
William J. Butler Papers Box 30

  1. Folder #30-1 - Mayalysia/Former Yugoslavia/Chile:Pinochet Case
    1. Folder # 594 - Mayalysia - Dato' Param Cumaraswamy Libel Case
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Hon. Dato' Param Cumaraswamy - November 12, 2001
      2. Press Release; Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, "Malaysia: ICJ Welcomes Decision to Uphold Immunity of UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers". Geneva, July 11, 2000.
      3. Correspondence from Dato' Param Cumaraswamy to WJB - June 23, 1999
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Hon. Dato' Param Cumaraswamy - May 19, 1999
      5. Correspondence from Ralph Zacklin, Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, to WJB - June 19, 1998
      6. Correspondence from Dato' Param Cumaraswamy to WJB - August 14, 1998
      7. Alert; Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers - August 6, 1997
      8. Correspondence from John Dugard to WJB - July 6, 1976.
      9. Fax from Dato' Param Cumaraswamy to WJB, Re: Defamation Cases - February 23, 1998
      10. Memorandum from WJB to Steve Oxman, George Adams, Clare O'Brien, Jim Carter, Donald Fox, Re: Param Cumaraswamy - July 25, 1997
      11. ICJ - UN Commission on Human Rights 54th Session, March 16-April 24, 1998. The Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Oral Intervention delivered on April 2, 1998
      12. Correspondence (by fax) from WJB to Ms. Mona Rishmawi, Director CIJL - October 22, 1997.
      13. Correspondence from WJB to Ralph Zacklin, Esq., Re: Param Cumaraswamy - April 2, 1998
      14. Correspondence from WJB to Param Cumaraswamy - March 6, 1998
      15. Correspondence from WJB to Param Cumaraswamy - Unknown
      16. Correspondence from WJB to Hon. Dato' Param Cumaraswamy - November 12, 1997
      17. Fax from Dato' Param Cumaraswamy to WJB - November 13, 1997
      18. Fax from Dato' Param Cumaraswamy to WJB, Visit to New York - November 10, 1997
      19. Press Release; Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, "Malaysia: The Court of Appeals Rejects the Motion of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers" - Geneva, October 20, 1997
      20. Correspondence from Mona Rishmawi, CIJL Director, to WJB - October 24, 1997
      21. Correspondence from Alice Delman, Secretary WJB Esq., to Prof. Oscar Schachter - October 29, 1997
      22. Correspondence from WJB to George Adams, Andrea Bonime-Blanc, James Carter, Donald Fox, Harvey Goldschmid, Peter Heller, Thomas Masterson, Claire O'Brien, Stephan Oxman, Peter Solbert - October 29, 1997
      23. Judgment of the Court. Dalam Mahkamah Rayuan Malaysia (Bidang Kuasa Rayuan); Ryuan Sivil No. W-02-323-1997 & S3-23-68-1996.

