
William J. Butler Papers Box 17

  1. Box-Folder #17-1 - Arab-Israeli 1977 IDOC, Arab-Israeli Symposium at Seven Springs, #878
    1. Folder # 386 - Middle East Problems: Arab-Israeli Symposium at Seven Springs Center
      1. Note concerning “Human Rights and Palestinian refugees”
      2. Agenda for a symposium entitled Can an Israeli and A. Palestinian State Coexist? - May 24, 1977
      3. Copy of an RSVP and check for the “Arab-Israeli Symposium”
      4. Correspondence from Jack Patterson and Claudia Crawford to WJB - April 15, 1977
      5. Handwritten notes by WJB
      6. Article entitled Israel: Borders and Security by Colonel Merrill A. McPeak
      7. News release from American Friends Service Committee - February 11, 1977
      8. Article entitled AFSC and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
      9. Article entitled The PLO, Israel and Jordan by Simha Flapan
      10. Article entitled No clear-cut agreement on basics
      11. Article entitled A proposal for a Palestinian state
      12. Article entitled The Third-State Pitfall
      13. Article entitled Psychopolitical Dimensions of the Middle East Conflict by Noel Kaplowitz
      14. Article entitled The Occupied Territories - Economic Liability by Sha'ul Zarhi
      15. Article entitled Peace and the West Bank
      16. Article entitled Israel: The Case for Defensible Borders by Yigal Allon
      17. Article entitled Don't Ask Too Much of Me by Fawaz Turki
      18. Article entitled To Solve the Palestinian Problem by Shlomo Avineri
      19. Article entitled The Low Cost of Creating a Palestinian State by Elias H. Tuma and H. Darin-Drabkin
      20. Correspondence from Haim Cohn to WJB - May 26, 1977
      21. Correspondence from J. Richard Butler to WJB - July 26, 1976
      22. Report from the Mennonite Central Committee Jerusalem concerning “Municipal Elections in the Occupied West Bank” - May 7, 1976
      23. Translations of articles appearing in Hebrew in the Mauriv and Davar newspapers on - May 7, 1976
      24. Report from the Mennonite Central Committee Jerusalem concerning “Friesen Reports and the Israeli Press” - May 10 and 25, 1976
      25. Translations of articles appearing in Hebrew in the EMDA - May 14, 1976
      26. Report from the Mennonite Central Committee Jerusalem - June 1, 1976
      27. Report from the Mennonite Central Committee Jerusalem concerning “May 18 Demonstrations by and Detention of Mennonite Secondary School Students” - May 24, 1976
      28. Correspondence from John Volkmar to WJB - July 6, 1976
      29. Proposal for “NGO participation in Middle East policy-making under the new Administration”by John Volkmar - June 23, 1976


    2. Folder # 387 - Middle East Problems: Israeli Settlements
      1. Article entitled Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territories
      2. IDOC document No. 59, entitled Controversy in the Middle East: UN Resolution 242 and the October War


    3. Folder # 388 - ICJ Middle East 1976
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Rev. J. Richard Butler - May 19, 1976
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Rev. J. Richard Butler - October 6, 1977
      3. Correspondence from John A. Baker to John S. Gibson - January 14, 1976
      4. Correspondence from John S. Gibson to Kevin H. White - November 28, 1975
      5. Correspondence from John S. Gibson to Robert J. Kingston - February 2, 1976
      6. Correspondence from J. Richard Butler to WJB April 27, 1976 attached to statements collected by Mennonite Central
      7. Correspondence from J. Richard Butler to WJB April 6, 1976 attached to statements collected by Mennonite Central


