
William J. Butler Papers Box 25

  1. Box-Folder #25-1 - United Nations Development Fund, Warsaw Mission June 5-17, 1992
    1. Folder # 516 - UNDP Mission to Poland, Remarks and Recommendations by WJB 1992
      1. Memorandum of the remarks and recommendations of WJB on the UNDP “Mission to Poland”- July 6-12, 1992


    2. Folder # 517 - UNDP Ordre de Mission, Miscellaneous
      1. Miscellaneous business cards
      2. Receipts from Hotels in Warsaw
      3. Personal notebook of WJB concerning a trip to Warsaw
      4. Fax correspondence from Ed Mattes to WJB - June 24, 1992
      5. Fax correspondence from Andre Newburg to WJB - June 23, 1992
      6. Fax correspondence from Ed Mattes to WJB - June 30, 1992
      7. Copy of a business card for Robert Macy
      8. Handwritten notes by WJB June 17, 1992 concerning th “UNDP”
      9. Correspondence from Ed Mattes to WJB June 8, 1992 attached to the draft of the terms of reference for the meeting in Warsaw
      10. Five copies of the memorandum of the remarks and recommendations of WJB on the UNDP “Mission to Poland”- July 6-12, 1992
      11. Copy of an article in Financial Times entitled Russia seeks western help to break privatisation log-jam by John Lloyd - July 14, 1992
      12. Program for “developing market economy institutions”
      13. Brochure entitled Polish Private Enterprises: Analysis and Policy Recommendations Warsaw - 1992
      14. List of companies offered to investors by the Ministry of Privatisation
      15. Information from the Department of Privatisation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Warsaw - July 1, 1992
      16. Four copies of a draft agenda for the Market Economy Institutions Program Formulation Mission - July 6-17, 1992
      17. Order of a meeting at the Ministry of Industry and Trade - July 7, 1992
      18. Article on “privatisation through liquidation”
      19. Statement of WJB entitled The Rule of Law and Human Development - April 9, 1992
      20. Fax correspondence from WJB to Edward C. Mattes June 25, 1992 attached to a statement of WJB entitled The Rule of Law and Human Development - April 9, 1992
      21. Fax correspondence from Ed Mattes to WJB June 8, 1992 attached to the draft of the terms of reference for the meeting in Warsaw
      22. Fax correspondence from WJB to Andre W. G. Newburg - June 12, 1992
      23. Fax correspondence from Ed Mattes to WJB June 8, 1992 attached to the draft of the terms of reference for the meeting in Warsaw
      24. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng June 9, 1992 attached to a fax correspondence from Ed Mattes to WJB June 8, 1992 attached to the draft of the terms of reference for the meeting in Warsaw
      25. Business card from Barbara J. Lundberg
      26. Fax correspondence from WJB to Edward Mattes June 3, 1992 attached to an article
      27. Two copies of a correspondence from WJB to Edward Mattes - June 3, 1992
      28. Article from U.S. Poland Connection Vol. 1, No. 2 - Winter 1992
      29. Two copies of a fax correspondence from Jose Llados to Edward Mattes - June 30, 1992
      30. Note to file from Ed Mattes “Poland: DPSD Programme Formulation Mission”- June 16, 1992
      31. Economic Review Warsaw - March 20, 1992
      32. Article entitled Bevedere Proposes Its Own Privatisation Variant from Rzeczpospolita No. 74, - March 27
      33. Article entitled The Economy in January-March: A Ray of Hope from Zycie Gospodarcze No. 17, - April 26, 1992
      34. Article entitled Presidential Privatisation Proposal: A Five-Legged Dog from Gazeta Wyborcza No. 89, - April 14, 1992
      35. Article entitled Two Approacheds: Interview with Jerzy Thieme, Director of the Mass Privatisation Department at Ministry of Privatisation from Przeglad Tygodniowy No. 17, - May 3, 1992
      36. Article entitled Reprivatisation Still Remains a Piece of Paper from Rzeczpospolita No. 82, - April 6, 1992
      37. Article entitled The Economy in the First Quarter: A Bit of Pessimism from Zycie Gospodarcze No. 18, - May 3, 1992
      38. Article entitled Privatisation: More Form Than Substance from Gazeta Bankowa No. 19, - May 10-16, 1992
      39. Article entitled Poland's Rights and Obligations Under the EC Association Treaty from Nowa Europa No. 77, - May 21, 1992
      40. Article entitled Interview with Mr. Tomasz Gruszecki, Head of the Ministry of Privatisation from Zycie Gospodarcze No. 22, - May 31, 1992
      41. Article entitled Basic Trends of Privatisation in 1992 March 1992 from the Council of Ministers in Warsaw
      42. Article entitled Private Sector in Development: The Role of UNDP
      43. Fax correspondence from Gary Gabriel to Galal Magdi - May 6, 1992
      44. Fax correspondence from Gary Gabriel to Edward C. Mattes - June 23, 1992


