
William J. Butler Papers Box 28

  1. Box-Folder #28-1 - #565, U.S. vs. PLO
    1. Folder # 552 - U.S. vs. PLO
      1. Correspondence from Ramsey Clark to Judge Palmieri - June 10, 1988.
  2. Box-Folder #28-2 - #865, IDOC/North America 1976
    1. Folder # 553 - IDOC - Miscellaneous 1976
      1. Correspondence from Pat Gaughan to IDOC/North America Board of Trustees, April 15, 1977, attached to material and follow-up since, March 30, 1977, meeting with the board
      2. Note from Alexander Salzman to WJB
      3. Correspondence from Arlene Witt to WJB - August 2, 1976.
      4. Correspondence from Ann Gray to WJB - July 13, 1976.
      5. Correspondence from Brian Garrett to WJB - June 29, 19776.
      6. Correspondence from John Dugard to WJB - July 6, 1976.
      7. Correspondence from Donald Fraser to WJB - July 21, 1976.
      8. Correspondence from Walter Gellhorn to WJB - June 22, 1976.
      9. Correspondence from Pat Muniz to WJB - June 24, 1976.
      10. Correspondence from Jeffrey to WJB - June 23, 1976.
      11. Correspondence from Pat Guaghan to IDOC/North America Trustees
      12. Memorandum from Pat Guaghan to IDOC/North America Trustees, May 19, 1976, with attached drafts of documents
      13. An Overview of IDOC/North America Spring, 1976, with attached documents


    2. Folder # 554 - IDOC/North America - Correspondence 1976
      1. Form letter from WJB
      2. Correspondence from John Volkmar to WJB - October 8, 1976.
      3. Correspondence from Rose Bernstein to IDOC/North America - September 24, 1976.
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Pat Gaughan - September 15, 1976.
      5. Copy of a check made out to IDOC/NA
      6. Correspondence from Arlene K. Witt to IDOC/North America Board Members - July 23, 1976.
      7. Correspondence from Pat Gaughin to WJB, July 17, 1976, attached to a memorandum regarding “guidelines for collaboration between IDOC/International and IDOC/North America ”
      8. Correspondence from Pat Gaughin to WJB attached to a memorandum regarding “publicity contact and publishers ”- August 30, 1976.
      9. Copy of the cover of an IDOC document - May/June 1976.
      10. Correspondence from WJB to Adrian DeWind - May 19, 1976.
      11. Correspondence from Pat Gaughan to WJB - June 18, 1976.
      12. Correspondence from WJB to Lung-chu Chen - August 5, 1976.
      13. Correspondence from Lung-chu Chen to WJB - June 30, 1976.
  3. Box-Folder #28-3 - #938A,, 1978, Association of the Bar of the city of New York, Intervention in Uruguay - I.
    1. Folder # 555 - Notes on the Legal Profession and the Right to a Fair Trial in Uruguay 1978
      1. Correspondence from Alberto Keily to WJB - March 3, 1978
      2. List of detained lawyers
      3. Business card for Julio Ma Sanguinetti
      4. Invitation to WJB from Ambassador and Mrs. Pexxullo - April 5, 1978
      5. Handwritten notes by WJB
      6. Article entitled Notes on the Legal Profession and the Right to a Fair Trial in Uruguay
      7. Uruguay background paper - December, 1975


    2. Folder # 556 - Constitution on Uruguay
      1. ? Constitution on Uruguay


    3. Folder # 557 - Association of Bar
      1. Correspondence from Adrian DeWind to Abaricio Mendez - February 7, 1978
      2. Correspondence from Jose Perez Caldas to Adrian DeWind - February 28, 1978
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Jose Perez Caldas - February 8, 1978
      4. Correspondence from Donald Fraser to Jose Perez Caldas - February 10, 1978
      5. Copies of a telegram regarding the ABA
      6. Correspondence from Jose Perez Caldas to Adrian DeWind - February 28, 1978
      7. Correspondence from William Spann, Jr to Aparicio Mendez - February 23, 1978
      8. Copies of a telegram regarding the “ABA visit ”


