 11, 1990
  • Correspondence from Shepard Forman to WJB - May 9, 1990
  • Correspondence from WJB to Shepard Forman - May 10, 1990
  • Correspondence from WJB to Shepard Forman - July 3, 1990
  • Correspondence from WJB to Shepard Forman - July 6, 1990
  • Curriculum vitae from Dick Oosting
  • Handwritten note from Niall MacDermot to WJB
  • Handwritten notes by WJB
  • Three copies of a correspondence from Adama Dieng to Robert Robertson - August 4, 1990
  • Curriculum vitae for Alan James Francis Simmance
  • Correspondence from S. A. to WJB - October 15, 1990
  • Correspondence from Alan James Francis Simmance to WJB - August 9, 1990
  • Two copies of a correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - August 13, 1990
  • Handwritten note by WJB
  • Correspondence from Robert Stevens to WJB - December 6, 1990
  • Correspondence from Charles P. Slichter to WJB - January 11, 1991
  • Correspondence from WJB to Charles P. Schlichter - November 27, 1990
  • Correspondence from Charles P. Schlichter to Harvard alumni - October 15, 1990
  • Correspondence from WJB to Robert Bocking Stevens - November 5, 1990
  • Correspondence from Robert Bocking Stevens to Adama Dieng
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - August 6, 1990
  • Two copies of a correspondence from Robert Bocking Stevens to Adama Dieng attached to the cv for Robert Bocking Stevens
  • Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - August 6, 1990
  • Two business cards for J. Fernand Tanguay
  • Three copies of a correspondence from J. F. Tanguay to Niall MacDermot, August 9, 1990, attached to a cv for J. Fernand Tanguay
  • Note with address of Jaime Selby
  • Booklet printed by Columbia University entitled Proceedings of the General Education Seminar, Volume 6, Number 1: Human Rights: A Symposium, Part I Fall 1977
  • An essay by Dr. Willard Gaylin entitled The Meaning of Human Dignity
  • The program from the Columbia University Seminar on Human Rights entitled November 30, 1978
  • An article by Peter L. Berger entitled Are Human Rights Universal? September 1977
  • Correspondence from Sidney Shapiro to Michael Churchill June 28, 1976
  • Correspondence from Michael Churchill to Sidney Shapiro June 11, 1976
  • Bulletin of the Inter-American Association for Democracy and Freedom entitled Hemispherica, Vol. XXXVI, No.6 June-July, 1977
  • Bulletin of a speech by the United States Secretary of State entitled Human Rights Policy April 30, 1977
  • Resume for Glenda da Fonseca
  • Bulletin from the Congressional Record of the House of Representatives, Vol. 123, No. 28 entitled Food and Population: II by Hon. Frederick W. Richmond February 17, 1977
  • Note from Roy to WJB
  • Article entitled The Rights of Cogs by Sylvia Ann Hewlett September 5, 1977
  • Article entitled Rights, and Wrongs by Jahangir Amuzegar in the New York Times January 29, 1978
  • Article entitled Text of Address by President Carter Before the Indian Parliament in New Delhi in the New York Times January 3, 1978
  • Handwritten notes by WJB on “Human Rights”
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps September 6, 1977
  • Correspondence from Henry Shue to WJB October 14, 1977
  • Handwritten notes by WJB about meeting with David Heaps December 1, 1977
  • Draft of an essay entitled Human Rights and Economic Development in the Third World
  • Journal Background from the Center for International Policy entitled The Links Between Human Rights and Basic Needs Spring 1978
  • Correspondence from Sue N. to WJB May 1, 1978
  • Charts from the U.S. and Human Rights Monthly Review concerning the “Relationship between U.S. Aid, Investment Climate, and Human Rights in 10 U.S. Client States” July-August, 1977
  • Half of a draft of an article examining “Human Rights and the U.S. Economy ”
  • Note from Niall MacDermot to WJB December 28, 1977
  • Article entitled The Right to Development in Relation with Other Human Rights by the NGO Working Group on Development and Human Rights
  • Article entitled East Asian Human Rights to be Focus of Study in the Harvard Gazette February 3, 1978
  • Draft of an essay entitled Human Rights and Economic Development in the Third World
  • Article entitled Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy a report of the eighteenth Strategy for Peace Conference sponsored by The Stanley Foundation October 13-16, 1977
  • Copy of the United Nations Economic and Social Council’s “Commission on Human Rights, thirty-third session, agenda item 7, E/CN.4/L.1343 ”February 18, 1977
  • Correspondence from Joseph N. Greene, Jr. to WJB December 5, 1977
  • Article entitled Reverse Injustice? by Ben Whitaker in the New Statesman December 2, 1977
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB September 15, 1977
  • Preliminary outline of Human Rights and Foreign Policy
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB August 18, 1977