    3. Folder # 518 - Miscellaneous Articles
      1. Address for Elabieta Morawske
      2. Agenda for a meeting of the UNDP
      3. Program suggestion entitled Restructuring by Joint Venture
      4. Statement of WJB entitled The Rule of Law and Human Development - April 9, 1992
      5. List of contacts for the “Mission's visit”
      6. Correspondence from Jose Llados to WJB - July 3, 1992
      7. Act of June 28, 1991 on “election to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland”
      8. Article in the Zycie Gospodarcze No. 26, June 28, 1992 entitled Economy in May: Recession and Inflation Still Running Strong by Marek Misiak
      9. Act of May 10, 1991 on “election to the Senate of the Republic of Poland”
      10. Polish newsbulletin of the British and American Embassies at Warsaw - June 11, 1992
      11. Article entitled Priorities and Programming of Foreign Non-Reimbursable Assistance for 1992
      12. List of contacts for the “Mission's visit”
      13. Fax correspondence from Ed Mattes to WJB - June 8, 1992
      14. Fax correspondence from Galal Magdi to Gary Gabriel - June 9, 1992
      15. Polish newsbulletin of the British and American Embassies at Warsaw - July 7, 1992
      16. Note with telephone numbers
      17. Polish newsbulletin's “economic review”of the British and American Embassies at Warsaw - July 7, 1992
      18. Agenda for the “Program Formulation Mission”in Warsaw - July 6 - 15, 1992
      19. An explanation of a proposed program from the Ministry of Privatisation in Poland
      20. Packet of information about “privatisation”from the Republic of Poland Ministry of Ownership Changes


    4. Folder # 519 - UN Mission to Poland June 22 - July 3, 1992
      1. Article in the International Financial Law Review Vol. IX, No. 3, March 1990 entitled Eastern Europe: shaping up their constitutions
      2. Article in the International Financial Law Review entitled Negociating investments in Central Europe
      3. Article in the International Financial Law Review entitled Time to do business in Czechoslovakia
      4. Article in the International Financial Law Review entitled Privatisation in Hungary: the art of the possible
      5. Article in the International Financial Law Review entitled Foreign investors wanted in Poland and Czechoslovakia
      6. Article in the International Lawyer Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 127-166 Spring 1991 entitled Foreign Investment in the Banking Sector and Emergence of the Financial Market in Poland by Zbigniew M. Slupinski
      7. Report on “privitization in Poland”by Gregory T. Jedrzejczak and Henryk Sterniczuk for a meeting on - November 29-30, 1991
      8. “Acts on the privatization of state-owned enterprises”from the Republic of Poland which came into force on - August 1, 1990
      9. Article in the International Business Lawyer March 1992 pp. 151- 157, entitled Privatisation of State Industries in Poland by Zbigniew Marek Czarny
      10. Article by Kystyna Boron of Merrill Lynch on “Privatization laws in Poland”- January 3, 1991