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        1. Dato' Param Cumaraswamy

      24. Fax from Jennifer, Secretary to Dato' Param Cumaraswamy, to WJB - October 9, 1997
      25. Fax from Dato' Param Cumaraswamy to WJB, Re: Defamation suit before Malaysian Court against Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges & Lawyers - August 5, 1997
      1. Press Release; Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, "CIJL to Send Prominent Trial Observer to Dato' Param Cumaraswamy's Appeal" - Geneva, August 19, 1997
      2. Correspondence (by fax) from WJB to Ms. Mona Rishmawi, CIJL Director - September 19, 1997
      3. Correspondence from Dato' Param Cumaraswamy to WJB - February 20, 1997
      4. Memorandum from WJB; Re: Claim of Param Cumaraswamy's (P.C.) for immunity from legal process as the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers - July 3, 19
      5. Press Release; Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, (For Immediate Release); "Malaysia: Threats Made Against the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers" - Geneva, January 11, 1997
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Hon. Hans Corell, Legal Counsel for the U.N. - July 2, 1997
      7. Fax from Mona Rishmawi to WJB, 1946 Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (9 pages total) - July 1, 1997
      8. Correspondence from Dato' Param Cumaraswamy to WJB; Re: Defamation suit before Malaysian Court against Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges & Lawyers - July 1, 1997
      9. Press Release; Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, "A Malaysian Court Undermines the Immunity of the UN Special Rapporteur" - Geneva, June 28, 1997
      10. Correspondence from Mona Rishmawi, CIJL Director, to Colleagues - June 30, 1997
      11. Fax (51 pages) from Alan Para, Human Rights Officer, authorized by Mr. Isaac Bitter to WJB: "...decision of the ICJ in the Mazilu case, the certificate issued by the Secretary General asserting Mr. Cumaraswamy's immunity from legal process and the certificate issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs" - July 2, 1997
      12. Fax (3 pages) from Dato' Param Cumaraswamy to WJB - November 7, 1997
        • Article - Another RM60m defamation suit against Param by K. Kabllan; New Strait Times, July 11, 1997
        • Article - Param faces second RM60mil suit by Esther NG; The Star, July 11, 1997
      13. Correspondence to All Members of the AAICJ Board; The "binding" opinion of the International Court of Justice in the Cumaraswamy matter
      14. Correspondence from Mona Rishmawi to WJB - April 7, 1998
      15. Fax of Press Release to WJB entitled "World Court Rules in Favor of the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers" - Geneva, April 30, 1999
      16. Correspondence from Dato' Param Cumaraswamy to WJB - February 20, 1997. Includes article: Malaysian Justice on Trial.
      17. Article Param denied leave over immunity issue by Ruslaini Abbas; New Strait Times - February 20, 1998
      18. Article 'Question of law on Param's immunity' by Ruslaini Abbas; New Strait Times - February 19, 1998
      19. Article Immunity is a threshold question, court told; The Sun - February 19, 1998
      20. Article Param fails to get leave for his appeal by Chelsea L.Y. NG; Nation - February 20, 1998
      21. Article PM: Malaysia accepts World Court decision on Param; New Strait Times - May 1, 1999
      22. Article Param: Appointment was by UN; New Strait Times - May 5, 1999
      23. Article RM60m suit: Param fails in bid for stay of order; New Strait Times - September 7, 1997
      24. Article Param's stay application rejected by Esther NG; Nation - July 9, 1997
      25. Article Court: RM60m suit against UN rapporteur Param can go on No absolute immunity by K. Kabifan; New Strait Times
      26. Article 'No' to Param: Un Special Rapporteur ordered to file defence by Esther NG; Star: The People's Newspaper - Unknown
      27. Article Correspondence from WJB to Hon. Hans Corell - July 2, 1997
    2. Folder # 595 - Trial of Dusko Tadic Before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
      1. Correspondence from Alice Delman/WJB to Bartram S. Brown, Esq. - May 7, 1996
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Adama Dieng, Secretary General ICJ along with a copy of Rule 61 of the Hague Yugoslav Tribunal; i.e. Procedure in Case of Failure to Execute a Warrant - May 30, 1996
      3. Correspondence from Alice Delman/WJB to Bartram S. Brown, Esq. - May 7, 1996
      4. Fax from Ted van Baarda to WJB - July 17, 1996
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Ted Can Baarda - July 30, 1996
      6. Fax cover sheet from ICJ to Catherine Kong; Correspondence from WJB to Ted Can Baarda, Esq. - December 3, 1996
      7. Fax from Bartram S. Brown to WJB, re: Some Yugoslavia Tribunal Issues (14 pages) - May 2, 1996
      8. Article No Justice in Bosnia, The New York Times - Monday, March 3, 1997
      9. Article U.N. Panel Convicts Bosnian Serb of War Crimes, The New York Times, May 8, 1997
      10. Article War Crimes Prosecutor Vents Frustrations by Jane Perlez, The New York Times - date unknown
      11. Article International Criminals, beware, The Economist - December 6, 1997
      12. Article A Criminal Court for the World, The Economist - December 6, 1997
      13. Article Judge in Texas Jars U.N. Effort on War Crimes by Barbara Crossette, The New York Times - December 30, 1997
      14. Article Bosnia’s Peace Rests on Equal Justice - Forcing Peace on Bosnians will Backfire by Charles G. Boyd, The Pal, Beach Post - December 28, 1997
