
William J. Butler Papers Box 18

  1. Box-Folder #18-1 - Iran - Audience with Shah May 1, 1978 Reports File #2, Miscellaneous correspondence, Notes, Copies, Miscellaneous Press Releases, Comments on new legislation, Memoranda of conferences with Shah, "B"
    1. Folder # 406 - Iran - Notes, Duplicate Copies, Miscellaneous
      1. Handwritten notes by WJB concerning his conference with the Shah
      2. Article with an interview of Mehdi Bazargan - May 23, 1978
      3. Note from the AAICJ to Reza A. Eghbal - November 2, 1977
      4. Copies of receipts from the AAICJ
      5. Handwritten notes by WJB
      6. Memorandum concerning the “Iran Jurists Association”
      7. Note to WJB concerning John Doyle - October 20
      8. Memorandum from WJB to Georges Levasseur - October 10, 1975
      9. List of Iranian contacts
      10. Partial list of Iranian Artists and Intellectuals in Prison - May 5, 1978
      11. Statement of the “Committee for Artistic and Intellectual Freedom in Iran on the New Wave of Repression in Iran” - December 1, 1977
      12. Article from The Washington Post entitled Shah's Opponents Beaten by Mob In Iran - November 22, 1977
      13. Article from The Washington Post entitled Shah's Crackdown Said to Weaken Iranian Dissidents - November 29, 1977
      14. Appeal from the parents of Mansour Farshidi
      15. Appeal to human rights organizations from Morghforooshi Honardar - July 13, 1978
      16. Three copies of a note from Ahamd Sadr - June 13, 1978
      17. Note from the military prosecutor - July 6, 1978
      18. Note from Ebrahim Yazdi - July 18, 1978
      19. Correspondence from William S. Moody to WJB - May 30, 1978
      20. Correspondence to Charles W. Naas
      21. Telegram concerning “Iran”
      22. Correspondence from Martin Ennals to Parviz C. Radji - May 11, 1978
      23. Copies of miscellaneous newspaper articles concerning “Iran” - May, 1978
      24. Note concerning “WJB's meeting with the Shah”
      25. Draft press release entitled Fifty-Five Iranian Jurists Call for Restoration of Constitutional Laws - December 15, 1977
      26. Page from Keesing's Contemporary Archives - April 21, 1978
      27. Correspondence from Nuri Albala to Niall MacDermot - April 10, 1978
      28. Open letter by 58 dissidents - January 9, 1978
      29. Article by Lucien Philippe entitled Voices that can't be ignored
      30. Middle Eastern Studies Vol. 14, No. 1 - January, 1978


    2. Folder # 407 - Memoranda of Conferences with Shah and Ennals
      1. Correspondence from Brian Wrobel to Niall MacDermot June 10, 1977 attached to a series of documents from Amnesty International
      2. Memorandum from WJB to the ICJ - June 17, 1977
      3. Copies of a memorandum from WJB concerning “conference with Martin Ennals” - June 16, 1977


    3. Folder # 408 - Comments on New Legislation
      1. Single article of law amending certain article of the “Military Justice and Penal Code”
      2. Correspondence from William Sullivan to WJB - September 11, 1977
      3. Airgram from William Sullivan to the Department of State - August 16, 1977
      4. Memorandum on proposed amendments to the Iranian Military Court Rules of Procedure


    4. Folder # 409 - Press Releases 1978
      1. Miscellaneous newspaper articles concerning “Iran”
      2. Telegram concerning “Iran”
      3. Interview with Mehdi Bazargan - May 23, 1978
      4. Liberation Movement of Iran press release - April 9, 1978
      5. Liberation Movement of Iran press release - April 4, 1978
      6. Young Muslims Organization press release entitled International Observers Visit Iran - April 4, 1978
      7. Liberation Movement of Iran press release - April 2, 1978
      8. Telegram from the Iranian Committee for the Defence of Freedom and Human Rights - March 16, 1978


