
William J. Butler Papers Box 21

  1. Box-Folder #21-1 - International Inquiry into Iran 1976-1977 #800B
    1. Folder # 454 - Iran - Audience with the Shah 1977
      1. Handwritten notes by WJB
      2. Copy of a photograph of the Shah
      3. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - June 28, 1977
      4. Correspondence from Manfred Simon to WJB - May 8, 1977
      5. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - May 17, 1977
      6. Business cards for Hossein Emami and Dr Parviz Kazemi
      7. Translation of a bill amending certain acts of the Ministry of Justice
      8. The Iranian Constitution with Amendments translation - January 1, 1953
      9. Call to Charles Naas
      10. Correspondence from Jeri Laber to WJB - June 27, 1977
      11. Correspondence from Jeri Laber to WJB - June 21, 1977
      12. List of members of the AAP International Freedom to Publish Committee - 1977-1978
      13. Envelope to WJB from Grand Master of Ceremonies of His Imperial Majesty the Shahanshah Aryameh
      14. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - May 16, 1977


    2. Folder # 455 - International Inquiry into Iran - Correspondence
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Douglas Sinsel - May 5, 1976
      2. Statement by the press section of the Imperial Iranian Embassy in London of the report of Amnesty International concerning Iran - December 1, 1976
      3. Correspondence from Bernard Frank to WJB - October 28, 1976
      4. Ombudsman survey by Bernard Frank - July 1, 1974 - June 30, 1975
      5. Draft correspondence to H. E. M. Fereydoun Hoveyda from WJB


    3. Folder # 456 - Iran Correspondence 1976
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Sidney Shapiro - January 5, 1976
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Henry G. Weyerhaeuser - January 14, 1976
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Lawrence Fleischman - January 20, 1976
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Roberta Cohen - January 21, 1976
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Georges Levasseur - January 14, 1976
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph Lash - January 21, 1976
      7. Correspondence from WJB to Henry G. Weyerhaeuser - February 13, 1976
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Robert Bernstein - March 23, 1976
      9. Correspondence from WJB to Peter Mollman - March 23, 1976
      10. Correspondence from WJB to Robert Bernstein - March 25, 1976
      11. Correspondence from WJB to James A. Bill - March 25, 1976
      12. Correspondence from WJB to Peter Mollman - March 25, 1976
      13. Correspondence from WJB to Peter Mollman - March 30, 1976
      14. Draft press release entitled Human Rights and the Legal System in Iran - May 31, 1976
      15. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - April 22, 1976
      16. Correspondence from WJB to Peter Mollman - May 4, 1976
      17. Correspondence from WJB to Robert Bernstein - May 4, 1976
      18. Correspondence from WJB to Sidney Shapiro - May 4, 1976
      19. Correspondence from WJB to Douglas Sinsel - May 5, 1976
      20. Correspondence from WJB to Douglas Sinsel - May 5, 1976
      21. Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise - May 6, 1976
      22. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - May 10, 1976
      23. Correspondence from WJB to Peter Mollman - May 13, 1976
      24. Correspondence from WJB to Mr. Alexander - May 20, 1976
      25. Note to WJB from Jerome W. Clinton
      26. Cable from WJB to the ICJ - May 24, 1976
      27. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - June 1, 1976
      28. Correspondence from WJB to Henry G. Weyerhaeuser - June 1, 1976
      29. Correspondence from Rose Bernstein to Kermit Roosevelt & Associates - June 4, 1976
      30. Correspondence from Ali Golestaneh to WJB - June 4, 1976
      31. Correspondence from WJB to Catherine Zorn - July 9, 1976
      32. Correspondence from WJB to James A. Bill - July 9, 1976
      33. Correspondence from WJB to Marie Courtney - June 10, 1976