    3. Folder # 595.1 - Trial of Dusko Tadic Before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
      1. Brochure on Humanitarian Law Consultancy and Map of Haaglanden.
      2. Draft of the report of the ICJ Commission written by the ICJ Observer to The Hague Tribunal during the trial of Dusko Tadic in April of 1996 - Rev. December 31, 1997 *Accompanied with handwritten draft.
      3. "Can the Hague Tribunal Bring Justice to the Balkans?" East European Constitutional Review Volume 5, No. 4 Fall 1996
      4. Handwritten notes in regards to the case and various contacts listings.
      5. Bulletin No. 15/16, 10-III-1997 of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
      6. Bulletin No. 18, 20-IV-1997 of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
      7. Bulletin No. 19, 04-VIII-1997 of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
      8. Opening statement of the defense in the case of Dusko Tadic.
      9. Fax from Ted van Baarda to WJB (Butler & Jablow) to (3 pages) - August 28, 1997
      10. Fax John Heffernan to WJB in regards to the Apprehension of War Criminals (5 pages) - October 24, 1996
      11. Business Card for John L. Washburn of the Washington Working Group on the International Criminal Court
      12. Email dated December 3, 1996. Subject: ICTY - Reso on Dec Peace Conf; From: World Federalist Movement; To: Tribunal Watch List
      13. Correspondence from WJB to Ted van Baarda, Esq. - June 4, 1997
      14. Correspondence from Ted van Baarda to WJB - The Hague, May 26, 1997
      15. Fax from Ted van Baarda to WJB/AAJ - November 6, 1997
      16. Fax from R.C. Hottelet to WJB (6 pages) - May 13, 1997
      17. Fax from R.C. Hottelet to WJB in regards to & sent with the article A Tribunal in Name Only: One minor conviction, while the main war criminals walk by Richard C. Hottlet; The Christian Science Monitor - May 1997

        *This item was also faxed to Sigrid Higgins, Geneva with WJB comments of “This article comes close to my opinion”.

      18. A Hair’s Breadth Escape: The Trial of Dusko Tadic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The Hague, November 1997 (Note: Draft/ Not to be quoted)
      19. Case No. IT-94-I-T, In the Trial Chamber, Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic - May 7, 1996 Before: Judge Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, Presiding Judge Ninian Stephan Judge Lal C. Vohrah Registrar: Mrs. Dorothee de Sampayo Garrido-Nijgh
      20. Dusko Tadic Case No. IT-94-I-T; Decision on the Prosecution Motion for the Production of Defence Witness Statements - November 27, 1996
      21. Correspondence from Humanitarian Law Consultancy, Dr. Th.A.van Baarda to Mrs. De Sampayo Garrido - The Hague, September 10, 1997
      22. Correspondence from Dorothee de Sampayo Garrido-Nijgh to Ted van Baarda, Re: Article 10: Official Documents of the Tribunal - September 26, 1997
      23. Fax from Ted van Baarda to AAICJ/WJB - November 24, 1997
      24. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Ted van Baarda - November 26, 1997
      25. Correspondence from WJB to Ted van Baarda - December 8, 1997
      26. Fax from Ted van Baarda to WJB - December 5, 1997
      27. Fax from Ted van Baarda to WJB - The Hague, December 9, 1996
      28. Fax from Ted van Baarda to AAICJ/WJB - September 2, 1996
      29. Fax Ted van Baarda to ICJ Attn: Mrs. Prouvez - September 25, 1996
      30. Fax from John W. Heffernan, Coalition for International Justice (CIJ) to WJB (10 pages) - June 6, 1996
      31. Agenda and informational pamphlet for the Dinner in Honor of Justice Richard J. Goldstone, Chief Prosecutor International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda - October 2, 1996