    4. Folder # 389 - Notebook of documents
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Jerome Shestack - October 3, 1977
      2. Notebook concerning the “Middle East”
      3. Report of proceedings by Robert H. Trice, Jr. entitled Symposium on Arab-Israeli Relations: The Future US Role - December 9-11, 1976
      4. Business card for Joseph N. Greene, Jr.
      5. Seven Springs Center annual report - 1976-1977
      6. Booklet entitled Can An Israeli State and A. Palestinian State Co-Exist?
  2. Box-Folder #17-2 - Arab-Israeli, 1977 #878-A, Israeli Settlement Resolution, National Council of Churches, Swiss League Report, Testimony of Leonard Meeker, Testimony of Ann Lesch, Testimony of Paul Quiring
    1. Folder # 390 - Arab-Israeli, 1977 Swiss League Report
      1. Two copies of the report in French entitled Violations des Droits de l'Homme en Cisjordanie by Denis Payot , Christian Payot , Suzanne Vetterli and Laurent Moutinot - September, 1977


    2. Folder # 391 - Arab-Israeli - Report on Expulsions
      1. Report #35 of “deportations from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, 1967-1976”compiled by Ann Lesch


    3. Folder # 392 - Arab-Israeli - National Council of Churches
      1. Excerpt from an article concerning “Israeli and torture”
      2. Two copies of a correspondence from William P. Thompson to the President of the US July 18, 1977 attached to copies of miscellaneous newspaper articles concerning “Israel and Human Rights”


    4. Folder # 393 - Arab-Israeli -Testimony of Paul Quiring
      1. Two copies of a statement by Paul Quiring - September 12, 1977


    5. Folder # 394 - Arab-Israeli -Testimony of Ann Lesch
      1. A report by Ann Lesch - May, 1975


    6. Folder # 395 - Arab-Israeli Correspondence
      1. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Nicole Bourgois - December 1, 1977
      2. Correspondence from WJB to David H. Small - December 1, 1977
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - December 8, 1977
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Ann M. Lesch - January 27, 1978
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph Greene - November 3, 1977
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Ann M. Lesch - November 16, 1977
      7. Correspondence from WJB to Ann M. Lesch - December 5, 1977
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Anthony Lake - January 25, 1978
      9. Correspondence from WJB to Chuck Perov - January 26, 1978
      10. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph N. Greene - February 16, 1978
      11. Correspondence from WJB to A. Esmat Abdel Meguid - February 16, 1978
      12. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to John Salzberg - March 28, 1978
      13. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - March 28, 1978
      14. Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB - April 19, 1978
      15. A document from the House of Representative H R. 11326 - March 7, 1978
      16. Correspondence from Dante B. Fascell and Donald M. Fraser to WJB - March 30, 1978
      17. Witness list - April 25, 1978
      18. Statement on “H R. 11326: A. Bill to Establish an Institution for Human Rights and Freedom”by David Heaps - April 18, 1978
      19. Article entitled Institute for Human Rights and Freedom
      20. Correspondence from WJB to Nicole Bourgois - April 10, 1978
      21. Correspondence from David Heaps to John Salzberg - April 3, 1978
      22. Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB - April 8, 1978
      23. Note from George Lindsay to WJB - April 26, 1978
      24. Statement of George Lindsay concerning “H R. 11326: A. Bill to Establish an Institute for Human Rights and Freedom” - April 25, 1978
      25. Note from David Heaps to WJB - April 5, 1978
      26. Correspondence from Aryeh Neier to WJB - April 24, 1978
      27. Correspondence from Ann Lesch to WJB - January 3, 1978
      28. Note from Ann Lesch to WJB - December 19, 1977
      29. Article entitled Some personal observations on the human rights situation of Arab residents of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1977
      30. Correspondence from Ann Lesch to WJB - December 1, 1977
      31. Correspondence from Jose A. Cabranes to Roberta Cohen - November 7, 1977
      32. Note from Ann Lesch to WJB - October 4, 1977