      34. Memorandum from WJB to the “Iran file” - June 10, 1976
      35. Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise - June 14, 1976
      36. Correspondence from WJB to Sidney Shapiro - June 14, 1976
      37. Correspondence from WJB to Raymond S. Rubinow - June 15, 1976
      38. Correspondence from WJB to Norman Cousins - June 15, 1976
      39. Correspondence from WJB to Terrayne Crawford - June 15, 1976
      40. Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Haddon Craftsman - June 15, 1976
      41. Correspondence from WJB to Peter Mollman - June 16, 1976
      42. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - June 22, 1976
      43. Correspondence from WJB to Terrayne Crawford - July 1, 1976
      44. Correspondence from WJB to Raymond S. Rubinow - July 1, 1976
      45. Correspondence from Brian Garrett to WJB - August 11, 1976
      46. Correspondence from WJB to Peter Mollman - August 19, 1976
      47. Correspondence from WJB to Rose Bernstein - September 3, 1976
      48. Correspondence from WJB to Anne Sinai - October 29, 1976
      49. Correspondence from WJB to Sidney Shapiro - October 29, 1976
      50. Correspondence from WJB to Susan W. Weyerhaeuser - October 28, 1976
      51. Correspondence from WJB to Eamonn Kennedy - November 2, 1976
      52. Correspondence from WJB to Archibald L. Gillies - November 2, 1976
      53. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to WJB - November 19, 1976
      54. Correspondence from WJB to Sanford Schwarz - December 1, 1976
      55. Correspondence from Hassan A. Zavareei to WJB - August 21, 1976
      56. Correspondence from Raymond S. Rubinow to WJB - June 29, 1976
      57. Copy of a check from the J. M. Kaplan Fund, Inc to the AAICJ
      58. Article entitled Resolution on IWO Grants
      59. Copy of a check from the Institute for World Order, Inc for the AAICJ
      60. Correspondence from Terrayne Crawford to WJB - June 24, 1976
      61. Note to Stan
      62. Correspondence from WJB to Raymond Rubinow - July 1, 1976
      63. Correspondence from Warren Weinstein to WJB - June 28, 1976
      64. Two copies of a correspondence from Peter Mollman to WJB - June 9, 1976
      65. Copies of two receipts from Haddon Craftsmen
      66. Memorandum to the “Iran file” - June 10, 1976
      67. Note from Sidney Shapiro to board members
      68. Correspondence from James A. Bill to WJB - July 1, 1976
      69. Correspondence from Catherine Zorn to WJB - July 2, 1976
      70. Correspondence from Catherine Zorn to WJB - June 2, 1976
      71. Correspondence from Stanley Salmon to WJB - June 2, 1976
      72. Copy of the front page of a book entitled Human Rights and the Legal System in Iran
      73. Copy of an authorization to mail for the AAICJ
      74. Correspondence from Robert B. McKay to WJB - May 19, 1976
      75. Correspondence from J. E. Slater to Winthrop Knowlton - May 7, 1976
      76. Correspondence from WJB to Douglas Sinsel - May 5, 1976
      77. Correspondence from Rose Bernstein to Kermit Roosevelt & Associates - June 4, 1976
      78. Telegram from WJB to the ICJ
      79. Telex from WJB to the ICJ - May 4, 1976
      80. Memorandum from WJB to the “Iran file” - May 4, 1976
      81. Correspondence from Alan U. Schwartz to WJB - April 28, 1976
      82. Correspondence from Peter Mollman to WJB - March 29, 1976
      83. Correspondence from James A. Bill to WJB - March 21, 1976
      84. Night cable from Georges Levasseur to WJB - February 23, 1976
      85. Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Niall MacDermot - February 3, 1976


    4. Folder # 457 - Iran 1976
      1. Budget for travel arrangements for WJB - August 3, 1976
      2. Handwritten notes by WJB
      3. Correspondence to Niall MacDermot - January 17, 1975
      4. Correspondence from Jo Ann Dolan to Niall MacDermot - November 20, 1975
      5. List of contacts
      6. ICJ press release entitled Human Rights and the Legal System in Iran - May 31, 1976
      7. Handwritten note by WJB
      8. Copies of miscellaneous receipts from travel arrangements for WJB
