
William J. Butler Papers Box 27

  1. Box-Folder #27-1- Engel v. Vitale
    1. Folder # 542 - WJB’s Oral Argument before the Supreme Court, “Storm over the Supreme Court,” H.J. Res 424
    2. Folder # 542 Digital Supplement - Audio Recording of Oral Arguments before the Supreme Court
  2. Box-Folder #27-2- Engel v. Vitale
    1. Folder # 543 - Sup Ct. Documents
  3. Box-Folder #27-3- Engel v. Vitale
    1. Folder # 544 - Salzburg Seminar 1989
  4. Box-Folder #27-4- #206B, Salzburg Seminar, Landegg Academy Seminar, 1992, , International League for Human Rights, Sheila McLean Bio. Data, Special Procedures - International League for Human Rights
    1. Folder # 545 - Salzburg Seminar 1989
      1. Cassette tape entitled WJB, “Human Rights and Foreign Policy” - May 30, 1989
      2. Receipt from the “Salzburg Meeting ”
      3. Photographs from the “Salzburg Meeting ”
      4. Brochure entitled Salzburg Seminar - 1989
      5. Newsletter for the “Salzburg Seminar ”No. 18 - 1990
      6. List of lecturers at the “Salzburg Seminar ”
      7. List of contacts for the “Salzburg Seminar ”
      8. Correspondence from Natwar R. Kalla to WJB, June 14, 1989, attached to an article entitled Gossypol is the answer
      9. Speech by WJB entitled Human Rights and Foreign Policy - May 30, 1989
      10. Photograph of WJB riding a bicycle in the rain
      11. Brochure for the “Salzburg Seminar ”- 1988
      12. Correspondence from WJB to Ben Whitaker - September 12, 1989
      13. Correspondence from Schloss Wihelminen-Berg to WJB - May 5, 1989
      14. Salzburg Alumni Newsletter, No. 32 - January, 1990
      15. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Laurie S. Wiseberg - December 13, 1989
      16. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Laurie S. Wiseberg - December 5, 1989
      17. Correspondence from Laurie Wiseberg to WJB - November 17, 1989
      18. Correspondence from Darwich Nasser to WJB - November 2, 1989
      19. Correspondence from WJB to Bert Lockwood - June 8, 1989
      20. Correspondence from Monique Casterman to WJB - July 13, 1989
      21. Correspondence from Daphna to WJB - June 26, 1989
      22. Correspondence from Sadaf Ismail to WJB with attached photograph
      23. Miscellaneous thank you notes to participants in the “Salzburg Seminar ”from WJB - July 5, 1989
      24. Correspondence from Dr Katherine McHUgh Lichliter to WJB - June 5, 1989
      25. Poem about the “Salzburg Seminar ”by Sean Farren
      26. Brochures from the “Salzburg Seminar ”- 1989
      27. Handwritten notes by WJB
      28. Note to members of the faculty
      29. Correspondence from Thomas B. Ragle to WJB - June 3, 1989
      30. Correspondence from Bradford Morse to WJB - June 14, 1989
      31. Report brochure from the “Salzburg Seminar ”- 1987
      32. Handwritten notes by WJB
      33. Remarks of WJB at the “Moscow Meeting ”- May 15, 1989
      34. Correspondence from Josephine Said to WJB
      35. Program from a “Salzburg Seminar ”session attached to materials from the session
      36. Miscellaneous applications for admission to the “Salzburg Seminar ”
      37. Implementation of Helsinki Final Act April 1 - September 30, 1988, published by the US Department of State
      38. List of participants and hotel numbers for the “Salzburg Seminar ”
      39. Article entitled Co-operation in Humanitarian and Other Fields
      40. Handwritten notes by WJB
      41. Commentary entitled Toward an Integrated Human Rights Policy by the AAICJ
      42. Excerpt from Human Rights Quarterly
      43. Correspondence from WJB to Bert Lockwood - April 27, 1989
      44. Copy of a speech by FDR entitled Four Human Freedoms
      45. Correspondence from Ernst Schmiedhuber to WJB - May 5, 1989
      46. Correspondence from Bradford Morse to WJB - July 1, 1988
      47. Correspondence from Dr Katherine McHugh Lichliter to WJB - September 23, 1988
      48. Correspondence from WJB to Katherine McHugh Lichliter - October 26, 1988
      49. Memorandum from Roger Lort - December 13, 1988
      50. Correspondence from WJB to Marni Molak - April 24, 1989
      51. Correspondence from WJB to Roger Lort - April 20, 1989
      52. Correspondence from WJB to Bert Lockwood - April 21, 1989
      53. Correspondence from Roger Lort to WJB - May 3, 1989
      54. Correspondence from Dr Katherine McHugh Lichleiter to WJB - November 16, 1988
      55. Correspondence from WJB to Katherine McHugh Lichliter - October 26, 1988
      56. Correspondence from WJB to Roger Lort, September 6, 1988, with attached notes