    5. Folder # 410 - Iran - Reports
      1. Hearings before the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives - August 3 and September 8, 1976
      2. Staff report to the Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance of the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate entitled US Military Sales to Iran - July, 1976
      3. Report from the National Centre for Adult Education and Training Project
      4. Bulletin No. 7 entitled Visiting Conditions in the Qasr Prison of Teheran - May 22, 1973
      5. Statement by Gholam-Hossein Sa'edi - June 15, 1978
      6. Profile of Iranian writer Gholam-Hosseim Sa'edi
      7. Research report by Reginald C. Tillam from UNESCO entitled Staff Development Training Programmes: Some Methodological Comments - 1976
      8. Article addressed to the Directeur de la Commission Des Droits de l'Homme
      9. Correspondence from the Iranian Committee for the Defence of Freedom and Human Rights to Dr. Kurt Waldheim - December 7, 1977
      10. Correspondence from Henry Shue to WJB - June 20, 1977
      11. Report by Richard W. Cottam entitled Arms Sales and Human Rights: The Case of Iran


    6. Folder # 411 - Iran - Dr. Matine-Dafteri
      1. Copies of newspaper article in arabic
      2. Telegram from WJB
      3. Handwritten notes by WJB
      4. Memorandum concerning “Iran Jurists Association”
      5. Copies of articles in arabic
      6. Article entitled Manifeste des Universitaires de l'Iran - September 13, 1978
      7. Memorandum concerning “Meeting with Dr. H. Matine-Daftary” - October 6, 1978
      8. Notecards concerning Three Laws, Modifications - October 13, 1978
      9. Two copies of a memorandum concerning “Meeting with Dr. H. Matine-Daftary” - October 6, 1978
      10. Copy of a telegram
      11. Handwritten note by WJB


    7. Folder # 412 - Transcript of Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives - Human Rights in Iran October 26, 1977
      1. Transcript of Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives - Human Rights in Iran
  2. Box-Folder #18-2 - ICJ - Burma, Burma and Nepal
    1. Folder # 413 -Burma Miscellaneous Correspondence, etc.
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Mona Rishmawi - February 11, 1992.
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Mona Rishmawi - January 7, 1992.


    2. Folder # 414 - Burma Miscellaneous Correspondence, etc.
      1. Two copies of a report on Burma prepared by Myint Zan for the ICJ