      9. American Institute of Iranian Studies Tehran Center Newsletter Vol. 8, No. 2 - April, 1976
      10. Copy of a dock receipt from WJB
      11. UN press release ECOSOC/3866 - May 12, 1976
      12. List of members on the “NGO Committee on Human Rights”
      13. Agenda from a meeting in honor of Nigel S. Rodley - April 21, 1976
      14. Correspondence from WJB to Ed Gitlitz and Charles Librader - December 18, 1975
      15. Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Niall MacDermot - June 13, 1975
      16. Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Jo Ann Dolan - August 21, 1975
      17. Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Niall MacDermot - June 16, 1975
      18. ICJ distribution list for “"the Review"”in the US - June 1, 1975
      19. Handwritten notes by WJB
      20. Correspondence from Knud Nielsen to Rosalind Harris - July 24, 1975
      21. List of contacts
      22. Correspondence from Howard D. Coleman to members of the “International Aspects Committee of the Individual Rights and Responsibilities Section” - February 28, 1975
      23. Correspondence from Alfred C. Aman, Jr to WJB - May 5, 1975
      24. Correspondence from Howard D. Coleman to members of the “International Aspects Committee of the Individual Rights and Responsibilities Section” - May 8, 1975
      25. Lists of contacts
      26. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Jo Ann Dolan - January 13, 1975
      27. Correspondence from Jo Ann Dolan to Luis Reque - January 20, 1975
      28. Correspondence from James T. Haight to Eli Whitney Debevoise - January 29, 1975
      29. Memorandum from WJB to the ICJ - January 22, 1975
      30. Correspondence from Donald M. Fraser to WJB - July 22, 1976
      31. Correspondence from Donald M. Fraser to Eli Whitney Debevoise - September 17, 1975
      32. Correspondence from E. Majd to WJB - June 14, 1976
      33. Note concerning the budget for travel by WJB to attend the committee hearing in Washington, DC - August 3, 1976


    5. Folder # 458 - Iran Report Letters 1976
      1. Note from Paul to WJB - June 3, 1976
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Dwight James Simpson - June 14, 1976
      3. Correspondence from Mary Kersey Harvey to WJB - September 30, 1976
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Mary Kersey Harvey - October 5, 1976
      5. Copies of miscellaneous newspaper articles concerning “Iran” - 1976
      6. Correspondence from Bettina Warburg to WJB - May 24, 1976
      7. Correspondence from Haim Cohn to WJB - July 18, 1976
      8. Correspondence from Jerome A. Cohen to WJB - August 24, 1976
      9. Correspondence from Elizabeth S. Landis to WJB - September 1, 1976
      10. Correspondence from Haim Cohn to WJB - July 18, 1976
      11. Correspondence from Timothy C. Robinson to WJB - July 19, 1976
      12. Correspondence from Haim Cohn to WJB - July 18, 1976
      13. Correspondence from John McAward to WJB - June 30, 1976
      14. Correspondence from Jim Connor to WJB - June 25, 1976
      15. Correspondence from John McAward to WJB - June 15, 1976
      16. Correspondence from Robert F. Drinan to WJB - June 18, 1976
      17. Correspondence from Didi to WJB
      18. Correspondence from Eric J. Hooglund to WJB - June 16, 1976
      19. Correspondence from Dwight James Simpson to WJB - June 7, 1976
      20. Correspondence from Benjamin B. Ferencz to WJB - June 14, 1976
      21. Correspondence from Richard N. Swift to WJB - May 25, 1976
      22. Correspondence from Sidney Liskofsky to WJB - May 27, 1976
      23. Correspondence from Hubert H. Humphrey to WJB - May 24, 1976
      24. Correspondence from Richard P. Brown, Jr. to WJB - June 7, 1976
      25. Correspondence from Richard J. Niebanck to WJB - May 25, 1976
      26. Correspondence from David Heaps to WJB - June 2, 1976
      27. Correspondence from Winthrop Kwowlton to WJB - June 7, 1976
      28. Correspondence from Clifford P. Case to WJB - June 4, 1976
      29. Correspondence from Maureen Corr to WJB - June 9, 1976