    2. Folder # 546 - International League for Human Rights
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng, December 4, 1992, attached to articles concerning UN special procedures
      2. Correspondence from Leo Nevas to WJB - December 7, 1992


    3. Folder # 547 - ICJ Canada Section
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Claire L’Heureux Dube - March 2, 1993


    4. Folder # 548 - Landegg Academy Seminar September, 1992
      1. Biographical data for WJB
      2. List of participants at the “Landegg Seminar ”
      3. Article by Leon Higginbotham, Jr entitled From Racial Injustice to Racial Justice: Can We Make the Transition?
      4. Excerpt from the 112 Supreme Court Reporter
      5. Handwritten notes by WJB
      6. Blank notepad
      7. Miscellaneous business cards from the “Landegg Seminar ”
      8. Miscellaneous receipts from travel arrangements to the “Landegg Seminar ”
      9. Schedule for the “Landegg Seminar ”
      10. University of Pennsylvania Law Review Vol. 140, No. 3 - January, 1992
      11. Photographs
      12. Correspondence from Iraj Ayman to WJB - October 29, 1992
      13. Brochure for the “Landegg Seminar ”
      14. Personal card for WJB from Lily and Iraj Ayman
      15. Briefing note from Andre Newburg - August 27, 1992
      16. Correspondence from Iraj Ayman to WJB - June 22, 1992
      17. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Iraj Ayman - August 12, 1992
      18. Correspondence from Iraj Ayman to WJB - August 13, 1992
      19. Program for the “Landegg Seminar ”
      20. Brochure for the “Landegg Seminar ”
      21. Correspondence from Iraj Ayman to WJB - August 13, 1992
      22. Correspondence from Iraj Ayman to WJB - August 11, 1992


    5. Folder # 549 - Sheila McLean and Jon Ebersole Biographical Material
      1. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to members of the task force on “ethical and legal issues in humanitarian assistance ”- November 3, 1994
      2. Resume for Jon Ebersole
      3. Draft of project proposal from Jon Ebersole - December 9, 1992
      4. Resume for Sheila Avrin McLean
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Sheila Avrin McLean - February 16, 1993
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Steve Oxman - December 16, 1992
      7. Correspondence from WJB to Sheila Avrin McLean - December 15, 1992
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Ugaka Yoshizawa - December 15, 1992
      9. Resume for Sheila Avrin McLean
      10. Correspondence from Sheila McLean to Goler T. Butcher - December 4, 1992
  5. Box-Folder #27-5- Congressional Appearance - Subcommittee of Constitutional Rights 1966
    1. Folder # 550 - Statement of William J. Butler (8 copies)
      1. Statement of William J. Butler before the Subcommittee of Constitutional Rights of the Senate Committee on Judiciary on Senate Bill 2907 to provide for Judicial Review of the constitutionality of grants or loans under certain Acts - February 2, 1966
  6. Box-Folder #27-6- Speeches
    1. Folder # 551 - Speeches
      1. International Human Rights- Canadian Council on International Law, Canadian Human Rights Foundation, International Commission of Jurists (Canadian Section) - Ottawa Ontario - October 26, 1978
      2. The Morgan Institute on International Human Rights- Cincinnati, Ohio - April 5, 1979
      3. Human Rights in South Korea: Some Suggested Initiatives for 1978- December 9, 1977
      4. Memorandum entitled “The Release of Jose Esteban Gonzalez: ICJ Mission to Nicaragua” from WJB to Niall McDermot
      5. Statement of William J. Butler, President American Association for the International Commission of Jurists before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations of the House of Foreign Affairs Committee. Washington, D.C. - November 16, 1983