    4. Folder # 596 - Ordre De Mission; Who’s Who Bio Memoranda to Dr. Waldimoroff et al.
      1. United Nations Decision on the Defence Motion/Jurisdiction of the Tribunal - Dusko Tadic (Case No. IT-94-I-T) - August 10, 1995
      2. United Nations: In the Appeals Chamber; The Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic a/k/a “Dule”. Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction - October 2, 1995
      3. Fax from Tyrone Tranmer, Coalition for International Justice (CIJ), to WJB - May 24, 1996 Re: Various Articles about the Tribunal
        • Judging One Person at a Time, Tribunal Seeks Justice in Bosnia by Diane F. Orentlicher
        • War-Crimes Trials: the First Test by Iain Guest
        • Lawyer Says Defending A Bosnia Serb Is No Easy Job by Marlise Simons
        • War Crimes Suspect Succumbs to Cancer
      4. Rule 61: Procedure in Case of Failure to Execute a Warrant
    5. Folder # 597 - Tadic Trial Ordre De Mission
      1. Handwritten notes
      2. “To Whom it May Concern”, The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) hereby appoints William J. Butler as its official representative on mission for the Dusko Tadic Tribunal. - May 1, 1996
      3. Correspondence from Who’s Who in America to WJB in regards to approval of biography - 1995
    6. Folder # 598 - Misc.
      1. Handwritten notes in regards to the Tadic case.
      2. Report from the Coalition for International Justice, The Tadic Trial and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: Questions Regarding the Trial of Dusan Tadic.
      3. Press Release “Goran Lajic Turned Over to the Tribunal” - The Hague, May 13, 1996
      4. Press Release “While Welcoming the Tadic Trial, Jurists say a permanent International Criminal Court us Needed to Break the Cycle of Impunity” - Geneva, May 7, 1996
      5. Correspondence from WJB to President Bill Clinton, Senator Orrin Hatch, and Hon. Newt Gingrich - April 3, 1996
      6. Preliminary Motion by the Accused (filed by the defence) and the Prosecutor’s Response. Motion seeking full particulars; Zdravko Mucic Case No. IT-96-21-T - April 23, 1996 and May 8, 1996
      7. Defence Motion; Motion on Defence Acess to the Accused. Dusko Tadic Case No. IT-94-I-T. - May 8, 1996
      8. Article Forcing Peace on Bosnians Will Back Fire by Charles G. Boyd, The Palm Beach Post - Sunday, December 28, 1997
    7. Folder # 599 - Empty - Pleadings Statute of Tribunal
    8. Folder # 600 - Tadic Trial - Court Rules
      1. United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (unofficial document): 14 Indictments - March 21, 1996
    9. Folder # 601 - Tadic Trial - Misc.
      1. Business Card for Marlise Simons of the The New York Times.
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Prof. Dr. Michael Waldimiroff - May 2, 1996
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Ms. Marlise Simons - May 21, 1996
      4. Correspondence (by fax) from WJB to Marion Pennink-Tijsseling - May 1, 1996
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Ms. Valerie Brion - May 1, 1996
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Rt. Hon. Lord Shawcross - May 23, 1996 *Includes article Let the Tribunal Do Its Job by Hartley Shawcross.