      30. Correspondence from Ivan Shapiro to WJB - June 8, 1976
      31. Correspondence from Lois G. Forer to WJB - June 3, 1976
      32. Correspondence from Victor S. Gettner to WJB - June 4, 1976
      33. Correspondence from Harry B. to WJB - May 26, 1976
      34. Correspondence from George McGovern to WJB - June 1, 1976
      35. Correspondence from Paul B. De Witt to WJB - June 1, 1976
      36. Correspondence from Henry P. Durkin to WJB - June 1, 1976
      37. Correspondence from Betsy Landis to WJB - May 30, 1976
      38. Correspondence from Adrian W. DeWind to WJB - May 26, 1976
      39. Correspondence from Harry A. Inman to WJB - May 25, 1976
      40. Correspondence from Norman Cousins to WJB - June 18, 1976
      41. Correspondence from Jacob K. Javits to WJB - June 8, 1976


    6. Folder # 459 - International Inquiry into Iran - Mailings of Report 1976
      1. Correspondence from WJB to John Salzberg - May 6, 1976
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Adrian W. DeWind - May 4, 1976
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Fereydoun Hoveyda - May 17, 1976
      4. Correspondence from WJB to John Salzberg - May 6, 1976
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Ardeshir Zahedi - May 17, 1976
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Byron E. Morton - May 17, 1976
      7. Correspondence from WJB to Paul B. De Witt - May 14, 1976
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Cyrus R. Vance - May 14, 1976
      9. Correspondence from WJB to Georges Levasseur - May 11, 1976
      10. Correspondence from WJB to James A. Bill - May 11, 1976
      11. Correspondence from WJB to Jerome Clinton - May 11, 1976
      12. Correspondence from WJB to Robert B. McKay - May 11, 1976
      13. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph E. Slater - May 11, 1976
      14. Correspondence from WJB to Richard W. Cottam - May 11, 1976
      15. Correspondence from WJB to Marvin Zonis - May 11, 1976
      16. Correspondence from WJB to Richard Butler - May 11, 1976
      17. Correspondence from WJB to Adrian De Wind - May 14, 1976
      18. Correspondence from WJB to Terrayne Crawford - May 18, 1976
      19. Correspondence from WJB to Winthrop Knowlton - May 24, 1976
      20. Correspondence from WJB to Eric Pace - March 31, 1976
      21. Correspondence from WJB to Eric Rouleau - May 11, 1976
      22. Correspondence from WJB to Eric Rouleau - March 31, 1976
      23. Correspondence from WJB to Marie Courtney - May 11, 1976
      24. Correspondence from WJB to John B. Oakes - May 11, 1976
      25. Correspondence from WJB to the editor of Time Magazine - May 18, 1976
      26. Correspondence from WJB to the editor of Newsweek - May 18, 1976
      27. Correspondence from WJB to Anthony Astrakhan - May 18, 1976
      28. Correspondence from WJB to the editor of The Wall Street Journal - May 14, 1976
      29. Note from Reza A. Eghbal to WJB - June 11, 1976
      30. Handwritten note by WJB
      31. Correspondence from Rose Bernstein to Khodadad - June 23, 1976
      32. Correspondence from WJB to Jim Connor - June 21, 1976
      33. Correspondence from WJB to Warren Weinstein - June 1, 1976
      34. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - May 4, 1976
      35. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - May 24, 1976
      36. Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise - July 20, 1976
      37. Correspondence from WJB to Jane Caplan - June 1, 1976
      38. Correspondence from WJB to Ervand Abrahamian - July 20, 1976
      39. Correspondence from WJB to Mary Kersey Harvey - July 21, 1976
      40. Correspondence from Eli Whitney Debevoise to Jerome W. Clinton - May 19, 1976
      41. Correspondence from Jo Ann Dolan to Richard Ullman - June 15, 1976
      42. Correspondence from WJB to Graham Hovey - May 19, 1976
      43. Correspondence from WJB to Raymond S. Rubinow - July 29, 1976
      44. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - July 29, 1976
      45. Correspondence from Rose Bernstein - August 4, 1976