    3. Folder # 415 - Burma and Nepal
      1. Fax correspondence from Andre Newburg to WJB - May 18, 1990.
      2. Correspondence from Andrea Bonime-Blanc to WJB - April 24, 1990.
      3. Article by Kalman Kulcsar entitled The Place of the Constitution in the Process of Political Transformation
      4. Two copies of an excerpt from Foreign Policy No. 77,, Winter, 1989-1990, entitled Dateline Drug Wars: Burma: the Wrong Enemy by William H. Overholt
  3. Box-Folder #18-3 - Cuba
    1. Folder # 416 - Cuba
      1. Article by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. entitled Four Days with Fidel: A Havana Diary
      2. Article entitled Give Castro a carrot - lift the U.S. embargo now by Andrew Zimbalist
      3. Handwritten notes by WJB concerning Cuba
      4. Fax correspondence from Wayne Smith to WJB - January 4, 1996
      5. Fax correspondence from Wayne Smith to WJB - January 4, 1996
      6. Fax correspondence from Wayne Smith to WJB - November 27, 1995
      7. Article entitled After Vietnam, Cuba? in The Economist - February 12, 1994
      8. List of participants in the Latin American Breakfast Series - February 26, 1992
      9. Handwritten notes by WJB concerning Cuba - February 26, 1992
      10. Brochure for Cuba at the Turning Point - March 13, 1992
      11. Letter to the editor of The New York Times - February 27, 1994
      12. Handwritten notes by WJB concerning Cuba - October 29, 1993
      13. Article entitled Cuba, communism, potatoes in The Economist - May 16, 1992
      14. Fax correspondence from Wayne Smith to Clara David - March 3, 1995
      15. Fax correspondence from Wayne Smith to WJB - January 25, 1995
      16. Fax correspondence from Danielle Rudstein to WJB - February 2, 1995
      17. Handwritten notes by WJB concerning Cuba
      18. Fax correspondence from Wayne Smith to WJB - June 27, 1995
      19. Fax correspondence from Wayne Smith to Clara David - June 19, 1995
      20. Article from the European Union Council on Foreign Relations containing a presentation to the “working group on Cuba”by Ambassador Dr. Angel Vinas - December 14, 1995
      21. List of participants in a colloquium entitled The European Union and Cuba - December 14, 1995
      22. European Union session documents A4-0312/95 - December 1, 1995
      23. Fax correspondence from WJB to Alberto Vourvoulias-Bush
      24. Correspondence from Kenneth Maxwell to WJB - January 16, 1996
      25. Correspondence from WJB to Clara David - November 28, 1995
      26. Note from Alice Delman to WJB - December 5, 1995
      27. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Adama Dieng - November 30, 1995
      28. Fax correspondence from WJB to Wayne Smith - November 28, 1995
      29. Copy of WJB's passport
      30. Fax correspondence from Wayne Smith to WJB - November 27, 1995
      31. Fax correspondence from Wayne Smith to WJB - November 27, 1995
      32. Fax correspondence from Wayne Smith to Clara David - November 27, 1995
      33. Fax correspondence from Bill Goodfellow to colleagues following “US-Cuba relations” - July 7, 1995
      34. Statement of Wayne S. Smith before the Subcommittee on Trade of the House Committee on Ways and Means - June 30, 1995
      35. Copy of newspaper articles from The Washington Post - June 29, 1995
      36. Taller "Definiciones Sobre Los Derechos Humanos"
      37. UN documents E/CN.4/1994/51 - January 24, 1994
      38. UN documents E/CN.4/1993/39 - February 4, 1993
      39. UN documents E/CN.4/1995/98 - February 15, 1995
      40. UN documents E/CN.4/1995/52 - January 11, 1995
      41. Correspondence from WJB to Kenneth Maxwell - December 16, 1993
      42. Correspondence from Bill Goodfellow to WJB - February 16, 1994
      43. Report on trip to Cuba - December 9-12
      44. Memorandum from Kenneth Maxwell to members of the “Cuba Study Group” - October 25, 1993
      45. Article entitled Balance of Failure: US-Cuba Relations, 1959-1993 by Nelson P. Valdes - October 28, 1993
      46. Article entitled Context and Content of Cuba-United States Relations by Louis A. Perez, Jr.
      47. Correspondence from Bill Goodfellow to WJB - February 18, 1994
      48. Rockwell Kent vs. John Foster Dulles decided - June 16, 1958
      49. Report from the Latin American Program Study Group - November 18, 1993
      50. Report from the Latin American Program Study Group - October 28, 1993
      51. Article entitled Are Economic Reforms Propelling Cuba to the Market? by Carmelo Mesa-Lago - December 2, 1993
      52. Correspondence from WJB to Clara David - March 3, 1995
      53. Copy of WJB's passport
      54. Copy of the Who's Who note on WJB
      55. Article entitled Broadening the American Discussion on Cuba: A Proposal from the Center for International Policy - January 1995
      56. Fax correspondence from WJB to Wayne Smith - February 8, 1995
      57. Fax correspondence from WJB to Rosemary - February 17, 1994
      58. International Policy Report - December, 1993
      59. Correspondence from Wayne Smith to members of the study group - April 17, 1995
      60. Article concerning “Human Rights in Cuba”
      61. Memorandum from WJB to Wayne Smith - June 15, 1995