    4. Folder # 558 - List of Detainees
      1. Article concerning “Uruguayan lawyers ”
      2. Four lists of detained lawyers
      3. Handwritten notes by WJB
      4. Notecard for Edmond Martin Achard
      5. Brochure concerning Miguel Angel Estrella
      6. Correspondence to WJB - March 20, 1978
      7. Correspondence from Nicole Bourgois to WJB - February 8, 1978
      8. List of victims and detainees in Uruguay
      9. Article in Spanish concerning “Detained lawyers in Uruguay ”
      10. List of detained lawyers
      11. Article concerning Aha Ines Quadros
      12. Briefing paper concerning “Human Rights Interviews ”


    5. Folder # 559 - Miscellaneous
      1. Handwritten notes by WJB
      2. Business card by Patricia B. Hubbard
      3. Article concerning “Lawyers in Uruguayan Jails ”
      4. Article entitled The Carter Administration’s Latin American Policy Purposes and Prospects by Terence A. Todman - February 14, 1978
      5. Telegram concerning “receptions for the ABA visit ”
      6. Article concerning William Spann
      7. Article concerning Wilson Ferreira Aldunate
      8. Information on Dr Luis Reque - April, 1977
      9. Handwritten notes by WJB
      10. Memorandum from WJB to the “Uruguay file ”- March 20, 1978
      11. Miscellaneous receipts from WJB
      12. Handwritten notes by WJB
      13. Correspondence from WJB to Edward Dela Rosa - March 24, 1978
      14. Correspondence from Adrian DeWind to Abaricio Mendez - February 7, 1978
      15. Correspondence from WJB to Edward Dela Rosa - March 24, 1978
      16. Agenda from the “meeting of the executive committee ”- May 6, 1978
      17. Correspondence from Lawrence A. Pezzullo to William Spann - April 13, 1978
      18. Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB - May 17, 1978
      19. Correspondence from Lawrence A. Pezzullo to William Spann - April 13, 1978
      20. Copies of newspaper articles concerning Uruguay
      21. Background information on Uruguay - February, 1978
      22. Miscellaneous newspaper article concerning Uruguay
      23. AAICJ newsletter, No. 2 - April, 1978


    6. Folder # 560 - Press Releases, Clippings, and Reports
      1. ICJ press release entitled Fabricated Charges Against Defence Lawyers in Uruguay - November 3, 1977
      2. Declaration in Spanish - April 2, 1978
      3. ICJ press release entitled Fabricated Charges Against Defence Lawyers in Uruguay - November 3, 1977
      4. ICJ press release in Spanish entitled Fabricated Charges Against Defence Lawyers in Uruguay - November 3, 1977
      5. ICJ press release entitled Further Repression in Uruguay in 1975 - February 12, 1976
      6. Report of the “Mission to Uruguay ”from the ICJ - April-May, 1974
      7. Program in Spanish for a visit of the ABA


    7. Folder # 561 - Final Communique
      1. Draft report from Covey Oliver and Dave Trubek
      2. Draft article entitled Situation in the University
      3. Article entitled History of the Gau Arrests - December 2, 1975
      4. List of detained lawyers
      5. Article in Spanish entitled Comentarios de la Comisión International de Juristas a la Respuesta Dada por los Jefes Militares
      6. Copy of a draft article entitled Situation in Uruguay
      7. Article in Spanish entitled Comunicado de Prensa de la Junta de Comandantes en Jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas - April 7, 1978
      8. A confidential note addressed to high officials of the government of Uruguay
      9. A confidential note addressed to high officials of the government of Uruguay in Spanish
      10. Communique to the press from the junta of the commanders-in-chief of the armed forces - April 7, 1978