      46. Correspondence from WJB to Adamantia Pollis - September 30, 1976
      47. Correspondence from WJB to Alice Stratton - July 29, 1976
      48. Correspondence from WJB to Dimitri Sevastopoulo - November 2, 1976
      49. Handwritten note by WJB
      50. Correspondence from WJB to James Abourezk - May 18, 1976
      51. Correspondence from WJB to Alan Cranston - May 18, 1976
      52. Correspondence from WJB to Edward M. Kennedy - May 18, 1976
      53. Correspondence from WJB to Howard H. Baker, Jr - May 18, 1976
      54. Correspondence from WJB to Robert P. Griffin - May 18, 1976
      55. Correspondence from WJB to Charles H. Percy - May 18, 1976
      56. Correspondence from WJB to James B. Pearson - May 18, 1976
      57. Correspondence from WJB to Hugh Scott - May 18, 1976
      58. Correspondence from WJB to Jacob K. Javits - May 18, 1976
      59. Correspondence from WJB to Clifford P. Case - May 18, 1976
      60. Correspondence from WJB to Joseph R. Biden, Jr - May 18, 1976
      61. Correspondence from WJB to Dick Clark - May 18, 1976
      62. Correspondence from WJB to Hubert Humphrey - May 18, 1976
      63. Correspondence from WJB to George McGovern - May 18, 1976
      64. Correspondence from WJB to Gale W. McGee - May 18, 1976
      65. Correspondence from WJB to Claiborne Pell - May 17, 1976
      66. Correspondence from WJB to Frank Church - May 17, 1976
      67. Correspondence from WJB to Stuart Symington - May 17, 1976
      68. Correspondence from WJB to Mike Mansfield - May 17, 1976
      69. Correspondence from WJB to John Sparkman - May 17, 1976
      70. List of senators
      71. Correspondence from Donald L. Ranard to WJB - June 15, 1976
      72. Memorandum from WJB to the “Iran file” - April 23, 1976
      73. Correspondence from Alice Stratton to WJB - July 27, 1976
      74. Telegram from Niall MacDermot to WJB
      75. Mailgram from Mary Kersey Harvey to WJB
      76. Document from Geneva customs
      77. Copy of a business card for Goth Delegation
      78. Note concerning Evelyn Kawonza - May 21, 1976
      79. Correspondence from Warren Weinstein to Jo Ann Dolan - May 13, 1976
      80. Correspondence from Jim Connor to WJB - June 3, 1976
  2. Box-Folder #21-2 - ICJ - Iran - #800C 1978-1979
    1. Folder # 460 - ICJ - Iran - #800C 1979
      1. Telegram from the Secretary
      2. Copies of an article from Time entitled "Nobody Influences Me!"
      3. Excerpts from an interview concerning “Middle East and North Africa ”
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Margo Hornblower - December 7, 1979.
      5. Article from the New York Times Magazine, October 28, 1979, entitled "Everybody Wants to Be Boss"
      6. Table of contents for a collection of documents
      7. Memorandum from WJB to Mark Schneider
      8. List of “Iranian Contacts ”
      9. Memorandum from WJB concerning the “Iran Jurists Association ”
      10. Charter of the Iran Jurists Association
      11. Memorandum from WJB concerning the “Iran Jurists Association ”
      12. Memorandum from WJB concerning the “Committee for the Defense of Rights of Political Prisoners in Iran ”
      13. Bulletin No. 7 entitled Visiting Conditions in the Qasr Prison of Teheran - May 22, 1978.
      14. Bulletin No. 8 entitled Committee for the Defence of the Rights of Political Prisoners in Iran - July 4, 1978.
      15. Bulletin No. 9 entitled Freedom for Political Prisoners: Trial for Savak’s Tortures - July 11, 1978.
      16. Bulletin No. 10 entitled Freedom of Political Prisoners and Return of the Exiled: Primary Condition for the Re-establishment of the Rule of Law in Iran - September 1, 1978.
      17. Memorandum from H. Matine-Daftary concerning “Facts leading to Martial Law ”
      18. Statement in Hebrew concerning “Martial Law ”
      19. Statement concerning the Mahabad Incident
  3. Box-Folder #21-3 - #225, Rights of Israeli Arabs and Human Rights - Israeli Occupied Territory (Minnesota Report)
    1. Folder # 461 - Israeli Deportations Issue, 1992
      1. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - December 18, 1992.