      7. Correspondence from Dr. Th.A. van Baarda to WJB - The Hague, April 25, 1996
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Ms. Nathalie Prouvez - April 30, 1996
      9. ICJ correspondence from Nathalie Prouvez to WJB - May 1, 1996
      10. Fax from Marian Pennink to WJB - May 3, 1996
      11. Correspondence (by fax) from WJB to Ms. Valerie Brion, Public Information Officer - May 1, 1996
      12. Correspondence from WJB to John W. Heffernan - March 19, 1996
      13. Correspondence from John W. Heffernan of the Coalition for International Justice - March 1, 1996
      14. CV for Batram Stewart Brown
      15. Fax from Ted van Baarda to WJB - April 11, 1996
      16. Correspondence from WJB to Ted van Baarda, Esq. - April 9, 1996
      17. Correspondence from WJB to Ted van Baarda, Esq. - March 13, 1996
      18. Correspondence from Alice Delman/WJB to Ted van Baarda - April 11, 1996
      19. Correspondence from John W. Heffernan to WJB, includes information for the Coalition for International Justice - April 4, 1996
      20. Fax from Ted van Baarda to ICJ/Alice Delman - April 15, 1996
      21. Correspondence from WJB to Ted van Baarda - April 18, 1996
      22. Fax from John W. Heffernan to WJB, includes Criminal Bar Association information - April 25, 1996
    10. Folder # 601.1 - Tadic Trial - Court Rules
      1. Correspondence from Timo Lahelma to WJB - Helsinki, December 12, 1997
      2. Handwritten correspondence from WJB to Alice Delman in regards to a Certificate of Dissolution. *Includes papers.
      3. Correspondence from Franz Carl Weber of Franz Carl Weber - International AG - Zurich, November 13, 1997. *Includes copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of Terreal, Inc.
      4. By-laws of Terreal, Inc.
      5. Copy of Order Granting Motion to Modify Order Authorizing Rule 2004 Examination of General Partners and Directing Issuance of Letter Rogatory with Respect to Franz Carl Weber - entered October 2, 1997
      6. Terreal, Inc. financial statement for the year ended December 31, 1996
      7. Fax from Nicholas Morin of Nemiroff, Cosmas & Company, LLP to Franz Carl Weber - October 27, 1997
      8. Handwritten correspondence to Carl. Subject reads “For Trish Ramirez”- date unknown.
      9. Fax to "Dad" from Trish. Includes correspondence from Patricia B. Ramirez to Carol S. Mills McCarthy - December 16, 1997
      10. Correspondence from Patricia B. Ramirez to Carol S. Mills - December 16, 1997
      11. Correspondence from Carol S. Mills of McCarthy, McDonald, Schulberg & Joy to Patricia B. Ramirez - December 19, 1997
      12. Fax from Trish (Patricia) Ramirez to Dad (no other name identified) - December 12, 1997 *Includes correspondence sheet between Patricia Ramirez and Carol S. Mills
      13. Trial Judges Opinion for Ramirez v. Ramirez: In the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
      14. Fax from Andre Newberg to WJB - December 15, 1997
      15. Article The Marquess of Ormonde, The New York Times - fax dated November 17, 1997
      16. Fax from Alejandro Artucio to WJB - November 17, 1997
      17. Fax from Bert Lockwood to WJB, re: Rapporteur's Report, Prague Meeting - October 22, 1997
      18. Correspondence from Bert Lockwood to WJB - October 31, 1997
      19. Handwritten notes from WJB to Alice Delman
      20. International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers ICJ Members organizational chart - September 19, 1997
      21. International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers ICJ Honorary Members organizational chart - July 16, 1997
      22. International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers National Sections and Affiliated Organizations chart - October 29, 1997
      23. International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers CIJL Advisory Board - July 16, 1997
      24. Fax from Stephan A. Oxman to WJB (5 pages total) - November 13, 1997
      25. Fax from Fali S. Nariman to WJB (4 pages total) - November 18, 1997
    11. Folder # 602 - International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
        1. Correspondence from the AAICJ to Stephan, re: the opinion in the Rwandan extradition case with Ramsey's original memorandum - January 9, 1998