    7. Folder # 396 - Arab-Israeli Miscellaneous
      1. Newspaper articles concerning “Israel and Human Rights”
      2. Handwritten notes by WJB
      3. Memorandum from Roger Baldwin concerning the International League for Human Rights on “Isaeli-Arab Rights” - September, 1977
      4. Two copies of a statement by Rita E. Hauser entitled Legality of Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territories - September 21, 1977
      5. Memorandum from Rev. L. Humphrey Walz entitled Violations and Defenses of Human Rights - September 29, 1977
      6. Article by Yehuda Z. Blum entitled The Missing Reversioner: Reflections on the Status of Judea and Samaria
      7. Business card for Lea Tsemel
      8. Newspaper article from The New York Times entitled Americans and Israel by Anthony Lewis - September 29, 1977
      9. Newspaper article from The Economist entitled Israeli: Not so faithful - October 1, 1977
      10. Statement by Don Peretz entitled Effect of Jewish Settlements in the Occupied Territories on Israel
      11. Statement by Ann M. Lesch
      12. Article entitled The United States Versus Human Rights in the Third World by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman
      13. Correspondence from Noam Chomsky to Roger N. Baldwin - September 27, 1977
      14. Correspondence from Roger N. Baldwin to Noam Chomsky - September 20, 1977
      15. Three copies of a Palestine Human Rights Bulletin No. 2 August 30, 1977 entitled Noam Chomsky on International League for Human Rights and Israeli Human Rights Violations
      16. A precis of documents entitled Middle East Human Rights Studies
      17. Correspondence from J. Richard Butler to Michael Pragai - July 18, 1977
      18. Correspondence from Roberta Cohen to WJB - September 27, 1977
      19. Correspondence to President Carter - July 18, 1977
      20. Statement of Donald M. Fraser before the “Subcommittee on International Organizations” - September 21, 1977
      21. Translation of a correspondence to members of the International Committee of the Red Cross for Israel and the Occupied Territories - January 18, 1977
      22. Palestine Human Rights Bulletin No.1 - July 30, 1977
      23. Report from “Israeli-Occupied Territories” - Summer, 1974
      24. Report concerning Deportations from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 1967-1976 compiled by Ann Lesch
      25. Biographical information on Mohammed Hassan Milhem , Fouad Qawasmeh and Rajah Bayoud Tamini
      26. Miscellaneous article concerning “Palestine”
      27. ICJ Review, No. 19 - December, 1977
      28. Two copies of an article by Ann M. Lesch entitled Israeli Deportation of Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 1967-1978 printed in the Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. VIII, No. 2 - Winter, 1979
      29. Correspondence from William P. Thompson to President Carter July 18, 1977 attached to miscellanous newspaper article concerning “Israel and Human Rights”
      30. Testimony of Leonard C. Meeker before the “Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East and the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the House of Representatives” - September 21, 1977
      31. Article entitled Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territories
      32. Statement by Ann M. Lesch
  3. Box-Folder #17-3 - Arab-Israeli Settlement Meeting November 1, 1977 , 1978 Papers, #878B
    1. Folder # 397 - ICJ Israeli-Iran
      1. Correspondence from Leo to Niall MacDermot - January 16, 1980
      2. Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Jerome Shestack - January 11, 1980
      3. Correspondence from Shibib Lazim Almaliki to Niall MacDermot - January 24, 1980
      4. Correspondence from Jerome Shestack to Eli Whitney Debevoise - December 31, 1979
      5. Two copies of a correspondence from J. Robert Moskin to WJB - December 30, 1979
      6. Two copies of an article by Bettina Warburg entitled Iranian Cultural Masochism: Atonement for Patricide
      7. Two copies of a speech by Niall MacDermot for the “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestine People”
      8. Two copies of an ICJ press release entitled ICJ Statement on Hostages in US Embassy in Iran - November 21, 1979


    2. Folder # 398 - Arab-Israeli Settlement 1978
      1. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Ann Lesch - June 27, 1978
      2. Israeli Defense Force Decree No. 58 - May 24, 1978
      3. Correspondence from Ann M. Lesch to Raja Shehadeh - June 21, 1978
      4. ICJ financial statement as of - July 31, 1978
      5. Correspondence from Raja Shehadeh to Niall MacDermot - February 18, 1978