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB December 3, 1977
  • Correspondence from Douglas Williams to David Heaps November 27, 1977
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB November 16, 1977
  • Note from Rose Bernstein to WJB December 19, 1977 attached to requests for payments to Rogal Associates
  • Draft of an essay entitled Human Rights and Economic Development
  • Report from the ICJ entitled Some Preliminary Views on the Relationship Between Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Context of Development an don the Right to Development
  • Correspondence from Douglas Williams to WJB October 30, 1978
  • Article entitled Human Rights Criteria in Foreign Policy written by The Royal Institute of International Affairs
  • Article entitled Towards a Positive Approach to Human Rights in Development Policy written by Emanuel de Kadt
  • Article entitled Agricultural Aspects of Self-Reliance written by Stephen J. Carr, O.B.E.
  • Correspondence entitled Human Rights Criteria in Foreign Policy written by The Royal Institute of International Affairs to Robert Wood , James Fawcett , Michael Howard and David Watt May 23, 1978
  • Article entitled Eastern Bolivia: The White Promised Land written by Norman Lewis for IWGIA
  • Form letter by WJB
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB November 8, 1978
  • Correspondence from Douglas to David Heaps November 9, 1978
  • Report from UN seminar on The Realization of Economic and Social Rights Contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights August 15-28, 1967 held in Warsaw, Poland
  • Two copies of the report from the ICJ entitled Some Preliminary Views on the Relationship Between Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Context of Development and on the Right to Development
  • Study group report from the ICJ written by David Heaps August 12, 1978
  • Summary of an article in the ODI Review by Douglas Williams entitled Human Rights and Economic Development in the Third World May, 1978
  • Article by Suk Jo Kim entitled 1419 "1419" "1419">Prolegomemon to the Doctrine of Special Responsibility of States for Violations of Human Rights in Another State October 11-13, 1978
  • Article by GIST Bureau of Public Affairs entitled U.S. Human Rights Policy January, 1978
  • Article by Douglas Williams entitled Human Rights, Economic Development and Aid to the Third World: an Analysis and Proposal for Action 1978
  • Draft of an article by Abraham M. Sirkin entitled Elements of a United States Human Rights Strategy July 1977
  • Article by P. Streeten entitled Basic Needs and Human Rights May 15, 1978
  • Article by John Salzberg entitled The Carter Administration’s Human Rights Foreign Policy: A Critical Review May 12, 1978
  • Article by William G. Demas entitled Seminar on Human Rights and Their Promotion in the Caribbean September 8, 1977
  • Journal by the Center for International Policy topic entitled The Links Between Human Rights and Basic Needs Spring 1978
  • Report from the United Nations General Assembly “A/33/PV.14 ”September 29, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Abraham M. Sirkin December 22, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Suk Jo Kim December 22, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to P. Telford Georges December 22, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Douglas Williams December 22, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB December 20, 1978
  • Correspondence from Levinson to WJB October 20, 1978
  • Notes by WJB on the “Seven Springs Conference”
  • Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to David Heaps October 2, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps November 3, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB October 27, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Paul Streeten October 27, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB December 4, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise December 11, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise September 30, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to P. Telford Georges July 17, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps August 14, 1978
  • Correspondence from P. T. Georges to WJB August 4, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps August 2, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps July 17, 1978
  • Correspondence from Douglas Williams to David Heaps June 16, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB June 29, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps July 5, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB June 17, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps June 21, 1978
  • Article entitled Geneva NGO’s Prepare Study: The Right to Development in Relation with Other Human Rights