    8. Folder # 562 - Notes on Montevideo
      1. Brochure in Spanish
      2. Correspondence from Ovidio Pastorino to WJB - April 3, 1978
      3. Handwritten correspondence in Spanish
      4. Four memoranda from Julia to Mr Wood - April 4, 1978
      5. Correspondence from Maria Teresa Alvarez de Miranda to Dr Reque
      6. Handwritten correspondence in Spanish addressed to WJB
      7. Noticias del Uruguay news No.1 - January/February, 1978
      8. Correspondence from Ovidio Pastorino to WJB - April 3, 1978
      9. Miscellaneous receipts from travel arrangements to Uruguay
      10. Miscellaneous business cards from the trip to Uruguay
      11. List of contacts in Montevideo, Uruguay
      12. Schedule for the visit of the ABA to Uruguay
      13. List of questions to be asked at the meeting of the ABA in Uruguay - March 31, 1978
      14. Members of the political commission
      15. Schedule and background information for the ABA trip to Uruguay
  4. Box-Folder #28-4 - #938A,, 1978, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Intervention in Uruguay - II
    1. Folder # 563 - Department of State cables
      1. Copies of cables from the Department of State
      2. Article by Robert K. Goldman , Joaquin Martinez Bjorkman and Jean-Louis Weil entitled Laws and Decrees of the Government of Uruguay Which Violate UN Conventions and Declarations in the Human Rights Area - 1977
      3. GIST press release entitled US Human Rights Policy - January, 1978
      4. Copies of cables from the Department of State
      5. Background article on Uruguay
      6. Receipts for WJB
      7. Copy of a telegram from Amnesty International
      8. Article entitled Uruguayan Officials, Press Criticize Goldman Group
      9. Copies of airgrams from the Department of State - September, 1977
      10. Communique to the press from the junta of the commanders-in-chief of the armed forces - April 7, 1978
      11. Handwritten notes by WJB


    2. Folder # 564 - InterAmerican Association of Broadcasting
      1. Note to WJB - March 31, 1978
      2. Appendixes to the “Foreign Assistance Act of 1969 ”
      3. Annual Report of the Inter-American Foundation, 1977 - January, 1978
      4. Business card from Dr Luis Alberto Sole
      5. Speech by Dr Luis Alberto Sole entitled The Role of Broadcasting in Education and Culture - 1977
      6. IAAB press release entitled Situation of Chilean Broadcasting interviews of the director general with Chilean Government Authorities - March 27, 1978
      7. Correspondence from Rene Vidal Basauri to WJB - February 17, 1978
      8. Correspondence from Carlos Figueroa Serrano to WJB - February 27, 1978
      9. IAAB press release entitled The Challenge of Satellite TV - February 28, 1978


    3. Folder # 565 - I. A. Human Rights Mission
      1. Memorandum by WJB concerning “Human Rights and Iran ”
      2. Excerpt of a draft report on “Human Rights and Uruguay ”


    4. Folder # 566 - American Bar Association
      1. Correspondence from William Spann, Jr to Dr Aparicio Mendez - February 23, 1978
      2. Recommendation from the ABA Section of International Law - February 24-25, 1975
      3. Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to William Spann, Jr - February 17, 1978
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Bruno Bitker and Bruce Bushed - October 25, 1977
      5. Correspondence from Alejandro Artucio to WJB - October 18, 1977
      6. Copy of pages from a report by WJB
      7. Memorandum from WJB to Bruno Bitker - November 17, 1977


    5. Folder # 567 - Weil Mission
      1. Correspondence to WJB - March 28, 1978
      2. Correspondence from Robert Goldman to Donald Fox - March 2, 1978
      3. Memorandum on “Laws and degrees of the Government of Uruguay which violate UN conventions and declarations in the Human Rights Area ”- March 1, 1978
      4. Report entitled The Human Rights Situation in Uruguay by Jo Marie Griesgraber - February 6, 1978
      5. List of abductions in Uruguay
      6. Article in Spanish entitled Situación de los desaparecidos uruguayos denuncia de sus familiares attached to newspaper articles and memos
      7. Correspondence from Jean-Louis Weil to Kurt Waldheim
      8. Report on the, December 12-18, trip to Uruguay


    6. Folder # 568 - Resume
      1. Resume for Guillermo Facello Germano
      2. Resume for WJB
      3. Resume for Dr Luis Reque


    7. Folder # 569 - ICJ - Independence of the Judiciary, Dr. Schurmann - Uruguay
      1. Business card for Juan R. Ferreira
      2. Newspaper article entitled OAS Unit Assails Uruguay on Rights - March 14, 1978
      3. Excerpt from a report on Uruguay
      4. Correspondence from David Weissbrodt to WJB - October 31, 1977
      5. Memorandum from WJB to the committee on International Human Rights - November 3, 1977
      6. Amnesty International press release entitled Turkey: Avukat Cemil Orkunoglu - October 26, 1977
      7. Correspondence from Donald Fox to WJB - November 3, 1977
      8. Correspondence from Alejandro Artucio to WJB - October 18, 1977
      9. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Don Andres Aguilar - November 8, 1977
      10. Article in Spanish entitled Lista Incompleta de Abogados Que Permanecen Detenidos - November, 1977