    3. Folder # 399 - Arab-Israeli 1977 Resolution re Israeli Settlement
      1. Handwritten notes by WJB
      2. Copies of miscellaneous newspaper article concerning “Israeli Settlement”
      3. Proposed resolution on “Middle East Peace Negociations”
      4. Report of the observer mission entitled Informal Unofficial Translation of the Swiss League for Human Rights Report on Violations of Human Rights in the West Bank - June 26 - July 2, 1977
      5. Data sheet on the “Middle East”
      6. Notes from a meeting entitled Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territories - November 1, 1977
      7. Testimony of Alfred L. Atherton, Jr. - October 19, 1977
      8. Memorandum on “Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories”
      9. Correspondence from Haim Cohn to Niall MacDermot - September 11, 1977
      10. Notes from a meeting entitled Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territories - November 1, 1977
      11. Testimony of Leonard Meeker - September 21, 1977
      12. Report of the observer mission entitled Informal Unofficial Translation of the Swiss League for Human Rights Report on Violations of Human Rights in the West Bank - June 26 - July 2, 1977
      13. Proposed Resolution of WJB
      14. UN document A/32/L.3/Rev.1 - October 26, 1977
      15. Proposed Resolution of WJB
      16. Agenda of board meeting of the International League for Human Rights - October 13, 1977
      17. Statement by Ann M. Lesch
      18. Excerpt from a report concerning “Israeli Settlements” - May, 1975
      19. Canadian Delegation to the UN press release No. 33 - October 28, 1977
      20. Two copies of a statement by Ambassador Shaim Herzog - October 26, 1977
      21. Draft pages from the resolution by WJB
      22. Correspondence from WJB to Donald M. Fraser - October 6, 1977
      23. Memorandum from Nicole Bourgois concerning “Materials received on Issue of Israeli Settlements” - October 5, 1977
      24. Memorandum from Urbane Peachey concerning “House International Relations Committee Hearings on the Middle East” - September 20, 1977
      25. Statement of Donald M. Fraser - September 12, 1977
      26. Article by W. J. Mallison, Jr. entitled The Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons: An Analysis of its Application in the Arab Territories Under Israeli Occupation
      27. Draft pages of the resolution by WJB
  4. Box-Folder #17-4 - Audience with the Shah - Iran May 1, 1978
    1. Folder # 400 - Reply of the Iranian Human Rights Committee
      1. Two copies of a translation of a correspondence to Amir-Abbas Hoveyda - June 13, 1977
      2. The Procedure Governing Cases Coming within the Jurisdiction of the Military Tribunal in Iran
      3. Two copies of a correspondence from the Iranian Human Rights Committee to WJB - September 13, 1976


    2. Folder # 401 - Correspondence with Imperial Court
      1. Correspondence from the Ambassador from Iran to WJB - June 14, 1978
      2. Correspondence from Minister of the Imperial Court to WJB June 4, 1978 attached to comments
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Amir Abas Hoveyda - June 8, 1978
      4. Memorandum to His Imperial Majesty the Shahanshah Aryameher from WJB
      5. Correspondence from the Ambassador from Iran to WJB - June 14, 1978
      6. Correspondence from Minister of the Imperial Court to WJB June 4, 1978 attached to comments
      7. Correspondence from the Ambassador from Iran to WJB - May 24, 1978
      8. Correspondence from Minister of the Imperial Court to WJB - June 26, 1978
      9. Correspondence from the Ambassador from Iran to WJB - June 14, 1978
      10. Two copies of a correspondence from WJB to Amir Abas Hoveyda - June 8, 1978
      11. Correspondence from the Ambassador from Iran to WJB - June 8, 1978
      12. Note to Amir Abas Hoveyda from WJB
      13. Correspondence from WJB to Amir Abas Hoveyda - December 15, 1977
      14. Correspondence from WJB to Amir Abas Hoveyda - April 25, 1978
      15. Telegram from Amir Abas Hoveyda to WJB - 1978
      16. Correspondence from WJB to Amir Abas Hoveyda - December 15, 1977
      17. Correspondence from Hormoz Gharib to WJB - July 4, 1977
      18. Telegrams from Amir Abas Hoveyda to WJB - 1978
      19. Two copies of a correspondence from Minister of the Imperial Court to WJB - December 25, 1977