      62. Delegation to Cuba to look into the question of “travel controls” - March 9-11, 1995
      63. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Wayne Smith - January 23, 1996
      64. Memorandum from WJB to Wayne Smith - June 15, 1995
      65. Correspondence from William Goodfellow to WJB - April 3, 1995
      66. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Adama Dieng - March 29, 1995
      67. License No. C-22924 for WJB
      68. Correspondence from WJB to Fr. Joseph O'Hare, S.J. - March 7, 1994
      69. Krinsky, Michael and Golove, David , eds. United States Economic Measures Against Cuba Massachusetts Aletheia Press 1993
      70. Correspondence from Chris to WJB - June 26, 1995
      71. Yale Journal of International Law Vol. 20, No. 1 - Winter 1995
      72. Miscellaneous business cards
      73. Article by Peter Tarnoff entitled United States Policy Toward Cuba - May 18, 1995
      74. Article from The New York Times May 21, 1995 concerning “US-Cuba Relations”
      75. Analysis of the “Helms/Burton Bill (S. 381, H.R. 927)”
      76. UN document E/CN.4/1994/51 - January 24, 1994
      77. Regan et al., vs Wald et al. decided - June 28, 1984
  4. Box-Folder #18-4 - ICJ Trip to Dakar 1976
    1. Folder # 417 - Correspondence - Trip to Dakar 1976
      1. Handwritten note by WJB
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Ed Gitlitz and Charles Librader - December 18, 1975
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise - December 18, 1975
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Edward Gitlitz - December 19, 1975
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Maxim's - December 22, 1975
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Andre W. G. Newburg - December 22, 1975
      7. Correspondence from WJB to Jean-Louis Aujol - December 22, 1975
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Georges Levasseur - December 23, 1975
      9. Correspondence from WJB to Henry G. Weyerhaeuser - December 17, 1975
      10. Correspondence from WJB to Triska Kretschmar - December 22, 1975
      11. Correspondence from WJB to Ben Whitaker - January 14, 1976
      12. Correspondence from WJB to Marc Schreiber - January 26, 1976
      13. Correspondence from WJB to Pierre Juvigny - January 27, 1976
      14. Correspondence from WJB to Solange Bouvier-Ajam - January 27, 1976
      15. Correspondence from WJB to Tom Sargant - January 27, 1976
      16. Correspondence from WJB to Barend van Niekerk - January 27, 1976
      17. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - January 30, 1976
      18. Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise - January 30, 1976
      19. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - February 12, 1976
      20. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to David Heaps - February 18, 1976
      21. Correspondence from WJB to William Johnston - May 26, 1976
      22. Correspondence from WJB to Edward Gitlitz - December 18, 1975
      23. Correspondence from WJB to Mr and Mrs W. H. Ferry - January 14, 1976
      24. Correspondence from WJB to Mr and Mrs W. H. Ferry - January 22, 1976
      25. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - November 20, 1975
      26. Correspondence from WJB to W. H. Ferry - November 14, 1975
      27. Correspondence from WJB to Michael Peay - October 28, 1975
      28. Correspondence from WJB to W. H. Ferry - November 19, 1975
      29. Correspondence from WJB to Youssouf N'Diaye - November 21, 1975
      30. Correspondence from WJB to Leonard Boudin - December 2, 1975
      31. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph Palmer - November 11, 1975
      32. Correspondence from WJB to Goler T. Butcher - December 2, 1975
      33. Correspondence from WJB to George N. Lindsay - October 27, 1975
      34. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - November 25, 1975
      35. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - September 18, 1975
      36. Correspondence from WJB to Fund for Tomorrow - November 14, 1975
      37. Correspondence from WJB to Peter Weiss - November 14, 1975
      38. Handwritten note by WJB
      39. Photograph of WJB
      40. Memorandum from WJB to Ed Gitlitz and Charles Librader - December 18, 1975
      41. Correspondence from T. Michael Peay to WJB - November 17, 1975
      42. Bio-data for Michael I. Davis
      43. Correspondence from WJB to George N. Lindsay - November 14, 1975
      44. Note from T. Michael Peay to WJB - January 28, 1976
      45. Correspondence from Bill Johnston to WJB - May 25, 1976
      46. Correspondence from Solange Bovier-Ajam to WJB - February 2, 1976
      47. Correspondence from Goler T. Butcher to WJB - January 28, 1976
      48. Correspondence from Ben Whitaker to WJB - May 5, 1975
      49. Correspondence from T. Michael Peay to WJB - October 24, 1975
      50. Statement by T. Michael Peay - October 10, 1975
      51. Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to WJB - December 18, 1975
      52. Correspondence from Youssoupha Ndiaye to WJB - December 6, 1975
      53. Correspondence from WJB to Ed Gitlitz and Charles Librader - December 18, 1975