    8. Folder # 570 - Memos re Laws and Decrees of Gou
      1. Two copies of a memorandum, one in English and one in French, by Robert Goldman , Joaquin Martinez Bjorkman and Jean-Louis Weil entitled Laws and decrees of the government of Uruguay which violate UN Conventions and Declarations in the human rights area - February 6, 1978
  5. Box-Folder #28-5 - Task Force on Humanitarian Intervention and the Ditchley Foundation Meeting Papers May 1990
    1. Folder # 571 - American Ditchley Foundation Meeting May 1990
      1. Handwritten notes concerning “Intergroup Conflicts”
      2. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to participants of the meeting of the task force - November 17, 1993
      3. Booklet from the UN entitled Charter of the UN and Statute of the International Court of Justice
      4. List of readings for the task force meeting on - November 18, 1993
      5. Paper entitled Towards a Protocol on the Right to Humanitarian Assistance for the seminar entitled The Challenge to Intervene: A New Role for the United Nations?
      6. Article from International Affairs Vol. 69, No. 3 July 1993 entitled Humanitarian War, the New United Nations and Peacekeeping
      7. Article from A Framework for Survival edited by Kevin M. Cahill entitled Lifelines to the Innocent: Children Caught in War by Richard Reid
      8. Article from Ethics and International Affairs Vol. 7 1993 entitled Is there an Islamic Ethic of Humanitarian Intervention? by
      9. Sohail H. Hashmi
      10. Article from Ditchley Conference Report No. D93/8 entitled Human Rights and External Intervention by
      11. Christopher Greenwood
      12. ICJ Newsletter, No. 54 - July 1993
      13. Expected participants for a task force on “ethical and legal issues in humanitarian assistance”November 18, 1993 attached to a provisional agenda
      14. List of the “International Community’s”effort to address the situation in former Yugoslavia
      15. Preliminary background paper for the “IPA - Sponsored Conference on Conflict and Humanitarian Action”in New York - October 1993
      16. UN document S/26470 - September 20, 1993
      17. UN document S/RES/871 (1993) - October 4, 1993
      18. UN document S/RES/844 (1993) - June 18, 1993
      19. UN document S/RES/776 (1992) - September 14, 1992
      20. UN document S/26415 - September 8, 1993
      21. Summary of “Security Council Resolutions on Former Yugoslavia”
      22. Reference paper from the UN entitled The United Nations and the Situation in the Former Yugoslavia - May 7, 1993
      23. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to task force members and participants November 5, 1993 attached to a provisional report of the first meeting