        2. U.S. District Court Southern District of Texas Laredo Division, In the Matter of Surrender of Elizaphan Ntakirutimana. Judge Marcel C. Notzon - September 30, 1997
        3. In the Matter of Surrender of Elizaphan Ntakirutimana LexisNexis Case Summary


      1. Article Judge in Texas Jars U.N. Effort on War Crimes by Barbara Crossette
    12. Folder # 603 - Chile/ Pinochet Case: General Augusto Pinochet
      1. House of Lords: Judgment - Regina v. Bartle and the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Others Ex Parte Pinochet (On Appeal from a Divisional Court of the Queen’s Bench Division - Publications on the Internet: Judgments Session 1998-99
      2. House of Lords: Judgment - Regina v. Bartle and the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Others Ex Parte Pinochet (On Appeal from a Divisional Court of the Queen’s Bench Division) - Publications on the Internet: Judgments Session 1998-99
      3. United Kingdom: The Pinochet Case - Universal Jurisdiction and the Absence of Immunity for Crimes against Humanity. “The official position of defendants, whether as Heads of State or responsible officials in Government departments, shall not be considered as freeing them from responsibility or mitigating punishment”; Amnesty International - January 1999
      4. Handwritten notes - London, January 1999
      5. Case for the Responsibility on the Re-Hearing of the Appeal - Regina v. (1) Nicholas Evans, Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate (2) Ronald Bartle, Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate (3) The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis (4) Government of Spain (5) The Secretary of State for the Home Department; Ex Parte Augusto Pinochet Ugarte
      6. Article 31 Va. J. Int’l L. 351: Suing Saddam: Private Remedies for War Crimes and Hostage Taking
      7. State Immunity Act 1978 - July 20, 1978
      8. In the House of Lords on Appeal from the Divisional Court in the Matter of an Application for a Writ of Habeas Corpus Ad Subjucidendum, Re. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and in the Matter of an Application for Leave to Move for Judicial Review Between: The Queen v. (1) Nicholas Evans, Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate (2) Ronald Bartle, Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate (3) The Secretary of State for the Home Department (4) The Crown Prosecution Service Service
      9. Fax from A. Hays Butler to WJB - January 12, 1999
      10. Fax from Jordan J. Paust to WJB Re: Universal jurisdiction and responsibility and nonimmunity (13 pages) - January 12, 1999
      11. Fax from Jordan J. Paust to WJB Re: Universal jurisdiction and responsibility and nonimmunity (12 pages) - January 12, 1999
      12. Article 59-AUT Law & Contemp. Probs. 153: Arresting Impunity: The Case for Universal Jurisdiction in Bringing War Criminals to Accountability
      13. Article 22 Brook. J. Int’L. 111: A Comparison of the Yugoslavian and RW Andan War Crime Tribunals: Universal Jurisdiction and the “Elementary Dictates of Humanity”
      14. Article 4 Emory Int’L. Rev. 207: Drug Trafficking on the High Seas: A Move Toward Universal Jurisdiction Under International Law
      15. Article Offenses of International Concern: Multilateral State Treaty Practice in the Forty Years Since Nuremburg by Roger S. Clark
      16. Chapter 3 excerpt International Criminal Law by Paust, Bassiouni, et al.,: State Competencies, Section 1 Universal Jurisdiction
      17. Article 15 Loy. L. Rev. 43 (1968-1969): Universality Principle of Jurisdiction and the Threatened Trials of American Airmen by Thomas H. Sponsler
      18. Article 66 Tex. L. Rev. 785: Universal Jurisdiction Under International Law by Kenneth C. Randall
      19. Article 23 Va. J. Int'l L. 191 (1982-1983): Federal Jurisdiction Over Extraterritorial Acts of Terrorism and Nonimmunity for Foreign Violators of International Law Under the FSIA and the Act of State Doctrine by Jordan J. Paust
      20. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations; Doc. I.D.4
      21. Article in “Hume Papers on Public Policy”; 1998, Vol. 6 Issue 1/2, p20, 10p: Countering Transnational and International Crime: Defining the Agenda. by Roger S. Clark