    3. Folder # 402 - Miscellaneous Reports
      1. ICJ press release entitled Human Rights and the Legal System in Iran - May 31, 1976
      2. Correspondence from Sadegh Ghotbzadeh to WJB - December 21, 1977
      3. Correspondence from the Iranian Committee for the defense of freedom and human rights to Dr. Kurt Waldheim - December 7, 1977
      4. Questions for “hearing on Iran”
      5. Statement by Richard Cottam for delivery to the House of Representatives Subcommittee in International Organisations - October 26, 1977
      6. Opening statement of Thomas M. Ricks for delivery to the House of Representatives Subcommittee in International Organisations - October 26, 1977
      7. Two copies of the testimony of Charles W. Naas for delivery to the House of Representatives Subcommittee in International Organisations - October 26, 1977
      8. Paper by Marvin Zonis entitled Human Rights and American Foreign Policy: The Case of Iran - March 22, 1977
      9. Report of M. Nuri Albala in French concerning a “Mission to Iran” - February 24-March 4, 1978
      10. Translation of a report of M. Nuri Albala concerning a “Mission to Iran” - February 24-March 4, 1978
      11. Press release entitled Fifty-Five Iranian Jurists Call for Restoration of Constitutional Laws - December 15, 1977
      12. Business card for Maureen R. Berman
      13. International League for Human Rights press release entitled League Urges Investigation of Teheran Bombings of Human Rights Advocates' Homes April 23, 1978 with related attachments
      14. Testimony of Brian Wrobel to the Subcommittee on International Organisations of the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives entitled Human Rights in Iran - February 28, 1978


    4. Folder # 403 - Memorandum to Shah
      1. Memorandum to Shahanshah Aryameher from WJB


    5. Folder # 404 - Iran Correspondence - Audience with the Shah 1977
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Charles W. Naas - May 25, 1977
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Walter A. Rosenblith - May 20, 1977
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - May 25, 1977
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Georges Levasseur - May 25, 1977
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise - May 25, 1977
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Justice Manfred Simon - May 25, 1977
      7. Correspondence from WJB to Nicole A. Bourgois - May 25, 1977
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Henry Shue - May 25, 1977
      9. Correspondence from WJB to Justice Manfred Simon - May 25, 1977
      10. Correspondence from Henry Kamm to WJB - May 28, 1977
      11. Correspondence from WJB to Hormouz Gharib - May 30, 1977
      12. Correspondence from WJB to Mehdi Heravi - June 8, 1977
      13. Correspondence from WJB to John Salzberg June 23, 1977 attached to a newspaper article entitled Planned amendments to rules of military court
      14. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - July 7, 1977
      15. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - July 11, 1977
      16. Correspondence from WJB to John Salzberg - July 18, 1977
      17. Correspondence from WJB to Margaret Weber - September 6, 1977
      18. Correspondence from WJB to Donald M. Fraser - October 6, 1977
      19. Correspondence from WJB to Charles W. Naas - December 15, 1977
      20. Correspondence from WJB to Ervand Abrahamian - November 15, 1977
      21. Correspondence from WJB to Herbert D. Spivack - November 15, 1977
      22. Correspondence from WJB to Charles W. Naas - November 15, 1977
      23. Correspondence from WJB to Joan Mendelsohn - December 14, 1977
      24. Correspondence from WJB to William H. Sullivan - December 15, 1977
      25. Telegram from A. A. Hoveyda to WJB
      26. Correspondence from WJB to Amir Abas Hoveyda - June 8, 1978
      27. Correspondence from WJB to Amir Abas Hoveyda - December 15, 1977
      28. Correspondence from Jerome Shestack to Fereydoun Hoveyda - December 5, 1977
      29. Correspondence from Ervand to WJB - November 18, 1977
      30. Newspaper article from The Washington Post - November 22, 1977
      31. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - November 16, 1977
      32. Correspondence from Jo Weber to WJB - November 1, 1977
      33. Correspondence from Hormoz Gharib to WJB - July 4, 1977
      34. Memorandum from WJB
      35. Telegram from Hormoz Ghrib to WJB
      36. Memorandum on proposed amendments to the “Iranian Military Court Rules of Procedure”
      37. Airgram from Department of State to Embassy Tehran - August 16, 1977
      38. Correspondence from Donald M. Fraser to WJB - October 21, 1977
      39. Correspondence from WJB to Hormouz Gharib - June 3, 1977
      40. Correspondence from Henry Shue to WJB - May 23, 1977
      41. Article entitled Human Rights and Security Assistance: Initial Survey - January 31, 1977
      42. Cable from WJB to Niall MacDermot - May 9, 1977
      43. Telegram from WJB to Hormouz Gharib