    2. Folder # 418 - ICJ Dakar Conference 1975
      1. Handwritten notes by WJB
      2. Article by Dinah Shelton entitled Domestic Litigation to Recover Exported Namibian Resources
      3. Business cards for Charles Librader and Ed Gitlitz
      4. List of participants at the “CLSP/CEIP Conference on Human Rights and International Law” - January 30, 1976
      5. List of participants in the “Conference on the Implementation of International Human Rights Law Through the Domestic Legal Process”
      6. Program of action adopted by the “Dakar Conference”
      7. Working Paper from the “Dakar Conference”entitled Namibia and Human Rights: Past and Future
      8. Report by Elizabeth S. Landis entitled Human Rights in Namibia - January 5-8, 1976
      9. Declaration of Dakar on “Namibia and Human Rights”
      10. Provisional list of participants in the “Dakar Conference”


    3. Folder # 419 - Charter
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Roger Gondret - December 22, 1975
      2. Memorandum from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise - December 17, 1975
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Leonard Boudin - November 25, 1975
      4. Correspondence from Sean MacBride to WJB - November 10, 1975
      5. Correspondence from WJB - November 13, 1975
      6. Information concerning travel arrangements
      7. Article entitled Namibia: Another Terrorism Trial - December 7, 1975
      8. Handwritten notes by WJB
      9. Four copies of a program of action adopted by the “Dakar Conference”
      10. Four copies of a declaration of Dakar on “Namibia and Human Rights”
      11. Note from Air France
      12. Note concerning Michael Davis
      13. Correspondence from M. G. K. Nayar to WJB - December 12, 1975
      14. Correspondence from Leonard B. Boudin to WJB - December 5, 1975
      15. Correspondence from Warren E. Hewitt to WJB - December 9, 1975
      16. Correspondence to WJB - December 15, 1975
      17. Address for Goler T. Butcher
      18. Correspondence from M. G. K. Nayar to WJB - December 13, 1974
      19. Correspondence from Dinah L. Shelton to WJB - December 12, 1975
      20. Receipts for travel arrangements for WJB
      21. Copy of a check made out to the AAICJ from Richard T. Seymour
      22. “Dakar Conference”reply and registration forms
      23. Correspondence from Karel Vasak to WJB - October 21, 1975
      24. Form letter from WJB - November 13, 1975
      25. Notes by WJB
      26. Copies of checks made out to the AAICJ
      27. Reservation sheet for T. Michael Peay
      28. Correspondence from T. Michael Peay to WJB - December 11, 1975


    4. Folder # 420 - Dakar Conference - Replies
      1. Correspondence from Leonard B. Boudin to Elizabeth Landis - December 8, 1975
      2. Memorandum to IDOC/North America Trustees from Pat Gaughan - February 9, 1976
      3. Handwritten notes by WJB
      4. Correspondence from Bill Johnston to WJB - February 10, 1976
      5. Correspondence from Dinah L. Shelton to WJB - January 10, 1975
      6. Correspondence from Dinah L. Shelton to WJB - November 28, 1975
      7. Correspondence from Leo Nevas to WJB - November 20, 1975
      8. Address for Cormac K. H. O' Malley
      9. Address for Mr and Mrs Frank Loecher
      10. Correspondence from John Carey to WJB - November 18, 1975
      11. Correspondence from Charles J. Lipton to WJB - November 21, 1975
      12. Correspondence from Thomas Buergenthal to WJB - November 24, 1975
  5. Box-Folder #18-5 - Disappearances - Alicja Wesolowska 1979
    1. Folder #421 - Alicija Wesolowska 1979
      1. Handwritten notes by WJB
      2. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - November 22, 1979
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - November 27, 1979
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - November 27, 1979
      5. Note from Niall MacDermot to WJB
      6. Correspondence from John Klopacz and Joe Downing to Niall MacDermot - February 5, 1980
      7. Note from Niall MacDermot to WJB
      8. Correspondence from Hans Thoolen to Gordon Feller - March 26, 1980
      9. Account for expenses from the observer mission for the “Alichj Wesolowska case”
      10. Correspondence from Hans Thoolen to Gordon Feller - June 25, 1980
      11. Correspondence from Hans Thoolen to Gordon Feller - June 25, 1980
      12. Telex from Niall MacDermot to WJB - February 12, 1980
      13. Telex from Niall MacDermot to WJB - January 31, 1980
      14. Telex from Niall MacDermot to WJB - January 25, 1980
      15. Correspondence from Gordon Feller to WJB - January 1, 1980
      16. Report by Patrick M. Norton entitled Legal Issues Raised by the Arrest by Polish Authorities of a Polish National Employee of the UN Development Program
      17. Miscellaneous newspaper article and press releases concerning Alicja Wesolowska