      22. Correspondence from Stephan P. Marks to WJB - October 14, 1998
      23. Correspondence from Stephan P. Marks to WJB - October 21, 1998
      24. Handwritten notes of WJB in regards to Pinochet case.
      25. Article faxed to Mona from WJB entitled The Court We Want by Theodor Meron - October 13, 1993
      26. Second draft of The Establishment of a Permanent International Criminal Court: A Selective and Annotated Bibliography by A. Hays Butler
      27. List of Presiding Law Lords in the Pinochet case
      28. Memorandum to Members of ICJ EXCO; Morgan Institute for Human Rights; AAICJ Board Members from WJB, Re: Principles of Jurisdiction Under International Law - November 19, 1998
      29. Correspondence by fax from WJB to Marco Sassoli, Esq. - November 9, 1998
      30. Correspondence to Clare O’Brien - November 10, 1998
      31. Correspondence from WJB to Hon. Charley Causeret - November 18, 1998
      32. Fax to WJB from Andre Newburg - December 1, 1998
      33. Fax from Adama Dieng to WJB - December 4, 1998
      34. Press Release for the International Commission of Jurists; Jurists Find the General Pinochet Is Not Immune from Prosecution for Crimes against Humanity - November 10, 1998
      35. Press Release for the International Commission of Jurists; ICJ Welcomes House of Lords Decision to Uphold International Law in Pinochet Case and Demands Ex-Dictator’s Prompt Judgment - November 25, 1998
      36. Correspondence by fax from WJB to Peter - January 6, 1999
      37. Fax from Carol Rose, Secretary to Andre Newburg, to WJB - January 7, 1999
      38. Correspondence from Dr. Marco Sassoli to WJB - Geneva, December 16, 1998
      39. Final Programme of Activities 1999-2000, the International Commission of Jurists: Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
      40. Article The Court We Want by Theador Meron, The Washington Post - October 13, 1998
    13. Folder # 604 - Kurdistan, Turkey/ Abdullah Ocalan Case


      1. Article Kurd's Trial Draws Attention to Turkish Court by Stephan Kinzer; The New York Times - May 29, 1999
      2. Article In Plea for His Life, Kurdish Rebel Offers to Halt War by Stephen Kinzer; The New York Times - Tuesday, June 1, 1999
      3. Article Rebel Kurds Back Leader In Peace Offer To the Turks by Stephen Kinzer; The New York Times - June 2, 1999
      4. Article Kurd Rebel's Offer to Honor Turkish State Perplexes All Sides by Stephen Kinzer; The New York Times - Wednesday, June 2, 1999
      5. Article Ocalan Wants to PKK to Convene Peace Congress and Positive Response from Turkish State; Turkish Daily News - Friday, June 4, 1999
      6. Article After Washington Summit a New NATO Meets by Yasemin Dobra-Manco; The Turkish Daily News/Section B - Friday, June 4, 1999
      7. Article Top Activist for Rights in Turkey is Imprisoned by Stephan Kinser; The New York Times - Friday, June 4, 1999
      8. Article Ocalan Hearing Adjourned After Stormy Session by Gokhan Kazbek; The Turkish Daily News - Saturday, June 5, 1999
      9. Article A Changing NATO Debates Elusive European Defense Identity by Yasemin Dobra-Manco; The Turkish Daily News/Section B - Saturday, June 5, 1999
      10. Article Kurdish Rebel Leader to Speak When Trial Resumes Tomorrow by Stephan Kinzer; The New York Times - June 22, 1999
      11. Article Kurdish Rebel Links Revolt to Repression by Turkey by Stephen Kinzer; The New York Times - Thursday, June 24, 1999
      12. Article Turkish Court Sentences Kurdish Rebel Leader to Death by Stephan Kinzer, The New York Times - Wednesday, June 30, 1999
      13. Article Another Award - Date Unknown
      14. Article A Peace Overture in Turkey - Date Unknown
      15. Article on Turkey from the Economist - April 24, 1999
      16. Handwritten notes

        Note ** The items listed below are of poor quality and portions of the material are indecipherable.

      17. Fax from Jack Christofides to WJB - June 29, 1999
      18. Daily Press Briefing (DPB) #83, U.S. Department of State - June 29, 1999. Briefer: James P. Rubin