  • Correspondence from John Woodhouse to colleagues May 31, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Ronald Pump June 9, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to David Heaps June 14, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Tom J. Farrer February 14, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Douglas Williams February 14, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Abraham M. Sirkin February 14, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to William G. Demas February 14, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to William G. Demas February 15, 1978
  • Correspondence from Douglas Williams to WJB February 22, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to William G. Demas March 24, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to William G. Demas March 27, 1978
  • Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to David Heaps April 6, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Tom J. Farrer April 27, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Paul Sieghart May 19, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Jagdash Bhaghwati May 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Arthur W. Lewis May 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Philip Alston May 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Philip Alston June 1, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB October 5, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB October 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Douglas Williams October 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to P. T. Georges October 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Ambassador Albert Sherer, Jr. October 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Joseph N. Greene, Jr. October 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from Roger to WJB October 19, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB July 10, 1978
  • Correspondence from Albert W. Sherer, Jr. to David Heaps July 5, 1978
  • Article from The Washington Post by Jerome Alan Cohen entitled Human Rights in China: U.S. Should Press Issue, but Not as Barrier to Ties April 23, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Stanley J. Heginbotham October 5, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Participants in the Human Rights Study Group September 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Sidney Shapiro September 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from Albert W. Sherer, Jr. to WJB September 8, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB August 31, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Paul Streeten August 26, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Jagdish Bhagwati August 26, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB August 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB August 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to P. T. Georges August 23, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Albert W. Sherer August 23, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB August 23, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB August 11, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB August 6, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Ambassador Albert Sherer June 5, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Tom J. Farer June 5, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB June 5, 1978
  • Correspondence from W. A. Lewis to WJB May 31, 1978
  • Correspondence from Douglas Williams to WJB May 31, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB May 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB May 17, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB May 12, 1978
  • Correspondence from Paul Sieghart to WJB May 11, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB May 5, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Ambassador Albert Sherer May 3, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Eli Whitney Debevoise May 3, 1978
  • Correspondence from William G. Demas to WJB April 10, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to William G. Demas March 24, 1978
  • Correspondence from William G. Demas to WJB March 16, 1978
  • Correspondence from Joseph N. Green, Jr. to WJB March 8, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB February 28, 1978
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Joseph N. Greene February 28, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Samuel L. Williams, Esq. January 12, 1978
  • Special Report to the Chief Executive from the United Nations Fall 1978
  • The Department of State News Release U.S. Responsibilities Toward Peace and Human Rights November 2, 1977
  • The Department of State Bulletin Reprint New Hopes for Human Rights September 9, 1977
  • Bulletin Public Law 94-329, 94th Congress, H.R. 13680 June 30, 1976