    2. Folder # 422 - Disappearances 1979
      1. Oral intervention by Dr Alejandro Artucio concerning “Disappeared Persons” - August, 1979
      2. Handwritten notes by WJB
      3. List of contacts
      4. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Don Bonker - October 9, 1979
      5. Article from Th Economist entitled Zia makes the rules fit the runner - October 13, 1979
      6. List of the members of the ICJ - March, 1979
      7. Copies of a mailing list
      8. Copies of the testimony of WJB before the “US House of Representatives Subcommittee on International Organizations” - October 18, 1979
      9. Testimony of Dr Roger W. Fontaine entitled The Problem of Voluntary Disappearances - October 18, 1979
      10. Article from the Washington Post entitled The Missing 30, 000 by Don Bonker
      11. Testimony of Jerome J. Shestack entitled The Case of the Disappeared - September 20, 1979
      12. ICJ article entitled The Problem of "Disappeared Persons" and the Case of Argentina in Particular
      13. UN document E/CN.4/Sub.2/429/Add.1 - August 15, 1979
      14. UN press release HR/788 August 29, 1979 entitled Sub-Commission Concludes Debate on Human Rights of Detained Persons
      15. UN press release HR/787 August 29, 1979 entitled Sub-Commission Continues Debate on Rights of Detained Persons
      16. Statement of Marvin E. Frankel - September 25, 1979
      17. Draft report by Roger S. Clark entitled International Human Rights Fact-Finding: The Role of Legal Representation
      18. Memorandum from Karen Kennerly - October 10, 1979
      19. ILHR press release entitled International League Voices Grave Concern About the Spreading Practice of Disappearances - September 20, 1979
      20. Press release from The Lawyers Committee for International Human Rights entitled Former Judge Marvin Frankel Testifies on Disappearances in Argentina - September 25, 1979
      21. UN document in French E/CN.4/Sub.2/429 - August 8, 1979
      22. List of guests at a meeting in honor of Berndt Von Staden - October 17, 1979
      23. Press release from The Lawyers Committee for International Human Rights entitled Former Judge Marvin Frankel Testifies on Disappearances in Argentina - September 25, 1979
  6. Box-Folder #18-6 - El Salvador Report "A Breach of Impunity" Memos, correspondence, etc. - 1992
    1. Folder # 423 - El Salvador
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Kenneth Maxwell - April 5, 1993
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Dr Alejandro Artucio - March 17, 1993
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Amy Goodman - November 18, 1992
      4. Handwritten notes by WJB
      5. Form letter by WJB - November 25, 1992
      6. ICJ press release entitled ICJ and Fordham University Commemorate El Salvador Murders - November 16, 1992
      7. List of contacts to receive the ICJ report on El Salvador
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Kenneth Maxwell - March 4, 1993
      9. Correspondence from WJB to Robert White - March 4, 1993
      10. Correspondence from Ricardo G. Castaneda-Cornejo to WJB - January 8, 1993
      11. Correspondence from Dr Mary Beatrice Schulte to WJB - December 18, 1992
      12. Inside Fordham - December 11, 1992
      13. Catalogue from Fordham University Press - Spring/Summer, 1993
      14. Correspondence from WJB to Peter S. Heller - December 8, 1992
      15. Correspondence from WJB to Conrad Harper - December 8, 1992
      16. Correspondence from Dr Mary Beatrice Schulte to WJB, December 18, 1992, with attached newspaper clipping
      17. Correspondence from WJB to Sreemoti - December 16, 1992