    2. Folder # 572 - Miscellaneous - Task Force on Humanitarian Intervention
      1. Article from New York Times International December 12, 1993 entitled Reluctant Warriors: U.N. Member States Retreat From Peacekeeping Roles by Paul Lewis
      2. Fax correspondence from WJB to Marc Van Cran - November 16, 1993
      3. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to Bert B. Lockwood, Jr. - March 3, 1994
      4. Blank notepad from Mohank
      5. UN Bulletin of Human Rights 91/1 - 1992
      6. Article entitled Toward a Modern Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention by David J. Scheffer
      7. An application for a research fellowship submitted to the Fordham Law Alumni Association by Jon M. Ebersole - April 27, 1993
      8. Copy of an application for a research fellowship submitted to the Fordham Law Alumni Association by Jon M. Ebersole - April 27, 1993
      9. Fax correspondence from WJB to Jon Ebersole - December 13, 1993
      10. Fax correspondence from WJB to Jon Ebersole - November 19, 1993
      11. Correspondence from WJB to Daniel A. Sharp - December 17, 1993
      12. Mononk “statement on the provision of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies”December 20, 1993 attached to a correspondence from Ted von Boarda to Jon Ebersole December 6, 1993 attached to a correspondence from Dr. M. Sadiq Malik to Jon Ebersole December 4, 1993 attached to a correspondence from Ian McFarlane to Jon Ebersole - December 6, 1993
      13. Agenda for the task force on “ethical and legal issues in humanitarian assistance”- December 10, 1993
      14. Article entitled Item 44: Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian emergency assistance of the UN
      15. Correspondence from Ian McFarlane to Jon Ebersole - December 6, 1993
      16. Correspondence from David Arnold to Jon Ebersole - December 9, 1993
      17. Fax correspondence from Corinne Johnson to Jon Ebersole - December 6, 1993
      18. Correspondence from M. M. Sahnoun to Jon Ebersole - December 8, 1993
      19. Correspondence from John A. Lapp to Jon Ebersole - December 6, 1993
      20. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to WJB - June 8, 1993
      21. Project description for the task force on “ethical and legal issues in the use of force in humanitarian assistance”attached to a correspondence from Jan Eliasson to Dr. William Vendley October 29, 1992 attached to a correspondence from James P. Grant to Dr. William Vendley November 19, 1992 attached to a correspondence from Kofi A. Annan - November 23, 1992
      22. Guiding principles on the “right to humanitarian assistance”from the Council of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law
      23. UN document A/RES/46/182 - April 14, 1992
      24. Excerpts from a journal entitled Common Knowledge Vol. 1, No. 3, Winter - 1992
      25. Correspondence from R. J. Vincent to WJB - October 10, 1990
      26. Correspondence from WJB to R. J. Vincent September 27, 1990 attached to copies of the Ditchey Conference Report No. D90/6