    5. Folder # 520 - UN Mission to Poland - Miscellaneous
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Robert Macy - August 26, 1992
      2. Booklet explaining the organisation and operation of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
      3. Booklet examining the “basic steps of the sectoral approach to privatisation”
      4. Program of a visit in Lublin of the United Nations Development Program - July 9, 1992
      5. Article on the Industrial Development Agency
      6. Business card for George L. Metcalfe
      7. Outline for a profile manual on the “UNDP Mission to Poland”July 6-17, 1992 drafted by WJB
      8. Memorandum by WJB concerning the “UNDP Mission to Poland”- July 6-12, 1992
      9. Packet on information about “Poland as the new business frontier”
  2. Box-Folder #25-2 - Notebook of Governmental Documents Volume I. - 1998
    1. Folder # 521 - Notebook of Governmental Documents Volume I. - 1998
      1. Notebook of Governmental Documents Volume I. - 1998
  3. Box-Folder #25-3 - Notebook of NGO Documents Volume I: The International Criminal Court: Making the right choice - 1998
    1. Folder # 522 - Notebook of NGO Documents Volume I: The International Criminal Court: Making the right choice - 1998
      1. Notebook of NGO Documents Volume I: The International Criminal Court: Making the right choice - 1998
  4. Box-Folder #25-4 - Notebook of NGO Documents Volume II - 1998
  1. Folder # 523 - Notebook of NGO Documents Volume II: The International Criminal Court: Making the right choice - 1998
    1. Notebook of NGO Documents Volume II: The International Criminal Court: Making the right choice - 1998
  • Box-Folder #25-5 - ICJ - Ratification of Covenants
    1. Folder # 524 - ICJ - Ratification of Covenants
      1. Article from David Hawk to WJB - May 18, 1979
      2. Article by Oscar Schachter entitled The Obligation of the Parties to Give Effect to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights reprinted from The American Journal of International Law Vol. 73, No. 3 - 1979
      3. Minnesota Law Review Vol. 63, No. 1 - November 1978
      4. Article entitled The American Convention on Human Rights presented by Tom J. Farer to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - November 15, 1979
      5. Four Treaties Pertaining to Human Rights - 1978
      6. Witness list for the “Hearings on International Human Rights Treaties”at the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations - November 19, 1979
      7. Bulletin of the European Communities supplement February, 1979 entitled Accession of the Communities to the European Convention on Human Rights
      8. Correspondence from Alan Cranston to WJB - August 22, 1979
      9. Remarks of WJB entitled Ratification of the United Nations Human Rights Covenants:Shades of Bricker - April 18, 1979
      10. Draft report on “Human Rights Treaties” - October 24, 1979
      11. Comment: The International Human Rights Treaties: Some Problems of Policy and Interpretation
      12. Correspondence from Michael H. Posner to Cyrus R. Vance - October 15, 1979
      13. Critique of Reservations to the International Human Rights Covenants proposed by the US Department of State
      14. Article by Louis Henkin entitled The Internationalization of Human Rights - Fall, 1977
      15. Excerpt from Background Information on the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate - February, 1968
      16. Copy of an article from the Minnesota Law Review Vol. 63, No. 1 - November 1978
      17. List of signations, ratifications, and accessions to the covenants with declarations and reservations
      18. Notes on the “Human Rights Committee”
      19. Report of Subcommission, 32nd Session - 1979
      20. UN document E/CN.4/Sub.2/NGO/80 - August 22, 1979
      21. UN document E/CN.4/NGO/250 - February 23, 1979
      22. Resolution of ECOSCO first seesion - 1979
      23. Statement by John Salzberg entitled The Carter Administration's Human Rights Foreign Policy: A Critical Review - May 12, 1978
      24. Memorandum to WJB from David Hawk - August 16, 1979
      25. Correspondence from David Hawk to Pat - July 27, 1979
      26. Newspaper article from The Washington Post entitled Genocide Pact Delayed 30 Years in Senate - August 12, 1979
      27. Correspondence from Warren Christopher to Ramsey Clark - July 31, 1979
      28. Correspondence from the Department of State to the AAICJ - July 24, 1979
      29. Correspondence from WJB to Warren Christopher - June 29, 1979
      30. Correspondence from WJB to Cyrus Vance - March 5, 1979
      31. Correspondence from Patricia Derian to WJB - January 22, 1979
      32. Correspondence from WJB to Jimmy Carter - December 1, 1978
      33. Correspondence from David Hawk to WJB - August 10
      34. Correspondence from David Hawk to Pat - July 27, 1979
      35. Correspondence from Edward M. Kennedy to David Hawk - June 11, 1979
      36. Correspondence from Patricia Derian to the AAICJ - July 24, 1979
      37. Correspondence from Lawrence Hughes to Frank Church - May 7, 1979
      38. Four copies of a joint statement by Amnesty International and the AAICJ entitled To Ratify the Covenants
      39. Three copies of a correspondence from WJB to Jimmy Carter - December 1, 1978
      40. UN press release entitled Italy Ratifies Two Human Rights Covenants and Optional Protocol L/T/2530 - September 20, 1978
      41. Article entitled Optional Protocol: Why Should We Ratify It?
      42. Individual petition under the “Optional Protocal to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”
      43. Report from Warren Christopher to Jimmy Carter - December 17, 1977
      44. Media advisory from the AAICJ - November 30, 1978
      45. Newspaper brief from The New York Times - December 6, 1978