      18. Correspondence from WJB to Ricardo Castaneda - December 15, 1992
      19. Bill for WJB from Fordham University Press
      20. Form letter from WJB
      21. Correspondence from WJB to Loomis Mayer, December 3, 1992, attached to an draft advertisement for A Breach of Impunity
      22. Correspondence from WJB to Susan Epstein, November 17, 1992, attached to an draft advertisement for A Breach of Impunity
      23. Correspondence from WJB to John Feerick - November 17, 1992
      24. Fax correspondence from Amy Zeisz to WJB - November 13, 1992
      25. ICJ press release entitled ICJ and Fordham University Commemorate El Salvador Murders - November 16, 1992
      26. Fax correspondence from Cynthia Wornham to WJB - November 13, 1992
      27. Handwritten notes by WJB
      28. ICJ press release entitled ICJ and Fordham University Commemorate El Salvador Murders - November 16, 1992
      29. Book covers for A Breach of Impunity
      30. Note from Alice Delman to WJB - July 6, 1992
      31. Una brecha a la impunidad, aunque no un triunfo de la justicia November, 1991, ICJ
      32. List of the members of the ICJ
      33. Correspondence from Loomis Mayer to WJB - July 27, 1992
      34. Fax correspondence from Susan Epstein to WJB - November 16, 1992
      35. Fax correspondence from WJB to Susan Epstein - November 11, 1992
      36. Correspondence from WJB to Donald Fox - August 7, 1992
      37. Correspondence from WJB to Howard Tolley - August 7, 1992
      38. Correspondence from WJB to Fr. Joseph O’Hare - July 29, 1992
      39. ICJ press release entitled ICJ Observer Condemns Abuses under new Security Law in El Salvador - September 19, 1978
      40. ICJ report entitled The Law of Defense and Guarantee of Public Order Promulgated by the Republic of El Salvador in November, 1977 prepared - September, 1978
      41. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - October 28, 1992
      42. Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - August 10, 1992
      43. Note to Bob Dudick from Alice Delman - August 7, 1992
      44. Correspondence from Dr. Mary Beatrice Schulte to WJB - July 29, 1992
      45. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph O’Hare - July 29, 1992
      46. Fax correspondence from WJB to Joseph O’Hare - August 12, 1992
      47. Correspondence from Saverio Procario to WJB, April 14, 1992, attached to copies of newspaper and magazine articles regarding El Salvador
      48. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - May 28, 1992
      49. Fax correspondence from Alejandro Artucio to WJB - May 8, 1992
      50. Fax correspondence from WJB to Alejandro Artucio - May 8, 1992
      51. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph O’Hare - March 5, 1992
      52. Fax correspondence from WJB to Alejandro Artucio - April 15, 1992
      53. Correspondence from WJB to Mary Beatrice Schulte - June 30, 1992
      54. Correspondence from WJB to Susan Epstein - June 30, 1992
      55. Correspondence from Saverio Procario to WJB - June 1, 1992
      56. Fax correspondence from Alejandro Artucio to WJB - June 1, 1992
      57. Fax correspondence from Susan Epstein to WJB, February 24, 1992, attached to the draft of A Breach of Impunity
      58. Note to WJB from Susan Epstein - May 14, 1992
      59. Fax correspondence from Susan Epstein to WJB - April 16, 1992
      60. Notes by WJB
      61. Fax correspondence from WJB to Nana Moeljadi - February 24, 1992
      62. Fax correspondence from Nana Moeljadi to WJB - February 22, 1992
      63. Correspondence from Martha Doggett to Vinny O’Keefe - March 5, 1992
      64. Two copies of A Breach of Impunity