    3. Folder # 573 - Task Force on Humanitarian Intervention - Jon Ebersole
      1. Human Rights Quarterly Vol. 15, No. 2 - May 1993
      2. Copy of a credit card receipt from WJB attached to a copy of a note concerning Jon Ebersole
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Cyrus Vance - August 9, 1993
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Francis M. Deng - July 20, 1993
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Francis M. Deng - July 7, 1993
      6. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to WJB - August 19, 1993
      7. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to WJB - August 17, 1993
      8. Receipt from the Humbert Travel Agency for WJB
      9. Travel form for the task force on “legal and ethical issues in humanitarian assistance”
      10. Fax correspondence from Jon Ebersole to WJB November 30, 1993 attached to the program entitled Humanitarian Assistance, World Conference on Religion and Peace
      11. Fax correspondence from Jon Ebersole to WJB - September 20, 1993
      12. Receipt from the Humbert Travel Agency for WJB - April 3, 1990
      13. Fax correspondence from Jon Ebersole to WJB - September 16, 1993
      14. Notes by WJB on the “task force on humanitarian intervention”- September 28, 1993
      15. Fax correspondence from Jon Ebersole to WJB - July 20, 1993
      16. Fax correspondence from Jon Ebersole to WJB - June 24, 1993
      17. Draft criteria on “Humanitarian Assistance in Complex Emergencies”- December 10, 1993
      18. Strategic planning and coordinated action for “Humanitarian Assistance in Complex Emergencies”
      19. Code for conduce for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in “disaster relief”
      20. Ditchley Conference Report No. D93/8
      21. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to task force members - July 20, 1993
      22. Correspondence from WJB to Jon Ebersole - June 11, 1993
      23. Correspondence from John McKinnon to Boutros Boutros-Ghali - June 24, 1993
      24. Article entitled Legal Protection for UN personnel engaged in providing humanitarian assistance - March 3, 1993
      25. Ditchley Conference Report No. D93/8
      26. Two copies of a speech delivered by Dr. Th.A. van Baarda - May 17, 1993
      27. Concept paper entitled Task Force on Ethical and Legal Issues in Humanitarian Assistance - September 28, 1993
      28. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to task force members - September 20, 1993
      29. Correspondence from WJB to Jon Ebersole - November 19, 1993
      30. Copies of UN findings and recommendations
      31. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to task force members September 20, 1993 with attached report of the first meeting
      32. Document on “sources and development of just war tradition”
      33. Correspondence from WJB to R. J. Vincent - October 16, 1990
      34. Draft of an article concerning “human rights in complex emergencies”
      35. Draft criteria on “humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies”
      36. Article on the “guiding principles on the right to humanitarian assistance”
      37. Handwritten draft of a statement concerning “humanitarian assistance during complex emergencies”
      38. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to participants in the task force on “ethical and legal issues in humanitarian assistance”
      39. List of background reading for the task force meeting on - December 10-11
      40. Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief by the Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response in Geneva - 1993
      41. Oxfam briefing entitled Improving the UN’s response to conflict-related emergencies No. 6, - November 1993
      42. List of expected participants in the task force on “ethical and legal issues in humanitarian assistance”meeting on - October 26, 1993
      43. Article from Cooperating for Peace: The Global Agenda for the 1990s and Beyond by Gareth Evans published by Allen and Unwin
      44. Speech delivered to the World Conference on Religion and Peace in New York on September 28, 1993 by Dr. Ted A. van Baarda entitled Developing Criteria for the Military Protection of Humanitarian Aid
      45. List of expected participants in the task force on “ethical and legal issues in humanitarian assistance”meeting on - October 26, 1993
      46. Information report from UNOSOM concerning Somalia - August 1993
      47. UN Relief and Rehabilitation Programme for Somalia from - March 1 - December 31, 1993
      48. UN 100-Day Action Programme for Accelerated Humanitarian Assistance for Somalia - October 6, 1992
      49. Correspondence from Jon Ebersole to task force members - October 18, 1993
      50. Addis Ababa Agreement of the first session of the conference on “national reconciliation in Somalia”- March 27, 1993
      51. Article by Francoise Bouchet-Saulnier entitled Peacekeeping Operations Above Humanitarian Law
      52. Article by Larry Minear and Thomas G. Weiss entitled Guiding Humanitarian Principles: Toward a Framework for Action from the handbook Humanitarian Action in Times of War published by Lynne Rinner Publishers London
      53. List of readings for the task force on “ethical and legal issues in humanitarian assistance”meeting on - October 26, 1993
      54. UN document S/26351 - August 24, 1993
      55. UN document S/26317 - August 17, 1993
      56. UN document S/RES/837(1993) - June 6, 1993
      57. UN document A/RES/46/182 - April 14, 1992
      58. Note from Alice to WJB concerning a bill sent to the Ditchley Foundation
      59. Note from Bruno to WJB
      60. Business card for James Watt
      61. Brochure from The Ditchley Foundation on “Ditchley Park”
      62. Receipt from a dinner party signed to WJB - May 17, 1990
      63. Report from the Parliamentary Human Rights Group entitled Bogus Democracy: The Burmese Election of May 1990
      64. Address list for the Ditchley Foundation Conference - May 11-13, 1990
      65. Annual report from the Parliamentary Human Rights Group - 1989
      66. Correspondence from Heather Weeks to WJB - March 9, 1990
      67. Correspondence from John Graham to WJB - January 17, 1990
      68. Draft terms of reference for the Ditchley Foundation Conference - May 11-13, 1990
      69. Handwritten note concerning ICJ “judgement on Panama”
      70. Brochure for the Ditchley Foundation
      71. Two copies of the report of Group A from the Ditchley Foundation Conference - May 11-13, 1990
      72. Two copies of the report of Group B from the Ditchley Foundation Conference - May 11-13, 1990
      73. Draft terms of reference for the Ditchley Foundation Conference - May 11-13, 1990
      74. List of participants at the Ditchley Foundation Conference - May 11-13, 1990
      75. Two copies of the agenda for the Ditchley Foundation Conference - May 11-13, 1990
      76. Travel information sheet from the Ditchley Foundation
      77. Seating arrangement for the Ditchley Foundation Conference - May 11-13, 1990
      78. Article on the “Limburg Principles”
      79. Terms of reference for the Ditchley Foundation Conference - May 11-13, 1990
      80. Article from the ICJ entitled Intervention of the ICJ on the United States’ Intervention in Panama - February 1990
      81. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to the International Herald Tribune - April 26, 1990
      82. Article on “The Siracusa Principles”
      83. Article from the Bulletin of Human Rights 89/1 entitled Human Rights as an Element of Foreign Policy by Marc Bossuyt - March 1990
      84. Correspondence from Alice Delman to Dorena Chan - May 21, 1990
      85. Receipt from the Humbert Travel Agency for WJB - April 3, 1990