      2. Fax correspondence from WJB to Chinmaya Rajaninath - December 18, 1992.
      3. Fax correspondence from WJB to Boutros Boutros-Ghali - December 18, 1992.
      4. Fax correspondence from WJB to Adama Dieng - December 18, 1992.
      5. Note from Alice Delman to WJB
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Chinmaya Rajaninath - December 18, 1992.
      7. Fax correspondence from Adama Dieng to the President of the UN Security Council - December 18, 1992.
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Chinmaya Rajaninath - December 18, 1992.
      9. Fax correspondence from Adama Dieng to the President of the UN Security Council - December 18, 1992.
      10. Fax correspondence from Adama Dieng to WJB - December 18, 1992.
      11. Fax correspondence from Adama Dieng to the President of the UN Security Council - December 18, 1992.


    2. Folder # 462 - Minnesota Report 1991
      1. Correspondence from Duane M. Peterson to the ICJ, July 13, 1992, attached to an article entitled The Status of Human Rights in the Occupied Territories Under Israeli Occupation in 1991


    3. Folder # 463 - UN Documents
      1. Business card for Nina J. LaHoud
      2. Correspondence from Nina J. LaHoud to WJB - July 27, 1988.
      3. Excerpt from an article by David Kretzmer entitled The Legal Status of the Arabs in Israel
      4. Correspondence from Drora Kass to WJB - June 28, 1988.
      5. Article by David Kretzmer entitled The Legal Status of the Arabs in Israel
      6. Packet of miscellaneous UN documents regarding “Israel and Human Rights Issues ”


    4. Folder # 464 - Books
      1. Book entitled Relations Between Ethnic Majority and Minority published for the International Center for Peace in the Middle East - March, 1987.
      2. Book entitled Israel as a Nation-State and the Problem of the Arab Minority: In Search of a Status published for the International Center for Peace in the Middle East - December, 1987.
      3. Book entitled Health Services to the Arab Population in Israel published for the International Center for Peace in the Middle East - January, 1987.
      4. Book entitled Social Welfare Services for Israel’s Arab Population published for the International Center for Peace in the Middle East - December, 1987.
  4. Box-Folder #21-4 - Amnesty International Commission to Korea 1974 Korea names and addresses, correspondence, newspaper clippings and WJB Korea Report
    1. Folder # 465 - Report on Amnesty International Mission to Korea
      1. Report on Amnesty International Mission to Korea


    2. Folder # 466 - Korea Correspondence 1975
      1. Correspondence from WJB to Huang Hua - December 3, 1974
      2. Correspondence from WJB to Richard A. Falk - December 3, 1974
      3. Correspondence from WJB to Richard B. Lillich - December 3, 1974
      4. Correspondence from WJB to Louis Henkin - December 3, 1974
      5. Correspondence from WJB to Covey T. Oliver - December 3, 1974
      6. Correspondence from WJB to Edwin M. Luidens - November 18, 1974
      7. Correspondence from WJB to Martin Ennals - November 18, 1974
      8. Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise - November 14, 1974
      9. Correspondence from WJB to Roberts B. Owen - November 12, 1974
      10. Correspondence from WJB to Sara Foote - November 12, 1974
      11. Correspondence from WJB to Myres McDougal - November 12, 1974
      12. Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise - November 12, 1974
      13. Correspondence from WJB to Emerson Chapin - November 11, 1974
      14. Correspondence from John to WJB - November 4, 1974
      15. Correspondence from WJB to Edwin Luidens - November 8, 1974
      16. Correspondence from WJB to Elizabeth G. Verville - November 7, 1974
      17. Correspondence from WJB to Sergei Sminov - November 7, 1974
      18. Correspondence from WJB to Philip C. Habib - November 6, 1974
      19. Correspondence from WJB to Bud Holecek - November 4, 1974
      20. Correspondence from Fr. Bud Holecek to WJB - October 1, 1974
      21. Report concerning the “Korean students”