    6. Folder # 405 - Miscellaneous Correspondence
      1. Invitation to the members of the committee on International Relations to attend several meetings of the Subcommittee on International Organisations July 29, 1976 attached to the opening statement of Donald M. Fraser entitled Human Rights in Iran - April 3, 1976
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - November 23, 1977
      3. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - October 19, 1977
      4. Handwritten note by WJB
      5. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - July 15, 1977
      6. Notes from WJB concerning Iran
      7. Telegram from Niall MacDermot to WJB
      8. Handwritten notes by WJB
      9. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - April 20, 1978
      10. Article by Jack Anderson in The Patriot refering to WJB - May 29, 1976
      11. Article entitled Behind Iranian Riots, A Web of Discontent
      12. Article from New Statesman entitled Stirrings in a Persian Garden - January 6, 1978
      13. Correspondence from WJB to Hormouz Gharib - April 4, 1977
      14. Handwritten notes by WJB
      15. Newsbrief from Kayhan International entitled Suits filed over blast in home of lawyer - May 2, 1978
      16. Correspondences to WJB written in Syrilic
      17. Memorandum concerning “Iran” - May 16, 1978
      18. Correspondence from Bettin Warburg to WJB - November 14, 1977
      19. Correspondence from William H. Sullivan to WJB - September 11, 1977
      20. Airgram from the Department of State to the Embassy Tehran
      21. Correspondence from William H. Sullivan to WJB - September 11, 1977
      22. Correspondence from William H. Sullivan to WJB - December 11, 1977
      23. Airgram from the Department of State to the Embassy Tehran with attachments
      24. Correspondence from William H. Sullivan to WJB - September 11, 1977
      25. Opening Statement of Donald M. Fraser - October 26, 1977
      26. Memorandum concerning “audience with the Shah of Iran” - April 15, 1977
      27. Note from WJB to Rose
      28. Notes on “Amendments to Iranian Code of Military Justice”
      29. Correspondence from Charles W. Naas to Jerome Shestack - July 29, 1977
      30. Note on “Eram Palace and NY Times”
      31. Statement by Richard W. Cottam for delivery to the House of Representatives Subcommittee in International Organisations - October 26, 1977
      32. Telegram
      33. List of travel arrangements for a trip overseas
      34. Telex from WJB for the ICJ
      35. Note from the Liberation Movement of Iran, Abroad January 11, 1978 with attachements
      36. Copy of an article entitled Post-Riot Tabriz Retreats into a World of Rumors - March 5, 1978
      37. Telegram from A. M. Amouzegar - March 19, 1978
      38. CAIFI Newsletter Vol. 4, No. 2 - March-April, 1978
      39. CAIFI press release - March 29, 1978
      40. Statement by Lizette Echols at a conference sponsored by the “Committee for Artistic and Intellectual Freedom in Iran” - April 12, 1977
      41. Press release from the Iranian Students Association
      42. Excerpts from the “Charter of the Writers Association of Iran”
      43. Amnesty International press release - February 28, 1978