  • Bulletin Public Law 94-302, 94th Congress, H.R. 9721 May 31, 1976
  • Correspondence from WJB to The Max and Anna Levinson Foundation March 28, 1977
  • Correspondence from The US Treasury Department to ICJ March 28, 1968
  • Two copies of a correspondence from WJB to The Max and Anna Levinson Foundation March 28, 1977
  • The Department of State Speech The United States and the Third World: Economic Issues November 5, 1977
  • Draft of a paper by Abraham M. Sirkin entitled Elements of a United States Human Rights Strategy July 1977
  • Draft of a paper by Richard Pierre Claude entitled Comparative Rights Policy: The State of the Art 1976
  • Correspondence from Elizabeth C. Altman to WJB October 24, 1977
  • Correspondence from Marvin C. Atkins to Elizabeth C. Altman October 12, 1977
  • Correspondence from Richard P. Claude to WJB May 31, 1977
  • Correspondence from Edith Ballatnyne to Elizabeth C. Altman October 11, 1977
  • Essay by Richard Pierre Claude and James C. Strouse entitled Human Rights Development Theory 1976
  • Essay by Richard Pierre Claude entitled Reliable Information: The Threshold Problem for Human Rights Research 1977
  • Essay by Brian H. Smith, S.J. entitled Human Rights, Needs and Power in an Interdependent World, Phase I, The Americas August, 1977
  • Essay by Abraham M. Sirkin entitled Elements of a United States Human Rights Strategy July, 1977
  • Essay by Jose Zalaquett entitled Human Rights: Suggested Priorities for Investigation and Reflection March 1977
  • Correspondence from WJB to The Max and Anna Levinson Foundation March 28, 1977
  • Proposal Summary and Review by the ICJ
  • Correspondence from Elizabeth Altman to WJB July 26, 1977
  • Project on the Interrelationship and Interdependence of Human Rights by the ICJ
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB November 23, 1977
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Douglas Williams November 22, 1977
  • Note from Charles Runyon August 10, 1977
  • Speech by Hon. Warren Chirstopher entitled Human Rights: Principle and Realism August 9, 1977
  • Correspondence from Jamison Selby to WJB September 3, 1977
  • Resume for Jamison M. Selby
  • The Department of State Speech Human Rights: Principle and Realism August 9, 1977
  • Two copies of the “Proposal Summary and Review ”for the ICJ
  • Testimony of Associate Professor David Weissbrodt before the Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations March 4, 1977
  • The Department of State Statement Human Rights March 7, 1977
  • Article by Herbert Feith entitled Political Control, Class Formation and Legitimacy in Suharto’s Indonesia May 16, 1976
  • Article by Abraham Sirkin entitled The Intersection of Human Rights and Basic Human Needs
  • Notes on “Women’s Status” by WJB
  • Correspondence from WJB to Douglas Williams October 7, 1977
  • Notes on “the Levinson Proposal ”by WJB
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to Tom February 5, 1979
  • Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB January 8, 1979
  • Statement on “1978 World Population Estimates ”from The Environmental Fund August 1978
  • List of the participants in the AAICJ Study Group
  • RSVP card from the Seven Springs Center Symposium
  • Brochure from the Seven Springs Center
  • Biographical Sketch of Jagdish N. Bhagwati
  • Article by Douglas Williams entitled Human Rights, Economic Development and Aid to the Third World: An Analysis and Proposal for Action
  • Article entitled A Proposal for a Simple Study on Development and Human Rights
  • Correspondence from WJB to Professor Arthur W. Lewis May 25, 1978
  • Correspondence from WJB to Jagdash Bhaghwati May 25, 1978
  • Draft of a letter by WJB
  • Correspondence from William G. Demas to WJB March 16, 1978
  • Two copies of a correspondence from WJB to William G. Demas March 24, 1978
  • Correspondence from Sue Nichterlein to WJB February 15, 1978
  • Notes on an essay by David William entitled Human Rights and Economic Development
  • Copy of a newspaper article entitled U.S. Toughens Stand on Third-World Aid February 6, 1978
  • Correspondence from Sue Nichterlein to WJB April 5, 1978
  • Notes on an essay by David William entitled Human Rights and Economic Development
  • Copy of a newspaper article entitled U.S. Toughens Stand on Third-World Aid February 6, 1978
  • Untitled article concerning “Human Rights in Indonesia”
  • Copy of a newspaper article entitled Behind Foreign Aid by Peter G. Bourne April 6, 1978
  • Essay by David Heaps entitled Study Group: AAICJ August 12, 1978
  • A Draft of an essay by David Heaps entitled Study Group: AAICJ August, 1978
  • An essay by David Williams entitled Human Rights and Economic Development in the Third World May 1978
  • An article in The New York Times entitled The Nation: McNamara on the Largest Issue: World Economy April 2, 1978