      22. Correspondence from WJB to Martin J. Lowery - November 4, 1974
      23. Correspondence from Martin J. Lowery to WJB - October 8, 1974
      24. Correspondence from WJB to Kozo Inomata - November 4, 1974
      25. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - November 1, 1974
      26. Correspondence from WJB to Gregory O. Henderson - October 26, 1974
      27. Correspondence from WJB to Cyrus R. Vance - October 7, 1974
      28. Correspondence from WJB to Cyrus R. Vance - October 2, 1974
      29. Correspondence from WJB to Rev. Martin J. Lowery - September 24, 1974
      30. Correspondence from WJB to Wynn - September 13, 1974
      31. Note from Bea to Rose - August 20, 1974
      32. Correspondence from WJB to Yutaka Ogita - September 12, 1974
      33. Correspondence from Yutaka Ogita to WJB - September 7, 1974
      34. Correspondence from WJB to Charles Runyon - September 12, 1974
      35. Correspondence from Niall MacDermot to Park Chung Hee - September 11, 1974
      36. Correspondence from WJB to Kwon Min Jun - September 10, 1974
      37. Correspondence from WJB to Rev. Martin J. Lowery - September 4, 1974
      38. Correspondence from Martin J. Lowery to WJB - August 25, 1974
      39. Correspondence from John D. Shumpert to WJB - August 20, 1974
      40. Correspondence from WJB to William Rees-Mo? - August 13, 1974
      41. Correspondence from WJB to George Wald - August 13, 1974
      42. Correspondence from WJB to Alfred E. Driscoll - August 7, 1974
      43. Correspondence from WJB to I. F. Stone - August 7, 1974
      44. Correspondence from WJB to James P. Warburg - August 7, 1974
      45. Correspondence from WJB to Aryeh Neier - August 7, 1974
      46. Correspondence from WJB to Gilbert A. Harrison - August 6, 1974
      47. Correspondence from WJB to Robert B. McKay - August 5, 1974
      48. Correspondence from WJB to Whitney North Seymour, Jr. - August 2, 1974
      49. Correspondence from WJB to Niall MacDermot - July 31, 1974
      50. Correspondence from WJB to Stephanie Grant - July 31, 1974
      51. Correspondence from Christine to WJB - July 30, 1974
      52. Correspondence from Gregory Henderson to Robert N. C. Nix - July 26, 1974
      53. Correspondence from WJB to James A. Wechsler - July 30, 1974
      54. Correspondence from WJB to the editor of Time Magazine - July 29, 1974
      55. Correspondence from WJB to the editor of Newsweek Magazine - July 29, 1974
      56. Correspondence from WJB to Pyong Choon Hahm - July 29, 1974
      57. Correspondence from WJB to Peter Sears - July 29, 1974
      58. Correspondence from WJB to J. William Fulbright - July 29, 1974
      59. Correspondence from WJB to Kwon Min Jun - July 29, 1974
      60. Correspondence from WJB to Tong Jin Park - July 29, 1974
      61. Correspondence from WJB to the Associated Press - July 29, 1974
      62. Correspondence from Martin Ennals to WJB - July 29, 1974
      63. Correspondence from WJB to Emerson Chapin - July 26, 1974
      64. Correspondence from WJB to Eli Whitney Debevoise - July 26, 1974
      65. Correspondence from WJB to Roger N. Baldwin - July 26, 1974
      66. Correspondence from WJB to John Salzberg - July 26, 1974
      67. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Amelia Augustus - July 26, 1974
      68. Correspondence from WJB to Cyrus R. Vance - July 26, 1974
      69. Correspondence from WJB to Gregory O. Henderson - July 26, 1974
      70. Correspondence from WJB to Martin Ennals - July 25, 1974
      71. Correspondence from Fr. Bud Holecek to WJB - July 21, 1974
      72. Correspondence from Fr. Bud Holecek to Peter Harris - July 12, 1974
      73. Correspondence from Fr. Bud Holecek to WJB - July 12, 1974
      74. Correspondence from WJB to Martin Ennals - July 11, 1974
      75. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Ivan Morris - June 19, 1974
      76. Correspondence from Herschel Halbert to WJB - January 1, 1975
      77. Correspondence from WJB to Herscel Halbert - January 3, 1975
      78. Correspondence from WJB to Dr. Kim Chung Gol - January 10, 1975
      79. Correspondence from Fr. Bud Holecek to WJB - January 20, 1975
      80. Correspondence from Edwin M. Luidens to Korea Study Group - March 26, 1975
      81. Correspondence from WJB to Martin Ennals - March 28, 1975
      82. Correspondence from Edwin M. Luidens to Korea Study Group - April 7, 1975
      83. Correspondence from WJB to Martin Ennals - April 8, 1975
      84. Correspondence from Jong Soo Chung to WJB - April 7, 1975
      85. Correspondence from WJB to Tong Soo Chung - April 11, 1975
      86. Correspondence from Edwin M. Luidens to Korea Study Group - April 14, 1975
      87. Correspondence from Rev. Benjamin Yoon to WJB - May 19, 1975
      88. Correspondence from WJB to Rev. Benjamin Yoon - May 29, 1975
      89. Correspondence from Larry Springs to WJB - 1975
      90. Correspondence from WJB to Richard Leonard - October 24, 1975
      91. Correspondence from Donald Ranard to WJB - December 5, 1975
      92. Correspondence from WJB to Charles Runyon - December 10, 1975
      93. Memorandum from Edwin M. Luidens to WJB December 16, 1975 attached to a correspondence from Kim Dae Jung to Edwin M. Luidens - November 25, 1975
      94. Handwritten notes to WJB
      95. Copy of a correspondence from Bud to Jim - December, 1975
      96. Address to the Korea Study Group of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA entitled Korea, the United States, and Human Rights - November 19, 1975
      97. “Chin Du-Hyon Trial Materials”from the Chin Du-Hyon Rescue Committee
      98. Correspondence from Martin Ennals to WJB - April 17, 1975
      99. Correspondence from Huang Wen-hsien to David Hawke - April 9, 1975
      100. Correspondence from Hans Ehrenstrale to WJB - April 4, 1975
      101. Correspondence from Yim Seong-hi to WJB January 7, 1975 attached to an article by Yim Seong-hi entitled Value of Democracy


    3. Folder # 467 - Korea Memorandum 1975
      1. Memorandum from WJB to Bruno Bitker and Eli Whitney Debevoise - November 3, 1975


    4. Folder # 468 - Korea Miscellaneous Reports 1975
      1. Report on Korea from the National Council of Churches in Korea
      2. Report by Homer A. Jack entitled Oppression, Suppression, and Repression in South Korea Today


    5. Folder # 469 - Korea Report - Names and addresses, etc.
      1. Handwritten notes by WJB
      2. List of contacts for the “Korea mission”
      3. Note from IDOC concerning WJB
      4. Excerpt from IDOC publication entitled Korea 1974: The Yushin Constitution, The Emergency Decrees, and the Military Trial of Political Dissidents - September 1974
      5. Copy of a newspaper article from Korea Times entitled Capital Punishment for 5 Commuted to Life Terms - July 21, 1974
      6. Copy of a telegram from WJB to Bernard
      7. Report by WJB entitled Political Repression in South Korea - 1974
      8. List of names from Korea
      9. Receipt from a telegram to Bernard Krisher , Beth Pond , Herman Nickel and Kunitaro Mochiji from WJB - June 27, 1974
      10. List of members on the Amnesty International Korea Committee
      11. Business card for Sin Ok Kang
      12. Article entitled Unification Religion - February, 1974
      13. Business card from Byong-suh Kim
      14. Article entitled The Declaration of the Overseas Koreans United for Human Rights and Democracy in Korea
      15. Handwritten notes by WJB
      16. List of people to whom the “Korea Report”was sent
      17. Correspondence from Amy Augustus to WJB - June 21, 1974
      18. Business card from Kim Chul
      19. Address for Donald Wilson
      20. Copy of a book of newspaper clippings concerning Korea - 1973-1974
      21. Four copies of the “Korea Report”by WJB for Amnesty International
      22. Booklet from the IDOC Documentation Participation Project entitled The Future of the Missionary Enterprise No. 7 - 1974
      23. Booklet from the IDOC Documentation Participation Project entitled Israelis and Palestinians: After the October War No. 66 - October, 1974


    6. Folder # 470 - Three Reports